Houdini 20.0 hapi

hapi.createInputCurveNode function

Helper for creating specifically creating a curve input geometry SOP.

Note that when saving the Houdini scene using hapi.saveHIPFile the nodes created with this method will be green and will start with the name “input”.


createInputCurveNode(session: hapi.Session, name: str) → int

Helper for creating specifically creating a curve input geometry SOP. This will create a dummy OBJ node with a Null SOP inside that contains the the hapi.ATTRIB_INPUT_CURVE_COORDS attribute. It will setup the node as a curve part with no points. In addition to creating the input node, it will also commit and cook the geometry.


The session of Houdini you are interacting with. See hapi.Session for more on sessions. Pass None to just use the default in-process session.


Give this input node a name for easy debugging. The node’s parent OBJ node and the Null SOP node will both get this given name with “input_” prepended. You can also pass None in which case the name will be “input#” where # is some number.

Returns node_id as a int.
