Houdini Engine for 3ds Max
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Loading Assets

Before a Houdini Digital Asset can be used within the plug-in, it must be loaded as an asset into the plug-in. The most immediate way to do this is to load the asset via the Load Assets tab in the user interface. Whenever an asset is successfully loaded, it will appear in the list of loaded assets. Hovering over the asset will show the full path to the .hda or .otl on disk.


Automatic Asset Loading

There are also methods for automatically loading assets whenever a new Houdini session is started.

HDA Load Directory

In the options tab of the user interface, there is an option called "HDA Load Directory". This allows you to specify a directory from which the plug-in will load all .otl and .hda files it can find whenever a new Houdini session is started.



You can also use an environment variable with the name HEMAX_HDA_PATH to specify a directory from which the plug-in will load all .otl and .hda files whenever a new Houdini session is started.