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Houdini/Arnold Materials break transform/geo changes May 17, 2024, 2:13 p.m.

I'm trying to report a nasty bug in Houdini 20. 
I load in my alembic that has animation. I apply all my groups and then use my materials. once it's lookdeved everything rendering nicely. I feel happy. Till I need to split things off, convert it, make a change, and merge it back into the asset. Example. My car tires weren't spinning, but I wanted to do that in Houdini, so the car as a whole moves in the alembic, and then I split the tires out, rotate them, and then merge them back into the rest of the car. when I add any transformation/movement all my Arnold materials no longer get recognized and Arnold will render it as if there was no material assigned. This happens no matter the order. If I do all the geo changes before or after the material assignment I get the same results. Broken materials. But if I remove those changes, and just DON'T touch the alembic, everything renders fine. Seems that if I move the geo node at the top, I get the same results, materials break. HOWEVER, if I add a null onto the geo node, and move that, things render fine. This isn't ideal. This wasn't a thing before. Houdini 19.5 would not break when I did the above approach. Baking out all my changes into a new alembic and bringing those changes back in, would work, and materials would not break. Again, it's not ideal. 

Houdini 20

Vorni Fracture issues March 29, 2014, 5:46 a.m.

Vorni Fracture issues March 29, 2014, 2:32 a.m.

Hey so I have this building I am trying to destroy, (REALLY new to Houdini guys, please bare with me.)

I added a scatter node, and attached that to the VoroniFracture node, and hit play, and I noticed something, there are pieces that stay frozen in space, and the pieces that do break away and fall interact with these floating pieces, giving a very broken unrealistic look.

Here is the scene, if anyone could help me fix this and maybe help explain why this happened or how to avoid this in the future, I'd love you so much haha.

I really love this program so far, want to spend more time in it.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16439287/demolitionSIM_V001.zip [dl.dropboxusercontent.com]