Houdini 20.0 Reference Windows

Create Shelf Tool window

When you drag multiple nodes to the shelf, Houdini will create a shelf item that adds copies of the dragged nodes to the current network. These options control how the nodes will be created.


A reference to an icon file (SVG or image), in one of the following formats:

  • An opdef: path to an embedded file in the asset’s extra files.

  • A file path or URL for a file containing the icon.

  • The name of a built-in Houdini icon. For example, OBJ_geo or SHELF_candle.

Click the chooser button next to the field to browse for an icon. You can browse for a file on disk, or click opdef:/ in the chooser to browse embedded files, or hicon:/ to browse built-in icons.

If you choose a file on disk and Embed icon in operator is on, when you click Accept Houdini will automatically copy the file into the asset’s extra files and replace the Icon field with an opdef: reference to the embedded icon.

Houdini lets you automatically connect nodes to existing inputs and outputs by right clicking them. Since this new shelf item will create multiple nodes at once, it’s ambiguous which of the nodes should be connected to the input/output you clicked. The following pop-up menus let you choose which of the dragged nodes to use in these cases.

Input Node

If you right click a node output and choose the new shelf item from the menu (meaning you want to add the nodes to that output), this node will be connected to the output.

Output Node

If you right click a node input and choose the new shelf item from the


You can edit additional options by right-clicking the shelf item and choosing Edit tool after you create it.
