I have sent this as RFE for some time now and it seems to be very low in the priority list.
I would love a better color picker and for ramp/gradients: it would be great to implement something like substance designer has.
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Houdini Lounge » Color Picker
- Doudini
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » No OpenCL platform has the specified device type !!HELP!!
- Doudini
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When will this be fixed??
edit: going back to nvidia driver 416.34.0.0 fixed it.
edit: going back to nvidia driver 416.34.0.0 fixed it.
Edited by Doudini - Nov. 26, 2018 11:15:43
Technical Discussion » UV Autoseam crashes.
- Doudini
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Houdini Lounge » Any anyone know about Solaris?
- Doudini
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Some mention of TOPs in the Documentation:
https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/sop/topnet.html [www.sidefx.com]
and PDG mentioned here:
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/hou/TopNode.html [www.sidefx.com]
https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/sop/topnet.html [www.sidefx.com]
and PDG mentioned here:
http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/hou/TopNode.html [www.sidefx.com]
Edited by Doudini - Oct. 15, 2018 19:54:17
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 17 reactions and thoughts
- Doudini
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MidphaseLOPs sounds more like Look Development Context.
Enlighten me then.
I hope LOPs will be a new context that unifies COP and MAT Context.
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 17 reactions and thoughts
- Doudini
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kind of disappointed with the non existent modeling updates. still stuck with thar awful polybevel sop. damnit.
Houdini Lounge » Is the Shader building environment that was meant to be in 16 then 16.5 in 17?
- Doudini
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Technical Discussion » License server not starting after a system restart in Fedora 26
- Doudini
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Technical Discussion » SegFault - Help with repro
- Doudini
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Houdini Lounge » "Snap a move" like in Maya
- Doudini
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Not sure but isnt this possible already with Start Orientation Picking.
you can hold down the key: ;
to temporary go into that mode. Then you can just click where you want to move the handle to.
Make sure you use a US Keyboard layout. otherwise the shortcut might not work.
With a wacom tablet there is a bug where a click does not register when there is movement between the mouse press and release event the click will not register.
you can hold down the key: ;
to temporary go into that mode. Then you can just click where you want to move the handle to.
Make sure you use a US Keyboard layout. otherwise the shortcut might not work.
With a wacom tablet there is a bug where a click does not register when there is movement between the mouse press and release event the click will not register.
Houdini Lounge » Siggraph 2018
- Doudini
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Houdini Lounge » Modeling primarily in Houdini
- Doudini
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I rather would like to see the things mcnistor and PaQ WaK mentioned before seeing too many new half baked tools like polybevel 2.0 *cough*. Looking over some subd modelling sessions in modo/si could bring many ideas/needed features. One example would be inserting smooth/subd edge loops.
Technical Discussion » Separating a multi-parts mesh ?
- Doudini
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You just need to place the sop and connect it. There is a preset in the partition sop. Just click the small down arrow next to rule.
group by color should give you: color_`rint(@Cd.r*255)`_`rint(@Cd.g*255)`_`rint(@Cd.b*255)`
Edited by Doudini - July 27, 2018 11:01:06
Technical Discussion » Event Trigger for python callback on drag and drop
- Doudini
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externaldragdrop.py works really fine but does anyone know how we can pass stuff from a pypanel so it can be used in externaldragdrop.py script?
I solved it with setting correct mimeData for example with option
I solved it with setting correct mimeData for example with option
Edited by Doudini - July 27, 2018 11:12:46
Technical Discussion » HeightField Project node works wrong after transformed heightfield?
- Doudini
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I think transform SOPs are not intended for use with heightfields. Use the heightfield transform SOP instead.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Why is this poly flipped?
- Doudini
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If it’s winding the wrong way, is there a way to reverse that? Sort seemed to have no effect.
Also could it be bug? It seems like a pretty unpredictable result.
use Reverse SOP to shift your vertex by 2 units. However this only seems to work on isolated primitives as the Source Group does not seem to work in the Vertex: Shift mode. Might be a bug?
On a technical note, I am no expert but the direction is not the problem I think. Otherwise the primitives normal would be reversed/backfacing. As far as my fundamental 3d knowhow goes this works the same way for all 3d polygonal content. So the winding I always thought as where the Polygon starts and ends. The direction of that will determine which direction the normal of the polygon faces. (Thats why it matters which direction you draw a polygon when using curve sop or the stroke tools with closing the ends etc.) The vertex numbering (Not Point Numbers!) will always change when doing a reverse of polygons or shifting the vertex's with the reverse sop. I think you can display vertex numbers in houdini so you can visualize it for yourself.

You can also check in other 3d Application and see when creating polygons clockwise vs counter clockwise.
edited to make clear I mean vertex numbers not point numbers

Edited by Doudini - April 27, 2018 12:18:26
Houdini Lounge » Move under cursor
- Doudini
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The only thing i could think of is holding down “A” and click and drag your mouse in the network view where you want to reposition the node. That will kind of work even if it wasnt intended for that purpose. So its not exactly what you ask for but I think it helps with your issue.
Houdini Lounge » UI/UX: Share your screenshots & tips & tricks & ideas
- Doudini
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cpbnice color theme! Do you share it? :3
4x panels, lower left is usually output or shaders.
More of these should be included in the download color theme option in houdini.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » random rotate: not so random...
- Doudini
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Simplest method giving random rotation would be adding an Attribute Randomize SOP
Attribute Name: orient
Dimensions: 4 (vector4)
Attribute Name: orient
Dimensions: 4 (vector4)
Houdini Lounge » the usual "buying a new computer what should i get" question
- Doudini
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Save the Money on the Quadro!
Instead, like rob mentioned get a GeForce GTX. It is much better if you are on a budget.
Here its well explained the difference between quadro and geforce cards:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10532978/difference-between-nvidia-quadro-and-geforce-cards [stackoverflow.com]
The Threadripper is a great CPU but its single core performance is not that good.
Instead, like rob mentioned get a GeForce GTX. It is much better if you are on a budget.
Here its well explained the difference between quadro and geforce cards:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10532978/difference-between-nvidia-quadro-and-geforce-cards [stackoverflow.com]
The Threadripper is a great CPU but its single core performance is not that good.
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