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Hi everybody!

Pardon my lack of Houdini skills, but I'm trying to keep the max Y primitive of a bounding box.
I have a Bound SOP to visualize the bounding box of the primitives, but I'd like to blast/delete all of of the bounding box primitives except for the D_YMAX. The bounding box is set to “Oriented Bounding Box”. I just want the top surface of the bounding box. I think I'm doing something wrong with the blast/delete expression. Could someone help please? Please.

Thank you in advance!

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Joined: June 2018
In a attribute wrangle you can use the relbbox vex function. This will return a vector. if you grab the y element from that vector you'll have the points normalized position (between 0-1). You can then use removepoint() to remove any points that fall below a threshold (0.99 for example
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