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  • Explosion sourcing workflow with the ability to easily add explosion trails. This makes it possible to set up and simulate impressive, high-end pyro explosions with minimal setup effort.

  • Interactive real-time simulation performance via a new Minimal OpenCL Solve mode on the Pyro Solver SOP, which is useful for very rapid prototyping.

  • Nvidia nanoVDB support for minimal solver.

  • New Pyro Bake Volume SOP and Pyro Shader VOP for rendering volumes. These new nodes make it easy to get glowing fireballs and sooty explosions.

  • Newly improved Attribute Noise SOP with a redesigned interface and 40-60% cook speed improvements.

  • You can now use color fields with sparse pyro.

  • New Pyro Burst Source SOP creates the sourcing for the core of the explosion and lets you shape how the explosion will look. You can create single bursts, multi bursts, or consecutive multi bursts.

  • The ability to add explosion trails using the new Pyro Trail Path and Pyro Trail Source SOPs either as part of a pyro simulation where the trails will interact with the explosion, or as a secondary simulation to capture the effect of the main explosion on the trails. You can generate trails either in a spherical shape from which the trails are launched outward, or along the direction of the burst which allows you to start trails from the mushroom cloud as it rises.

Pyro Shelf tools

  • Simple Fireball on the Simple FX shelf and Sparse Fireball on the Sparse Pyro FX shelf now use the new pyro sourcing and bake volume nodes to create a large rising and expanding explosion.

  • Simple Bonfire tool on the Simple FX shelf to create a bonfire simulation using the sparse pyro solver in SOPs. This is the SOP equivalent of the Bonfire tool on the Sparse Pyro FX shelf.

FLIP fluids

  • Solve Viscosity with Adaptivity option on the FLIP Solver that replaces the pressure values for fluid far from the surface with coarser and coarser approximations to reduce solve times of the pressure.

What’s new in Houdini 18.5