Day 7. Karma Material Builder LOP
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Mardini 2024 » Day 7 | Lookdev | Karma Material Builder | Animation
- maks dannikov
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Mardini 2024 » Day 6 | Lookdev | Material Linker | Animation
- maks dannikov
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Mardini 2024 » Day 5 | Lookdev | Light Mixer | Animation
- maks dannikov
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Day 5. Light mixer with analog way of mixing colors! The way how light refracting tghrou glass and how it mixes with more layers on top is making a lot of room to experement with and provide a interesting patterns! I would love to play more with shapes and forms as well as more complex objects to place glass on but for now, thats it, time to finish homework 

Mardini 2024 » Day 4 | Lookdev | Layout | Animation
- maks dannikov
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day 4, "Layout LOP" was a definitely tough for me! However, here is my submission 

Edited by maks dannikov - March 4, 2024 21:28:53
Mardini 2024 » Day 3 | Geometry | Scatter & Align | Animation
- maks dannikov
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Mardini 2024 » Day 2 | Geometry | Topobuild | Animation
- maks dannikov
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wonder when i last time did any non procedural modelling.. so, ended up with messing around good old pig head. Turned out it has a pretty eyes! So, now with topobuild I fixed it. Introducing frog head! (but really just an small area around eyes..)
Mardini 2024 » Day 1 | Geometry | Spiral | Animation
- maks dannikov
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Spirals are great to get some trippy things.. so, i've tried to use it! 

Edited by maks dannikov - March 1, 2024 04:08:19
Technical Discussion » Particle Sprite with Karma?
- maks dannikov
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Hi Uryu,
you can use "Render Geomtry Settings" LOP and switch between different render options for points. Parameter calls "Render Points As". Points can be rendered as camera oriented discs, spheres or discs oriented to the normal attribute.
However, I don't think disks have any UV or "st" coordinates what can be useful for shading... I've tried to access with materialx and vex shaders but both with no luck. Is there any ways how I can access it?
you can use "Render Geomtry Settings" LOP and switch between different render options for points. Parameter calls "Render Points As". Points can be rendered as camera oriented discs, spheres or discs oriented to the normal attribute.
However, I don't think disks have any UV or "st" coordinates what can be useful for shading... I've tried to access with materialx and vex shaders but both with no luck. Is there any ways how I can access it?
Technical Discussion » Straightforward guide to installing custom right click menus
- maks dannikov
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Hi wyhinton1! I think you looking for these link: [] []
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