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News » SideFX Labs Updates
- MaiAo
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Houdini for Realtime » Labs FlipBook Textures makes watermark in indie edition.
- MaiAo
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Thanks for reporting this. The explanation and official fix are posted in this thread [].
You need to go to the node's Interface tab and set Viewport Padding and Padding Direction (to the right of Viewport Padding).
You need to go to the node's Interface tab and set Viewport Padding and Padding Direction (to the right of Viewport Padding).
Edited by MaiAo - Feb. 2, 2024 17:03:31
Houdini Learning Materials » Project Titan Smoke Tutorial Flipbook with Indie Watermark
- MaiAo
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Thanks for reporting this. The explanation and official fix are posted in this thread [].
You need to go to the node's Interface tab and set Viewport Padding and Padding Direction (to the right of Viewport Padding).
You need to go to the node's Interface tab and set Viewport Padding and Padding Direction (to the right of Viewport Padding).
Edited by MaiAo - Feb. 2, 2024 17:03:25
Houdini for Realtime » Labs Flipbook Texture Indie Edition watermark solution
- MaiAo
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Thanks for reporting this. The option to choose which direction to add your paddings have been added to tomorrow's Labs 20.0.606.
Since it's mainly related to your aspect ratio, you only need to pad vertically or horizontally to push "Indie Edition" out of the camera view.
Since it's mainly related to your aspect ratio, you only need to pad vertically or horizontally to push "Indie Edition" out of the camera view.
Technical Discussion » Matrix multiplication confusion
- MaiAo
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A vector to rotate
Rotates 120 degrees about {1, 1, 1}
Rotates -90 degrees about {1, 0, 0}
If you want to rotate the vector by 120 and then -90...
The convention is to write this from right to left, meaning the vector is transformed by A and then by B.
You would expect to have: BAv == (BA)v == B(Av). But in VEX: BAv == (BA)v != B(Av).
VEX actually write this from left to right.
So you actually have: vAB == v(AB) == (vA)B.
Surprisingly, VEX does not care about the order when it is a multiplication between a vector and a matrix.
Effectively: vAB == v(AB) == (vA)B == (Av)B == AvB.
vector v = @P;
matrix3 A = {{0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0}};
matrix3 B = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, -1}, {0, 1, 0}};
If you want to rotate the vector by 120 and then -90...
The convention is to write this from right to left, meaning the vector is transformed by A and then by B.
v = B * A * v;
VEX actually write this from left to right.
v = v * A * B;
Surprisingly, VEX does not care about the order when it is a multiplication between a vector and a matrix.
Effectively: vAB == v(AB) == (vA)B == (Av)B == AvB.
Houdini for Realtime » Houdini 19 Mapbox not functioning
- MaiAo
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@MaiAo Any ideas of using 1024 or higher resolution for heightmap?
Mapbox confirmed that their new API only support up to 512 now. We can look into whether there is a good way to upres it. Overall fix for the bug ETA early next week if not sooner.
Houdini for Realtime » Houdini 19 Mapbox not functioning
- MaiAo
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swSharkBoy_02's findings are correct. Mapbox changed their API for elevation/height map access. I'm talking to Mapbox devs about this issue. We will update the tool as soon as we find a satisfactory fix.
To further clarify, the error message generated by our Mapbox node is due to missing height map, which in turn was due to height map download links stopped working.
To further clarify, the error message generated by our Mapbox node is due to missing height map, which in turn was due to height map download links stopped working.
Edited by MaiAo - April 11, 2023 10:22:53
Houdini for Realtime » Gaea Labs toolset error
- MaiAo
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Sorry for the delay in fixing this issue fellas. The fix is going to be in tomorrow's Labs daily build 19.5.416.
Both Bleeck's and Eetu_Mainframe's suggestions are incorporated. Thank you both very much.
Please let me know if there are more issues. I still need to look at the PDG side of things, but the base Gaea TOR Processor SOP 4.0 should work with Gaea 1.3 now.
Both Bleeck's and Eetu_Mainframe's suggestions are incorporated. Thank you both very much.
Please let me know if there are more issues. I still need to look at the PDG side of things, but the base Gaea TOR Processor SOP 4.0 should work with Gaea 1.3 now.
Houdini for Realtime » Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Links
- MaiAo
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I have been trying to wrap my head around the Rigidbody VAT3 Shadergraph for Unity. The Min and Max Bounds has some sort of magic values which makes the simulation work correctly. Changing it slightly breaks the whole simulation. I checked the shadergraph of URP which is quite different than the shader code for standard pipeline.
I followed this tutorial [] to create a Rigidbody simulation. Only when I use the values provided in the example project for Bound Min and Max, it seems to work.
I am trying to recreate the shader and have not been able to understand the bound related calculations in the shader.
Hi! The bounds are not just bounds. They are encoded with additional data that VAT shader needs. That's why you have to use the values exported from VAT node and you can't really modify them.

Houdini for Realtime » Houdini 19 Mapbox not functioning
- MaiAo
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Hello, I recently attempted to use mapbox to grab some map data. However, I am unable to even get passed API key input. After inputting my key and hitting refresh on the node, Houdini begins to compute and then errors with this message.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "labs::Sop/mapbox::2.1/refresh", line 1, in <module>
File "labs::Sop/mapbox::2.1, PythonModule", line 39, in update
File "labs::Sop/mapbox::2.1, PythonModule", line 167, in refresh
File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.383/houdini/python3.7libs\", line 16462, in cook
return _hou.Node_cook(self, *args, **kwargs)
hou.OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Error while cooking.
Currently I am on Houdini 19.0.383 py3
Unfortunately, I have no idea what is going on within the node to diagnose the issue any further. Any suggestions or others running into this?
Could you send us a test file to debug? If you can't post it here, you can email

Houdini for Realtime » Map Baker Displacement texture workflow
- MaiAo
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I am also struggling to make the baked height work. in my case i have a complex rock i want to bake small details to the low version.
Its difficult to guess the height range and the trace distance.
Iterations are not quick because it takes a while to bake.
Is there a way to know these values in a more precise way?
some sort of visualizer would be helpful to see the correct height range.
a lot of the times the height map is noisy, is that because of my geo or the map resolution?
I can take a look at it. Do you mind sending us a test file? If you can't share it here, feel free to email and let them know to assign it to me. Thanks!
Houdini for Realtime » Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Links
- MaiAo
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I was wondering if the workflow has changed for Unreal Engine 5? Especially for the fluids/dynamic remeshing vat? I'm currently using Houdini 19.0.455 and UE 5.0.2. I did follow all the steps but still don't get a clean mesh.Image Not Found
The same vat works perfectly on UE 4.27.2 though.
I'd greatly appreciate your help.
No problem

It didn't change. Please make sure you used the 5.0 version of SideFX Labs plugin, not 5.0EA. And the rest was the same. I was testing on some projects just today and it worked fine. Please also check if your textures are compressed correctly using Scripted Asset Actions and try restarting Unreal. More on this: []
Houdini for Realtime » unreal engine 5でのFluid VAT再生エラーについて Fluid VAT playback error
- MaiAo
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Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Linksでしばらく回答が無いようなので、
Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Linksで一ヶ月半前に質問されていた、
Fluid VATのエラーについて19.0.622に含まれていた5.0のsideFX LABでEAが取れていたので試したところ、
これはunreal engine5の問題なのでしょうか?
Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Links hasn't answered for a while, so I decided to make it a new threat.
Asked a month and a half ago in the Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Links,
About Fluid VAT error I tried it because EA was taken with 5.0 sideFX LAB included in 19.0.622.
It seemed that the error was still going on.
After some verification, the error issue seemed to be in the mesh import.
Is this a problem with unreal engine 5?
Or is it a plugin issue? ??
Hi there. The issue is solved and the answer is provided here: []
Houdini for Realtime » Official Labs Vertex Animation Textures 3.0 FAQs and Links
- MaiAo
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Hi, I'm trying to import a liquid simulation from houdini to Unreal 5 using VAT but my mesh is changing ever time and full of hole?Why?
Please see this update for solution: []
Houdini for Realtime » Static Mesh Skeletal Animation baking - new Labs tool ?
- MaiAo
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Hello. I recently discovered alternative approach to VAT (vertex animation textures) for skeletal meshes. It is already included in Unreal Engine in form of 3DsMax Script ( and material function ms_StaticMeshSkeletalAnimation.
It is explained a bit here: []
The idea is to bake a texture that holds bone assignments for each vertex. Then bake bone animation to separate textures.
This way animations can be shared between different meshes .
Also animation texture sizes are much smaller as it only requires 2 pixels per frame per bone to store.
This sounds like a great idea and it would be cool to have support for it in Labs.
We will do this in Labs VAT 4.

Houdini for Realtime » Labs Flipbook Texture doesn't render
- MaiAo
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I am stuck with this error message...Error
Error rendering child: /out/pyro_smoker/pre_render
Python error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "labs::Driver/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 1321, in renderAndExport
File "labs::Driver/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 1109, in renderAll
File "labs::Driver/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 1097, in renderAll
File "labs::Driver/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 566, in renderFinalColor
File "labs::Driver/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 554, in renderFinalColor
File "labs::Driver/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 483, in setColorSpace
File "C:/PROGRA~1/SIDEEF~1/HOUDIN~1.561/houdini/python3.7libs\", line 74509, in setOCIODisplayView
return _hou.SceneViewer_setOCIODisplayView(self, display, view)
hou.OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed.
Invalid display or view name
any suggestions on what might be the problem?
Can you go to Houdini Text Port and type
echo $OCIO
Technical Discussion » Issue occurred when using flipbook texture node
- MaiAo
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I'm getting the above error too.
In my case Final Color, Non-Emissive is output.
But then I get an error.
This symptom did not occur when I set the aces color space,
but I have to use it with gamma 2.2.
flipbook _texture node is very fast and nice so I hope this problem is solved!
Thank you
Hey, this issue is now fixed in Labs 19.0.566. Sorry about that.
Technical Discussion » Issue occurred when using flipbook texture node
- MaiAo
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I'm running into a similar problem with this ROP.
Error rendering child: /out/flipbook_textures1/pre_render
Python error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "labs:river/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 1321, in renderAndExport
File "labs:river/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 1109, in renderAll
File "labs:river/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 1099, in renderAll
File "labs:river/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 889, in renderMDC
File "labs:river/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 829, in renderMDC
File "labs:river/flipbook_textures::1.0, PythonModule", line 500, in setColorSpace
AttributeError: 'GeometryViewport' object has no attribute 'setSceneGamma'
Renders the Final Color, Non-Emissive Color, and Depth passes.
But Errors out on the MDC , Surface Normal, and Motion Vector passes. image.png
Hey, this issue is now fixed in Labs 19.0.566. Sorry about that.
Technical Discussion » Issue occurred when using flipbook texture node
- MaiAo
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Hello MaiAo,
Pardon me for keep spamming question soo much.
I see this another error message that pops up when I hit the Export all texture button.Image Not Found
Would u know how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Hey! Looks like your issue might be because one of the dependent intermediate passes are not rendered or not using the same export size? ECD requires Final Color + Non-emissive Color + Depths. If you do not need depth, you can change what's packed into that channel. But you definitely need both Final Color and Non-emissive passes in order to export Emissive channels. If that's not the case, please email and attach a HIP file.

Technical Discussion » Issue occurred when using flipbook texture node
- MaiAo
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Hello MaiAo,
Nice to finally get your help on this matter
I tried to check for the Loaded Packages, I cant seem to find it.
I'll provide the snapshot of the details shown on the Houdini I'm using.
I've also tried uninstalling Labs and update the latest build of Labs too.
still getting the same error message when I hit render.
Am I doing smthing wrong? I would really like to learn how to use this amazing tool if you could help guide me on this.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hey, you can get to Houdini Text Port, and type
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