Houdini 20.0 Shelf tools

Attract Fluid shelf tool

Draws fluid toward a target.

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The Attract Fluid tool draws fluid toward a target object. This is useful for simulating a vacuum or any kind of suction force. It can also be used to direct the movement of smoke to condense around a shape. For example, simulating a cloud of smoke taking the form of a genie.


The fluid must be a volume fluid. Attract fluid will not work with SPH or FLIP fluids.

Using Attract Fluid

  1. Create a fluid container, a source object, and a target object. You can use either Source from Volume, Source from Surface, or Source from Points.


The source and target objects have to be inside the same fluid container.

  1. Click Attract Fluid on the Volume Fluids tab of the shelf.

  2. Select the target object for the fluid to attract to, then press Enter.

  3. Select the fluid container that contains the source and target objects, then press Enter.

  4. Choose from the popup dialog whether you want to attract to a Volume, Surface, or Points.

See also

Shelf tools

Using the shelf

  • Customize the shelf

    How to change the look of the shelf, change and rearrange its contents, and create your own shelf tools.
