Houdini 20.5 Nodes Shader nodes

Labs Flowmap Shader geometry node

The flowmap SHOP is a glsl based viewport shader to preview flowmap shaders.

The flowmap SHOP is a glsl based viewport shader to preview flowmap shaders. This shader is used in the sop called Flowmap Visualize, which takes vertex colors or a texture representing motion. This shader will visualize motion by distorting the UVs based on input flowmap data.

Parameters ΒΆ

Diffuse Texture

The diffuse texture visualizing the displacement by the flowmap texture. This is typically a texture resembling water, or an array of arrows to easily identify the direction of motion.

Diffuse Tiling

This controls the tiling amount of the Diffuse Texture. Useful to adjust without having to modify any UV values.

Flowmap Mode

This allows you to specify what kind of data drives the flowmap motion. Color will use the vertexcolors, texture will use the Flowmap Texture parm texture.

Flowmap Texture

When Flowmap Mode is set to texture, this is the texture that will be used to drive motion.


This parameter controls the time in the shader. This needs to be animated for the shader to function properly.


This controls the speed of the flowmap distortion.


This controls the intensity of the flowmap distortion.

Shader nodes