What's up with the automatically renamed thing? is this some weird bug? i don't think it was present before..
So to be honnest, i am really trying to like apex, but every single bits of it makes me hate it.. i have been doing many autorigs systems, over the last 20 years , in maya, in houdini, and i have seen many as well, but this is completely ridiculus to have to create so many nodes for simply making a connection.. whoever built this is completetly disconnected from the planet or production.. as most software try to make rigging more an automatic thing and or at least a fun thing, with this aproach not only you over complicate everything.. its so much complicated and long, that you did'nt even been able provide a complete exemple anywhere, all you have is half made exemples, and nothing as complex or a huge as we often have to do in production, like now i'm trying to rig simply a human skeleton on a an animation skeleton, and i am pulling my hairs out.. i can send a picture i got proofs of it... something that would have taken me less then a day in maya.. put it the way you want.. there are not mathematical equation thats gonna make this system look good.who on this planet wants to work this way? it's not that i don't understand how it works, but i am totally disgusted how it works.. it does'nt even feel like its houdini, it feels like its something you have bought and connected in..and beleive me i am still there working on this only because i really love houdini and i want the place where im startin to use houdini for animation... if you want to make a scripting language or an api.. make this.. but this... hahahahah.... i'm sure going to complete the rig, but as a long time professionnal rigger and a long time houdini user i totally hate it this is'nt even houdini. Also you keep saying this is more a procedural aproach but where is it more procerual then general houdini like kinefx...its not i really don't see it.. when you're dealing with names you can always hook them to a parameter and that makes it procedural..i could script this rig procedurally easilly in a day in maya.. now you can't really script it.. apart from create those nodes by script and connect the thing.. so you still have to do the networks in a way..beurk..
I'm really sorry but this is my opinion, good try but this is not it. i'm sure a cascadeur live link connection is easier to build then just a rig.
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Rigging » (rant) UE style of nodes stacking is a bit weird
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