How can Students access Houdini Education licenses from home or their personal computers?
There are several different options available through which students can access Houdini Education licenses from their personal computers:
1) Accessing school’s existing licenses via central network license server
- Often requires most work by school IT
- Students’ computers need to be connected to the school’s network in order to access the licenses
2) Accessing school's existing licenses via Login-based Licensing
- Please refer here for important considerations for Schools.
- If licenses were previously installed using a different method, requires some intervention from school administration/IT
- Stable internet connection needed
- No limitations based on location
- It is strongly recommended that individual student’s emails are used as account logins, rather than using a shared login
3) Students can purchase their own Houdini Education license directly from SideFX
- Requires little to no intervention from school administration/IT
- Students are responsible for Billing, Installation and any Renewals/Replacements
4) Temporary Home licenses [For Houdini Certified Schools only]
- Instructors/administrators should contact education@sidefx.com for more details, if your school is eligible (Houdini Certified).
- Click here for information about Houdini Certification