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1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 // names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 // and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 // the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
27 // 18 -> 19: Add support for SceneDelegate surface shaders.
28 // 19 -> 20: RenderPass constructor takes RenderIndex. RasterState class.
29 // 20 -> 21: Add HdSceneDelegate::IsEnabled().
30 // 21 -> 22: split HdRasterState out of HdRenderPass and renamed to HdRenderPassState.
31 // HdEngine::Draw API change.
32 // 22 -> 23: remove ID render API
33 // 23 -> 24: GetPathForInstanceIndex returns absolute instance index.
34 // 24 -> 25: move simpleLightingShader to Hdx.
35 // 25 -> 26: move camera and light to Hdx.
36 // 26 -> 27: move drawTarget to Hdx.
37 // 27 -> 28: switch render index Sprim to take a typeId.
38 // 28 -> 29: cameras only support matrices.
39 // 29 -> 30: added IDRenderColor decode and direct Rprim path fetching.
40 // 30 -> 31: added pre-chained buffer sources
41 // 31 -> 32: renamed HdShader{Param} to HdMaterial{Param}
42 // 32 -> 33: Deleted GetPathForInstanceIndex; added GetScenePrimPath.
43 // 32 -> 34: Added HdInstancerContext to GetScenePrimPath.
44 // 34 -> 35: HdRepr is using std::unique_ptr<HdDrawItem>
45 // 35 -> 36: InsertRprim/InsertInstancer no longer take instancerId,
46 // HdSceneDelegate now has GetInstancerId
47 // 36 -> 37: Renamed HdRprim::_SetMaterialId to SetMaterialId. It no longer
48 // takes changeTracker.
49 // 37 -> 38: Removed Bprim garbage collection API from HdChangeTracker and
50 // HdResourceRegistry.
51 // 38 -> 39: Removed garbage collection API from HdChangeTracker and
52 // HdResourceRegistry.
53 // Added HdSceneDelegate::GetInstancerPrototypes.
54 // 39 -> 40: Removed Bind and Unbind API from HdRenderPassState.
55 // 40 -> 41: Renamed HdDelegate::GetMaterialNeworkselector() to
56 // GetMaterialRenderContexts(). It now returns a TfTokenVector.
57 // 41 -> 42: Removed GetMaterialTag() from HdRenderIndex.
58 // 42 -> 43: Removed HdCamera pulling on view and projection matrix.
59 // 43 -> 44: Replaced HdCamera::GetProjectionMatrix with
60 // HdComputeProjectionMatrix.
61 // 44 -> 45: Added HdSceneDelegate::GetScenePrimPaths.
62 // 45 -> 46: New signatures for HdRendererPlugin::IsSupported and
63 // HdRendererPluginRegistry::GetDefaultPluginId
64 // 46 -> 47: Adding HdRenderDelegate::GetRenderSettingsNamespaces()
65 // 47 -> 48: New signature for HdRenderIndex::InsertSceneIndex: added optional
66 // argument needsPrefixing
67 // 48 -> 49: Moved HdExtCompCpuComputation, Hd_ExtCompInputSource,
68 // Hd_CompExtCompInputSource, and Hd_SceneExtCompInputSource to hdSt.
69 // 49 -> 50: Added HdModelDrawMode struct and getter API to HdSceneDelegate.
70 // 50 -> 51: HdMaterialBindingSchema became HdMaterialBindingsSchema which uses
71 // the new HdMaterialBindingSchema.
72 // 51 -> 52: Added lens distortion, focus, and split diopter parameters to
73 // HdCamera.
74 // 52 -> 53: Changing dirty bits of HdCoordSys.
75 // 53 -> 54: Introducing HdFlattenedDataSourceProvider to make
76 // HdFlatteningSceneIndex modular.
77 // 54 -> 55: Introduce API in HdRenderDelegate to aid in transitioning
78 // render delegates to a Hydra 2.0 world.
79 // 55 -> 56: Adds hydra-namespaced internal instancer primvars
80 // 56 -> 57: Changing SetOverrideWindowPolicy to std::optional on
81 // HdRenderPassState, HdxPickFromRenderBufferTaskParams,
82 // HdxTaskController and UsdImagingGLEngine.
83 // 57 -> 58: Introducing hdsi/version.h
84 // 58 -> 59: HdGeomSubsetsSchema::GetIds() renamed to
85 // HdGeomSubsetsSchema::GetGeomSubsetNames().
86 // 59 -> 60: Introduced HdRenderDelegate::GetCapabilities().
87 // 60 -> 61: Adding HdPrimvarSchema::GetFlattenedPrimvarValue().
88 // Note that in an upcoming change,
89 // HdPrimvarSchema::GetPrimvarValue() might change and
90 // simply return the data source source at primvarValue.
91 // 61 -> 62: Remove 'bindingStrength' from HdMaterialBindingSchema.
92 // 62 -> 63: HdMaterialSchema::GetMaterialNetwork,
93 // HdMaterialNetwork::GetNodes, GetTerminals,
94 // HdMaterialNode::GetParameters, GetInputConnections
95 // return Hydra schemas instead of just container data sources.
96 // schemaTypeDefs.h replaces vectorSchemaTypeDefs.h.
97 // 63 -> 64: Adding disableDepthOfField to HdRenderSettings::RenderProduct
98 //
100 #define HD_API_VERSION 64
102 // 1 -> 2: SimpleLighting -> FallbackLighting
103 #define HD_SHADER_API 2