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2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
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23 //
24 #ifndef PXR_BASE_GF_MATH_H
25 #define PXR_BASE_GF_MATH_H
27 /// \file gf/math.h
28 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
29 /// Assorted mathematical utility functions.
31 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
32 #include "pxr/base/arch/math.h"
33 #include "pxr/base/gf/api.h"
34 #include "pxr/base/gf/traits.h"
36 #include <type_traits>
40 /// Returns true if \p a and \p b are with \p epsilon of each other.
41 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
42 inline bool GfIsClose(double a, double b, double epsilon) {
43  return fabs(a-b) < epsilon;
44 }
46 /// Converts an angle in radians to degrees.
47 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
48 inline double GfRadiansToDegrees(double radians) {
49  return radians * (180.0 / M_PI);
50 }
52 /// Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
53 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
54 inline double GfDegreesToRadians(double degrees) {
55  return degrees * (M_PI / 180.0);
56 }
58 /// Returns the inner product of \c x with itself: specifically, \c x*x.
59 /// Defined for \c int, \c float, \c double, and all \c GfVec types.
60 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
61 template <class T>
62 inline double GfSqr(const T& x) {
63  return x * x;
64 }
66 /// Return the signum of \p v (i.e. -1, 0, or 1).
67 ///
68 /// The type \c T must implement the < and > operators; the function returns
69 /// zero only if value neither positive, nor negative.
70 ///
71 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
72 template <typename T>
73 inline T
74 GfSgn(T v) {
75  return (v < 0) ? -1 : ((v > 0) ? 1 : 0);
76 }
78 /// Return sqrt(\p f).
79 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
80 inline double GfSqrt(double f) { return std::sqrt(f); }
81 /// Return sqrt(\p f).
82 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
83 inline float GfSqrt(float f) { return std::sqrt(f); }
85 /// Return exp(\p f).
86 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
87 inline double GfExp(double f) { return std::exp(f); }
88 /// Return exp(\p f).
89 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
90 inline float GfExp(float f) { return std::exp(f); }
92 /// Return log(\p f).
93 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
94 inline double GfLog(double f) { return std::log(f); }
95 /// Return log(\p f).
96 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
97 inline float GfLog(float f) { return std::log(f); }
99 /// Return floor(\p f).
100 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
101 inline double GfFloor(double f) { return std::floor(f); }
102 /// Return floor(\p f).
103 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
104 inline float GfFloor(float f) { return std::floor(f); }
106 /// Return ceil(\p f).
107 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
108 inline double GfCeil(double f) { return std::ceil(f); }
109 /// Return ceil(\p f).
110 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
111 inline float GfCeil(float f) { return std::ceil(f); }
113 /// Return abs(\p f).
114 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
115 inline double GfAbs(double f) { return std::fabs(f); }
116 /// Return abs(\p f).
117 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
118 inline float GfAbs(float f) { return std::fabs(f); }
120 /// Return round(\p f).
121 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
122 inline double GfRound(double f) { return std::rint(f); }
123 /// Return round(\p f).
124 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
125 inline float GfRound(float f) { return std::rint(f); }
127 /// Return pow(\p f, \p p).
128 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
129 inline double GfPow(double f, double p) { return std::pow(f, p); }
130 /// Return pow(\p f, \p p).
131 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
132 inline float GfPow(float f, float p) { return std::pow(f, p); }
134 /// Return sin(\p v).
135 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
136 inline double GfSin(double v) { return std::sin(v); }
137 /// Return sin(\p v).
138 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
139 inline float GfSin(float v) { return std::sin(v); }
140 /// Return cos(\p v).
141 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
142 inline double GfCos(double v) { return std::cos(v); }
143 /// Return cos(\p v).
144 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
145 inline float GfCos(float v) { return std::cos(v); }
146 /// Return sin(\p v) in \p s and cos(\p v) in \p c.
147 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
148 inline void GfSinCos(double v, double *s, double *c) { ArchSinCos(v, s, c); }
149 /// Return sin(\p v) in \p s and cos(\p v) in \p c.
150 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
151 inline void GfSinCos(float v, float *s, float *c) { ArchSinCosf(v, s, c); }
153 /// Return the resulting of clamping \p value to lie between
154 /// \p min and \p max. This function is also defined for GfVecs.
155 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
156 inline double GfClamp(double value, double min, double max) {
157  if (value < min) return min;
158  if (value > max) return max;
159  return value;
160 }
162 /// \overload
163 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
164 inline float GfClamp(float value, float min, float max) {
165  if (value < min) return min;
166  if (value > max) return max;
167  return value;
168 }
170 /// The mod function with "correct" behaviour for negative numbers.
171 ///
172 /// If \p a = \c n \p b for some integer \p n, zero is returned.
173 /// Otherwise, for positive \p a, the value returned is \c fmod(a,b),
174 /// and for negative \p a, the value returned is \c fmod(a,b)+b.
175 ///
176 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
177 GF_API
178 double GfMod(double a, double b);
179 /// \overload
180 // \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
181 GF_API
182 float GfMod(float a, float b);
184 /// Linear interpolation function.
185 ///
186 /// For any type that supports multiplication by a scalar and binary addition, returns
187 /// \code
188 /// (1-alpha) * a + alpha * b
189 /// \endcode
190 ///
191 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
192 template <class T>
193 inline T GfLerp( double alpha, const T& a, const T& b) {
194  return (1-alpha)* a + alpha * b;
195 }
197 /// Returns the smallest of the given \c values.
198 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
199 template <class T>
200 inline T GfMin(T a1, T a2) {
201  return (a1 < a2 ? a1 : a2);
202 }
203 template <class T>
204 inline T GfMin(T a1, T a2, T a3) {
205  return GfMin(GfMin(a1, a2), a3);
206 }
207 template <class T>
208 inline T GfMin(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4) {
209  return GfMin(GfMin(a1, a2, a3), a4);
210 }
211 template <class T>
212 inline T GfMin(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5) {
213  return GfMin(GfMin(a1, a2, a3, a4), a5);
214 }
216 /// Returns the largest of the given \c values.
217 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
218 template <class T>
219 inline T GfMax(T a1, T a2) {
220  return (a1 < a2 ? a2 : a1);
221 }
222 template <class T>
223 inline T GfMax(T a1, T a2, T a3) {
224  return GfMax(GfMax(a1, a2), a3);
225 }
226 template <class T>
227 inline T GfMax(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4) {
228  return GfMax(GfMax(a1, a2, a3), a4);
229 }
230 template <class T>
231 inline T GfMax(T a1, T a2, T a3, T a4, T a5) {
232  return GfMax(GfMax(a1, a2, a3, a4), a5);
233 }
235 /// Returns the dot (inner) product of two vectors.
236 /// For scalar types, this is just the regular product.
237 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
238 template <typename Left, typename Right,
241 inline decltype(std::declval<Left>() * std::declval<Right>())
243  return left * right;
244 }
246 /// Returns component-wise multiplication of vectors.
247 /// For scalar types, this is just the regular product.
248 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
249 template <typename Left, typename Right,
252 inline decltype(std::declval<Left>() * std::declval<Right>())
254  return left * right;
255 }
257 /// Returns component-wise quotient of vectors.
258 /// For scalar types, this is just the regular quotient.
259 /// \ingroup group_gf_BasicMath
260 template <typename Left, typename Right,
262  GfIsArithmetic<Right>::value, int> = 0>
263 inline decltype(std::declval<Left>() / std::declval<Right>())
265  return left / right;
266 }
271 #endif // PXR_BASE_GF_MATH_H
SYS_API double cos(double x)
Definition: SYS_FPUMath.h:69
decltype(std::declval< Left >()*std::declval< Right >()) GfCompMult(Left left, Right right)
Definition: math.h:253
#define M_PI
Definition: math.h:41
double GfSqrt(double f)
Definition: math.h:80
double GfClamp(double value, double min, double max)
Definition: math.h:156
Definition: ImathFun.h:112
GLint left
Definition: glcorearb.h:2005
const GLdouble * v
Definition: glcorearb.h:837
GLsizei const GLfloat * value
Definition: glcorearb.h:824
vfloat4 sqrt(const vfloat4 &a)
Definition: simd.h:7481
GLdouble right
Definition: glad.h:2817
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean a
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
GLdouble s
Definition: glad.h:3009
ImageBuf OIIO_API min(Image_or_Const A, Image_or_Const B, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
T GfSgn(T v)
Definition: math.h:74
void GfSinCos(double v, double *s, double *c)
Definition: math.h:148
T GfLerp(double alpha, const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: math.h:193
double GfPow(double f, double p)
Definition: math.h:129
double GfAbs(double f)
Definition: math.h:115
T GfMin(T a1, T a2)
Definition: math.h:200
double GfExp(double f)
Definition: math.h:87
double GfRound(double f)
Definition: math.h:122
ImageBuf OIIO_API pow(const ImageBuf &A, cspan< float > B, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
GLfloat f
Definition: glcorearb.h:1926
T GfMax(T a1, T a2)
Definition: math.h:219
double GfCeil(double f)
Definition: math.h:108
double GfSin(double v)
Definition: math.h:136
GLfloat GLfloat GLfloat alpha
Definition: glcorearb.h:112
double GfSqr(const T &x)
Definition: math.h:62
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: glcorearb.h:1222
PXR_NAMESPACE_OPEN_SCOPE bool GfIsClose(double a, double b, double epsilon)
Definition: math.h:42
GLint GLenum GLint x
Definition: glcorearb.h:409
double GfCos(double v)
Definition: math.h:142
double GfDegreesToRadians(double degrees)
Definition: math.h:54
double GfFloor(double f)
Definition: math.h:101
double GfLog(double f)
Definition: math.h:94
Definition: ImathFun.h:119
GF_API double GfMod(double a, double b)
decltype(std::declval< Left >()/std::declval< Right >()) GfCompDiv(Left left, Right right)
Definition: math.h:264
Definition: path.h:1441
decltype(std::declval< Left >()*std::declval< Right >()) GfDot(Left left, Right right)
Definition: math.h:242
ImageBuf OIIO_API max(Image_or_Const A, Image_or_Const B, ROI roi={}, int nthreads=0)
Definition: pxr.h:91
Definition: core.h:1131
OIIO_FORCEINLINE T log(const T &v)
Definition: simd.h:7688
vint4 rint(const vfloat4 &a)
Definition: simd.h:7456
Convert degrees to radians.
Definition: fmath.h:669
double GfRadiansToDegrees(double radians)
Definition: math.h:48
SYS_API double sin(double x)
Definition: SYS_FPUMath.h:71
#define GF_API
Definition: api.h:40
Convert radians to degrees.
Definition: fmath.h:673