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Technical Discussion » Flip Fluid Custom Velocity
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eaniix - thanks a lot for that answer and thanks a LOT for that hipfile. I was struggling with this problem at work today and your hipfile solved my issue. You da, man!
Technical Discussion » Whitewater Source Error
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hey hypernormal, did you figure out a solution to this?? I am getting the same error when I'm trying to cache a white water source. The error: whitewatersource1/vdbactivatesdf1/halfwidth)).. I'd really appreciate any help!!
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 4 Image | Motion | Escape
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Technical Discussion » Houdini 17.0 on Windows throwing "OpenCL Exception: clCreateProgramWithSource (-34)" error [SOLVED]
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Hello, just writing to say thank you! I was stuck and probably would have spent half the morning figuring this out too if it weren't for this. Thank you so much for sharing your solution! You're awesome.
HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 6 | Motion: Swing
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What this taught was that I should practice vellum more
But this was fun and and I finally learned how to make grass move. Got a long way to go but I guess learning is part of this Houly challenge

HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 5 | Motion: Wave
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Probably should've gone with an easier approach but sure did learn new things with this one. Chocolate wave with a mysterious rider
HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 3 | Elements: Water
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