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Technical Discussion » Scripting to select Bundles and contents
- CoreSign
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PDG/TOPs » Deadline scheduler H20.5
- CoreSign
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PDG/TOPs » How to using Concurrent task in PDG deadline scheduler[20.5]
- CoreSign
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Due to houdini 20.5 Deadline Scheduler now submits one job per work item,so it's not able to using Concurrent task function, beacuse one job only get one task.
PDG/TOPs » Deadline scheduler H20.5
- CoreSign
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I submitted as a bug ,and get reply:
Please try enabling "inherit local environment".
This behavior change is noted in the H20.5 What's New documentation (
The Houdini 20.5 Deadline Scheduler now submits one job per work item as opposed to Houdini 20.0 where the Deadline Scheduler submitted one task per work item.
Fix the problem.
Please try enabling "inherit local environment".
This behavior change is noted in the H20.5 What's New documentation (
The Houdini 20.5 Deadline Scheduler now submits one job per work item as opposed to Houdini 20.0 where the Deadline Scheduler submitted one task per work item.
Fix the problem.
Technical Discussion » Houdini freezes: how to issue a bug report?
- CoreSign
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I also want to know how to report a random crash ,sometimes it's hard to reproduce,There are several Solaris viewport bugs that are so deadly that they affect the experience
Edited by CoreSign - Aug. 4, 2024 08:38:51
Technical Discussion » How to bake texture to other uv in Copernicus
- CoreSign
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GrahamDClarkWork like a charm,Thank you so much for your help!
Use a COPs out of rasterized UV map and then labs maps baker which is non-procedural, or,
Inside of COPs, defer baking and keep procedural, use uvsample() in SOPs or COPs: wrangle COP:
@C = uvsample(1, "uv_new", "uv", v@P);
Will make a shorter vid showing just this, but for now its in here: []
That gets slow live, and if your UVs are static no need to keep it live, so you can insert a ROP save image after that wrangle COP, then file COP it back in to you COP network and pipe that into a texture sample COP to put your texture into that other uv, and then ROP image render that texture
Technical Discussion » How to bake texture to other uv in Copernicus
- CoreSign
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Technical Discussion » Can I prevent some openFX plugin from loading?
- CoreSign
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Solaris and Karma » Slowdown when using Opacity Map [XPU]
- CoreSign
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I found that this also affects the response speed of xpu ipr, and I don't know if there is a good solution
Edited by CoreSign - July 15, 2024 22:29:48
Solaris and Karma » Viewport render doesn't save AOVs in image
- CoreSign
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robp_sidefxplease add the function to the "save current renderer image" button
Try Houdini 20 ... Render Gallery snapshots now capture all the AOVs
Technical Discussion » Find geometry symmetrize plane
- CoreSign
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Is there any way to find the symmetry axis or line of the model procedurally? no matte the model is center in the coordinate or not like this.
Solaris and Karma » Why Scene import is so slow!
- CoreSign
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I'm simplify the scene and screen record some comparison to show the difference
Edited by CoreSign - March 13, 2024 23:26:57
Solaris and Karma » Why Scene import is so slow!
- CoreSign
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Scene import node is so slow ,Especially when importing materials for complex scenes,I wrote my own tool that gives a 10x boost in complex scenes, but I know my own code level is not very good, I hope to provide a idea, get everyone's help together to improve the tool.
Solaris and Karma » Redshift USD Render GPU affinity
- CoreSign
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Solaris and Karma » Python node prevents network cook
- CoreSign
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I actually want to know if there is a way to stop cook up stream nodes,when I scene import a lot of geo into lop, any manipulate in sop can cost a lot of time to cook the node ,so I want to stop cook up stream and update once
Solaris and Karma » Very slow transform
- CoreSign
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Technical Discussion » 12% cpu usage to open file
- CoreSign
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It's possible to use multi-thread to load the file, I'm facing the same problem with loading a big project takes a long time.
Technical Discussion » Performance Monitor: just what is "Unaccounted"?
- CoreSign
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Work in Progress » HDA | interartive quad generator
- CoreSign
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What about displaying a handle like extrude node when drag finished,or change the height by holding down a keyboard button and sliding the mouse
Work in Progress » HDA | interartive quad generator
- CoreSign
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bekaheweiping.7Yes you can do it easily. Not release the mouse while drawing and adjusting the height with the mouse wheel.
It would be great if the height could be adjusted while drawing, now you need to draw a square first to guess his height, if not appropriate need to delete and redraw, there are some unintuitive.
Enjoy and have a great day!
Oh, this is great, but the interaction is a bit weird, it's harder to scroll the wheel when I press the left button, and it's easier to create the box by accident, what about showing a proxy Guide when hovering the mouse in the grid
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