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3rd Party » Issue with camera import from Houdini to Touch Designer
- jordanhalsey
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You can import the camera data into Chops in Houdini and export a .chan file. This can be imported into Touchdesigner that you can use like any other channel data.
Technical Discussion » Best way to tell Karma not to render certain pixels?
- jordanhalsey
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Instead of using an emissive shader set to black does setting the geometry to a holdout matte work faster? It makes sense why that would be slowish. It is too bad we don't have the crop function on the camera like the old Mantra camera has. I have done a ton of large scale 360 renders and when I did not need the bottom this would speed things up. Looks like you are rendering for Sphere.
Houdini Lounge » layering or mixing in karama XPU (H19.5) ?
- jordanhalsey
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OneBigTree...I really have to say that I think you are wrong on so many levels, but I understand, learning curves can be tough. I don't think that redshift can be mastered in a day unless you just make simplistic motion graphics. I have been using Redshift since version 0.5. I have spent many years working with renderers, starting with ElectricImage, Mental Ray, and Prman. Currently, I use, Mantra, Redshift, Karma, Unreal, and straight up openGL and, I don't think I have mastered any of them. I have just recently gone down the MaterialX, Karma XPU road and am pretty impressed with the quality, speed, and with what you can do. Whatever Redshift is, it is not a production renderer in the same way as Mantra, Prman, or Karma. But that also means, maybe it is not the renderer for you, and an easier solution is more compatible with the kind of work you do.
To say as an individual artist that you will never need USD, you are ignoring the direction that the industry is headed and don't understand what the benefits are. If you want a fast renderer why not try Nvidia Omniverse and understand the direction that industry is headed, or just open a USD file in Touchdesigner. There is a reason that it is the backbone of Pixar and what every studio is or will be moving to.
3D is getting easier for everybody, and making trivial 3d is now open to those that just a year ago were only using illustrator. As the tools get easier, your job gets more and more replaceable. Ultimately, an artist can make great work with almost any tool, but I have never really met an artist that has mastered anything, let alone in a day. Explore the world around you, there is much that is interesting out there
To say as an individual artist that you will never need USD, you are ignoring the direction that the industry is headed and don't understand what the benefits are. If you want a fast renderer why not try Nvidia Omniverse and understand the direction that industry is headed, or just open a USD file in Touchdesigner. There is a reason that it is the backbone of Pixar and what every studio is or will be moving to.
3D is getting easier for everybody, and making trivial 3d is now open to those that just a year ago were only using illustrator. As the tools get easier, your job gets more and more replaceable. Ultimately, an artist can make great work with almost any tool, but I have never really met an artist that has mastered anything, let alone in a day. Explore the world around you, there is much that is interesting out there
Technical Discussion » PTS to PLY Error
- jordanhalsey
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I am not 100% sure what you need exactly but I have done this conversion in the past. All I had to do was replace the header files. As an example, I would just paste what you have at the top of the file and replace what was there, obviously leaving all of the coordinate data.
Technical Discussion » Is there a square texture projection in the Houdini?
- jordanhalsey
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Why can't you just use a tri-planar projection on a shader? That does exactly what you are looking for.
Technical Discussion » VEX: point normal
- jordanhalsey
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Do you mean something like this:
@N = {0,0,1};
in a wrangle will set the point normals down the Z axis
@N = {0,0,1};
in a wrangle will set the point normals down the Z axis
Work in Progress » Creating a geo for a convincing looking cancer cell
- jordanhalsey
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I think that this could be easily modeled using a few different noises for the main shape. Maybe I would use an anti-aliased noise to get the large displacements and then I would use the unified noise for the fine displacement, paying attention to the gradient and folding section in a VOP on a very high res sphere or you could also use volumes and do this all in a Volume Vop if you needed that. For the strands, I would look at the gnarly or branch example in an L-system Sop and modify that to get an approximation of that style of branching. I would then use a for loop to instance the Lsystem to scattered points with “iteration” on a few properties to get variety, with some points having a random, controllable offset from the surface. There ae all kinds of ways of surfacing to get your desired result, maybe the easiest would be a polywire with some noise bound to a “width” attribute that I would then use with a subdivide to smooth.
I would stay away from fluids but you can always scatter points on the strand wires, maybe use a pointRecplicate on some points and then use a particleFluidSurface but I think you would get mixed results that might not easily be controllable.
I would stay away from fluids but you can always scatter points on the strand wires, maybe use a pointRecplicate on some points and then use a particleFluidSurface but I think you would get mixed results that might not easily be controllable.
Technical Discussion » Using a MIDI (DAW) control surface to control Houdini (playback / setting keyframes and parameters)?
- jordanhalsey
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I wonder if there is a way to pipe in midi from Touchdesigner? I have never really tried to do it but I bet there is a way through Chops and bridging the connection. Touch can control Ableton so I imagine with some creativity Houdini would not be that hard. I won't have time to look at this, this week, but next week I will look into it. One could use the free the version of Touch as all you would need it for would to send the control signal. []
Technical Discussion » Curve sweep orientation in Houdini for Unreal
- jordanhalsey
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Add a polyframeSop after the polyBevel and in the polyframe take part that says tangentU and cut and paste it where it says N and put the N part where it used to say tangentU. Return the sweep to its default state or add a new one. It should now work okay.
Houdini Learning Materials » Alembic Sequence Files Houdini to Maya
- jordanhalsey
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This is completely unnecessary…Just write on .abc with a frame range.
To get color in Maya from Houdini you just need to import the ABC file via the Mel script editor in Maya with a command like this:
AbcImport -mode import -rcs “myPathToMyAlembic\”;
It is the -mode import -rcs part that gives you color.
In Houdini, if you have groups you can use the nameSop with group by name and then in the AlembicRop under geometry partition, set it to “by attribute” and then select name. This way you get your groupings in Maya. You will have to turn on show shape nodes in the outliner.
To get color in Maya from Houdini you just need to import the ABC file via the Mel script editor in Maya with a command like this:
AbcImport -mode import -rcs “myPathToMyAlembic\”;
It is the -mode import -rcs part that gives you color.
In Houdini, if you have groups you can use the nameSop with group by name and then in the AlembicRop under geometry partition, set it to “by attribute” and then select name. This way you get your groupings in Maya. You will have to turn on show shape nodes in the outliner.
Technical Discussion » Working with CAD files and Pointcloud files in Houdini?
- jordanhalsey
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Yes, it is entirely possible to import point clouds from Lidar or whatever. I can't remember which way it goes but Houdini imports either a .pts and .ply file. But they are basically the same thing you just change the header. That's what I did when I had to get data in from a Faro. Since that time there have been improvements to this workflow. As well you should look into the Houdini/Reality Capture plug-in that I think is out in beta.
I think that Houdini now has a Lidar Sop that natively handles e57 as well as something else…not in front of Houdini at the moment.
As far as free goes, a lot of work can also be done in cloud compare - []
From Revit, I would go.fbx and in some rare cases, I have had to use .iges which Houdini handles well. Most of your listed formats can be read into Houdini without issue.
I think that Houdini now has a Lidar Sop that natively handles e57 as well as something else…not in front of Houdini at the moment.
As far as free goes, a lot of work can also be done in cloud compare - []
From Revit, I would go.fbx and in some rare cases, I have had to use .iges which Houdini handles well. Most of your listed formats can be read into Houdini without issue.
Edited by jordanhalsey - Oct. 24, 2018 11:32:30
Technical Discussion » How to generate a 3D plot from CSV data?
- jordanhalsey
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If I understand correctly, this should be pretty trivial, I think you can add an appropriate header to change a .csv into an .xyc or .pct or some other point cloud file. You can find what the header should say online somewhere and then change the extension. Sometimes I get files that don't come in xyz, but in your case that matters less. I would set attributes after, but it should be pretty easy to just set any attribute to p.
You could also write a loop that just gave xyz values based off of column values, pretty simple as well…I think that there is an Entgama tutorial on creating s starfield from array data with python that would work for your case.
You could also write a loop that just gave xyz values based off of column values, pretty simple as well…I think that there is an Entgama tutorial on creating s starfield from array data with python that would work for your case.
Technical Discussion » Nvidia Driver Versions
- jordanhalsey
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