Houdini 20.0 Nodes Geometry nodes

Capture Metaball geometry node

Captures points on geometry to metaballs, similarly to capturing to a bone.

This node type is deprecated. It is scheduled to be deleted in an upcoming revision of Houdini.

(Since version 15.5.)

By itself, this operator does not affect the geometry. The metaballs are not output.

Connect the skin geometry to the first input, and input the paths to the metaball SOPs in the Metaball SOPs parameter. The metaballs must be in primitive groups . To interactively perform a capture, use the Capture Geometry tool at the OBJ level.

Captured points will have a metaCapture point attribute containing the name of the metaball group that captured the point, and the group’s weighting.

The density of the metaball where it captured the skin geometry at the capture frame controls how much influence the metaball has when it deforms the skin geometry.

You can edit the influence of the metaballs on the skin per-group by using the Capture Layer Paint SOP


Metaball SOPs

Paths to the SOPs containing the metaballs. These are typically paths to Muscle SOPs which create a series of metaballs representing a muscle.

Capture Frame

Frame number at which to compute the capture weighting. This frame will cook slower than other frames due to the weighting computation.

Destroy Existing Weights

Destroy any existing capture weights.

Blend Factor

If destroy existing weights is off, then this parameter determines the blend factor of the created capture weights with the existing ones.

Visualize Capture

Whether to visualize the capture weights by coloring the geometry.

Visualize Type

Whether to visualize weights as a single weight, or as multiple colors for all capture regions.

Visualize Mode

For the single primitive visualize type, this specifies how to map the weights to a color.

Zero Weight Point Color

For the multiple primitives visualize type, this specifies the color used for points with zero weights.

Force Recapture

Forces the node to recook.

See also

Geometry nodes