Thomas Mangold

Tom Mangold

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VAT somehow not shading correctly. May 14, 2024, 11:03 a.m.

Oh, man. Indeed UE4.27. Solely.

On the static mesh actor holding the geo RENDERING > Ray tracing > Evaluate world position offset needs to be checked.

Houdini is sooo much easier to debug......

: )

VAT somehow not shading correctly. May 14, 2024, 10:41 a.m.

I can't figure out what's going on here. On frame 1 it looks fine. And then somehow the shading goes wrong. I tried several VAT softbody materials from the Labs_packages and different VAT bakers (2.0, 2.1, 3.0). I can't get rid of the black line in between the "shovels".

Can this be a raytracing error after all? Disabling RAY TRACING > Support ray tracing on the imported .fbx mesh gets rid of it. But then the whole look is gone.

The thing is that it worked some years ago with 4.25 and 18.5. I really can't tell what changed in the meantime. Trying to run this with 4.27.

Initially I though this might be related to the VAT exporter which exported normals back then and now rotations.

Anybody an idea what I could look for? Most likely in Unreal?


Why do Python Sop nodes recook after saving the scene? March 26, 2024, 7:45 a.m.

Thanks! That works nicely when altering the node trees, like copying stuff from a to b, but as soon as you need to alter camera perspectives or need to work on the geo and auto-save kicks in, you need to deal with the reload times. Need to check if "on mouse up" will make a difference.

Thanks for the hint.