Houdini 20.0 hapi

hapi.getOutputGeoInfos function

Gets the geometry info structs (::HAPI_GeoInfo) for a node’s


getOutputGeoInfos(session: hapi.Session, node_id: int, count: int) → list of hapi.GeoInfo

Gets the geometry info structs (::HAPI_GeoInfo) for a node’s main geometry outputs. This method can only be called after hapi.getOutputGeoCount has been called with the same node id.


The session of Houdini you are interacting with. See hapi.Session for more on sessions. Pass None to just use the default in-process session.


The node id of the Object or SOP node to get the output geometry info structs (::HAPI_GeoInfo) for.


Sanity check count. The count must be equal to the count returned by the hapi.getOutputGeoCount method.

Returns geo_infos_array as a list of hapi.GeoInfo.
