| GABC_PackedImpl () |
| GABC_PackedImpl (const GABC_PackedImpl &src) |
| ~GABC_PackedImpl () override |
GU_PackedFactory * | getFactory () const override |
| Get the factory associated with this procedural. More...
GU_PackedImpl * | copy () const override |
| Create a copy of this resolver. More...
int64 | getMemoryUsage (bool inclusive) const override |
| Report memory usage (includes all shared memory) More...
void | countMemory (UT_MemoryCounter &counter, bool inclusive) const override |
bool | isValid () const override |
| Test whether the deferred load primitive data is valid. More...
void | clearData () override |
bool | load (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_Options &options, const GA_LoadMap &map) override |
| Give a UT_Options of load data, create resolver data for the primitive. More...
bool | supportsJSONLoad () const override |
bool | loadFromJSON (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_JSONValueMap &options, const GA_LoadMap &map) override |
void | update (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_Options &options) override |
bool | save (UT_Options &options, const GA_SaveMap &map) const override |
| Copy the resolver data into the UT_Options for saving. More...
bool | loadUnknownToken (const char *token, UT_JSONParser &p, const GA_LoadMap &map) override |
bool | getBounds (UT_BoundingBox &box) const override |
| Get the bounding box for the geometry (not including transforms) More...
bool | getRenderingBounds (UT_BoundingBox &box) const override |
void | getVelocityRange (UT_Vector3 &min, UT_Vector3 &max) const override |
void | getWidthRange (fpreal &min, fpreal &max) const override |
void | getPrimitiveName (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, UT_WorkBuffer &wbuf) const override |
bool | getLocalTransform (UT_Matrix4D &m) const override |
bool | unpack (GU_Detail &destgdp, const UT_Matrix4D *transform) const override |
bool | unpackUsingPolygons (GU_Detail &destgdp, const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const override |
| Unpack without using polygon soups. More...
void | setFacesetAttribute (const UT_StringHolder &s) override |
| Alembic packed primitives do have a faceset attribute, so set it. More...
const UT_StringHolder & | facesetAttribute () const override |
| Alembic packed primitives do have a faceset attribute, so return it. More...
void | setAttributeNameMap (const GEO_PackedNameMapPtr &m) override |
const GEO_PackedNameMapPtr & | attributeNameMap () const override |
void | setSharedNameMapData (GA_SharedDataHandlePtr s) override |
| This should only be called during load. More...
GT_PrimitiveHandle | instanceGT (bool ignore_visibility=false) const |
GT_TransformHandle | xformGT (const GU_PrimPacked *packed) const |
const GABC_IObject & | object () const |
const UT_StringArray & | filenames () const |
UT_StringHolder | filenamesJSON () const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicFilename (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicFilenamesJSON (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
const UT_StringHolder & | objectPath () const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicObjectPath (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicSourcePath (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | intrinsicPointCount (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
fpreal | frame () const |
fpreal | intrinsicFrame (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
bool | useTransform () const |
bool | intrinsicUseTransform (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
bool | useVisibility () const |
bool | intrinsicUseVisibility (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
GABC_NodeType | nodeType () const |
GEO_AnimationType | animationType () const |
int | currentLoadStyle () const |
bool | isConstant () const |
const char * | intrinsicAnimation (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
const char * | intrinsicNodeType (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | intrinsicVisibility (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | intrinsicFullVisibility (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicPoint (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicVertex (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicPrimitive (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicDetail (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
UT_StringHolder | intrinsicFaceSet (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | getPropertiesHash () const |
void | setObject (const GABC_IObject &v) |
void | setFilename (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_StringHolder &v) |
void | setFilenames (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_StringArray &v) |
void | setFilenamesJSON (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_StringHolder &v) |
void | setObjectPath (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const UT_StringHolder &v) |
void | setFrame (GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal f) |
void | setUseTransform (GU_PrimPacked *prim, bool v) |
void | setUseVisibility (GU_PrimPacked *prim, bool v) |
bool | visibleGT (bool *is_animated=NULL) const |
GT_PrimitiveHandle | fullGT (const GU_PrimPacked *packed, int load_style=GABC_IObject::GABC_LOAD_FULL) const |
GT_PrimitiveHandle | pointGT (const GU_PrimPacked *packed) const |
GT_PrimitiveHandle | boxGT (const GU_PrimPacked *packed) const |
GT_PrimitiveHandle | centroidGT (const GU_PrimPacked *packed) const |
| GU_PackedImpl () |
virtual | ~GU_PackedImpl () |
| GU_PackedImpl (const GU_PackedImpl &src)=default |
GU_PackedImpl & | operator= (const GU_PackedImpl &src)=default |
virtual bool | saveSharedData (UT_JSONWriter &w, GA_SaveMap &map, GA_GeometryIndex *geo_index) const |
virtual bool | loadSharedData (int load_data_type, const GA_SharedLoadData *item) |
bool | getBoundsCached (UT_BoundingBox &box) const |
virtual bool | getVisibleBounds (UT_BoundingBox &box) const |
bool | getVisibleBoundsCached (UT_BoundingBox &box) const |
virtual bool | unpackWithContext (GU_Detail &destgdp, GU_PackedContext &context, const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
bool | unpack (GU_Detail &destgdp, const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
virtual bool | unpackWithStyler (GU_Detail &destgdp, STY_StylerGroup &prim_styler_group, const STY_Styler &parent_styler, const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
virtual void | forceLoad () const |
virtual bool | isLoaded () const |
virtual GU_ConstDetailHandle | getPackedDetail (GU_PackedContext *context=0) const |
bool | pointInstanceTransform () const |
bool | intrinsicPointInstanceTransform (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
void | setPointInstanceTransform (GU_PrimPacked *prim, bool b) |
| Set whether point instancing should be used. More...
virtual bool | saveCachedBBox () const |
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool | isShared () const |
SYS_FORCE_INLINE GU_PackedImpl * | copyIfShared () |
int64 | intrinsic3Tuple (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | intrinsic6Tuple (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | intrinsic9Tuple (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
int64 | intrinsic16Tuple (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
std::string | intrinsicPrimitiveName (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
const char * | intrinsicFactoryName (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
const char * | intrinsicFactoryLabel (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
void | intrinsicPackedBox (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal64 *vals, exint sz) const |
void | intrinsicPackedRenderBox (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal64 *vals, exint sz) const |
void | intrinsicPivot (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal64 *vals, exint sz) const |
void | intrinsicSetPivot (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const fpreal64 *vals, exint sz) |
void | intrinsicPrimTransform (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal64 *vals, exint sz) const |
void | intrinsicSetPrimTransform (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const fpreal64 *v, exint sz) |
void | intrinsicPackedTransform (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal64 *v, exint sz) const |
void | intrinsicFullTransform (const GU_PrimPacked *prim, fpreal64 *v, exint sz) const |
const char * | intrinsicViewportLOD (const GU_PrimPacked *prim) const |
void | intrinsicSetViewportLOD (GU_PrimPacked *prim, const char *lod) |
SYS_FORCE_INLINE | UT_IntrusiveRefCounter () noexcept |
| Default constructor: Sets counter to 0. More...
SYS_FORCE_INLINE | UT_IntrusiveRefCounter (const UT_IntrusiveRefCounter &) noexcept |
| Copy constructor: Sets counter to 0. More...
UT_IntrusiveRefCounter & | operator= (const UT_IntrusiveRefCounter &) noexcept |
| Assignment operator: Does not modify counter. More...
SYS_FORCE_INLINE uint32 | use_count () const noexcept |
| Return current counter. More...
SYS_FORCE_INLINE bool | conditionalAddRef () noexcept |
typedef fpreal(GU_PackedImpl::* | FloatGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | FloatSetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, fpreal) |
typedef GA_Size(GU_PackedImpl::* | IntGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | IntSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, GA_Size) |
typedef bool(GU_PackedImpl::* | BoolGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | BoolSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, bool) |
typedef const char
*(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const char *) |
typedef UT_OptionsHolder(GU_PackedImpl::* | DictGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | DictSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const UT_OptionsHolder &) |
typedef std::string(GU_PackedImpl::* | StdStringGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StdStringSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const std::string &) |
typedef UT_StringHolder(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringHolderGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringHolderSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const UT_StringHolder &) |
typedef fpreal(GU_PackedImpl::* | FloatTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | FloatTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, fpreal) |
typedef GA_Size(GU_PackedImpl::* | IntTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | IntTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, GA_Size) |
typedef bool(GU_PackedImpl::* | BoolTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | BoolTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, bool) |
typedef const char
*(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, const char *) |
typedef UT_OptionsHolder(GU_PackedImpl::* | DictTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | DictTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, const UT_OptionsHolder &) |
typedef const std::string
&(GU_PackedImpl::* | StdStringTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StdStringTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, const std::string &) |
typedef const UT_StringHolder
&(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringHolderTupleGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringHolderTupleSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, exint, const UT_StringHolder &) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | F32VectorGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, fpreal32 *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | F32VectorSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const fpreal32 *, exint) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | F64VectorGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, fpreal64 *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | F64VectorSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const fpreal64 *, exint) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | I32VectorGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, int32 *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | I32VectorSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const int32 *, exint) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | I64VectorGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, int64 *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | I64VectorSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const int64 *, exint) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | BVectorGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, bool *, exint) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | BVectorSetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const bool *, exint) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringArrayGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, UT_StringArray &) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | StringArraySetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const UT_StringArray &) |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | DictArrayGetter )(const GU_PrimPacked *, UT_Array< UT_OptionsHolder > &) const |
typedef void(GU_PackedImpl::* | DictArraySetter )(GU_PrimPacked *, const UT_Array< UT_OptionsHolder > &) |
static void | copyPrimitiveGroups (GU_Detail &dest, const GU_Detail &src, GA_Offset src_offset, bool force=false) |
template<typename T > |
static bool | import (const UT_JSONValueMap &options, const UT_StringRef &key, T &value) |
template<typename T > |
static bool | import (const UT_Options &options, const UT_StringRef &key, T &value) |
static const GEO_PackedNameMapPtr | theNullPackedNameMapPtr |
Definition at line 41 of file GABC_PackedImpl.h.