Go to the source code of this file.
enum | PDG_ServiceBlockCookType { PDG_ServiceBlockCookType::eNever,
} |
| Enumeration of service block cook modes. More...
enum | PDG_ServiceResetWhen { PDG_ServiceResetWhen::eNone = 0x0,
PDG_ServiceResetWhen::eBeforeCook = 0x1,
PDG_ServiceResetWhen::eAfterCook = 0x2,
PDG_ServiceResetWhen::eBoth = 0x3
} |
| When service clients should be reset. More...
enum | PDG_ServiceResetType { PDG_ServiceResetType::eNone,
} |
enum | PDG_ServiceOwner { PDG_ServiceOwner::eScheduler,
} |
| Enumeration of the different types of service owner. More...
enum | PDG_ServiceState {
} |
| Enumeration of the different states that a service can be in. More...
enum | PDG_ServiceLogType { PDG_ServiceLogType::eNone,
} |
| Enumeration of service log types. More...
enum | PDG_ServiceStartResult { PDG_ServiceStartResult::eError,
} |
| Enumeration of possible result values from starting a service. More...
Enumeration of service block cook modes.
Enumerator |
eNever |
Work items will never cook using the service associated with the parent block
eMatch |
Work items will cook the parent block's service if it matches the service name for the node
eAlways |
Work items will always use the parent block's service.
Definition at line 20 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.
Enumeration of service log types.
Enumerator |
eNone |
The service does not do any logging – stdout is routed to /dev/null
eStdout |
The service logs to stdout.
eFile |
The service logs to a file on disk.
Definition at line 99 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.
Enumeration of the different types of service owner.
Enumerator |
eScheduler |
The service is owned by a scheduler, which means it will be tied to the lifetime of the scheduler node(s).
eSession |
The service is owned by the session, which means it will be stopped only if stopped by the user or Houdini is closed.
Definition at line 65 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.
Service client reset operation, performed each time work items acquire a new client.
Enumerator |
eNone |
The service client is not reset.
eReset |
The service client is sent the "reset" command.
eRestart |
The service client process is restarted.
Definition at line 52 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.
When service clients should be reset.
Enumerator |
eNone |
The service client is not reset.
eBeforeCook |
The service client is reset at the start of a work item or block cook.
eAfterCook |
The service client is reset at the end of a work item or block cook.
eBoth |
The service is reset at the beginning and end of a cook.
Definition at line 35 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.
Enumeration of possible result values from starting a service.
Enumerator |
eError |
An error occured and the service was not started.
eSuccess |
The service was successfully started.
eRunning |
The service was already running.
eConnecting |
The service clients are connecting in the background.
Definition at line 113 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.
Enumeration of the different states that a service can be in.
Enumerator |
eStopped |
eStopping |
eStarting |
eRunning |
eError |
Definition at line 77 of file PDG_ServiceTypes.h.