CYTECARVE, BLEND SHAPE WITH NEGATIVE VALUEcoccosoidsqlib comes with a curve_extend node.
How about a curve extend node for H20?!
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 20
- raistlinf
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Technical Discussion » reversefoot sop not work correctly
- raistlinf
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Reversefoot sop throws an error in last buids of houdini.
But in 19.0.383 Reversefoot work correctly.
But in 19.0.383 Reversefoot work correctly.
Image Not Found
Edited by raistlinf - June 16, 2022 03:48:10
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021 » Best Game Art Asset Entries
- raistlinf
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This HDA generate and bake to textures sews on stith.
The mesh must have a primitive group "cloth"
He puts textures in $HIP\bake
HDA: []
HIP: [] []
This HDA generate and bake to textures sews on stith.
The mesh must have a primitive group "cloth"
He puts textures in $HIP\bake
HDA: []
HIP: [] []
Edited by raistlinf - Sept. 30, 2021 05:52:53
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021 » WIP - Sew generate and bake
- raistlinf
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ZhaieYes, sure
Oh that's super cool ! It's like generating sew from the uvs and bake them into normal ?
Houdini Lounge » Any rumours of Houdini 19?
- raistlinf
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SIgor420Jonathan de BlokIndeed, it can actually do a lot. I guess the issue is with the outdated looks I think. These days are more about flat look instead of what we have in Hoduini.
I find Houdini has one of the most technically sound implemented UIs. It's fast, consistent, properly based on Qt and good API/Pyhthon access. (I come from 3dsmax background, so UI wise anything is brilliant compared to that)
It could use some additional features like more control types (2d sliders for example) and maybe some styling/layout tweaks but a big technical overhaul is not really needed imho.
there are much more important things than changing the icons in the interface...
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021 » WIP - Sew generate and bake
- raistlinf
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This is my progress in build asset to generate sews
Edited by raistlinf - Sept. 4, 2021 15:44:20
Technical Discussion » advanced face rig not work correctly
- raistlinf
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Houdini Lounge » Color Picker
- raistlinf
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“Inspect” shows true values in Viev window, but ColorPicker does not accept values greater than one and less than zero(clumping).
Houdini Lounge » Color Picker
- raistlinf
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Houdini Lounge » polydraw
- raistlinf
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With the polydraw brush tool you can move faces. How can i make it work with backfases?
Edited by raistlinf - Oct. 23, 2018 04:01:06
Houdini Lounge » Still no option to archive an Houdini project with all dependancies referenced files?
- raistlinf
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Technical Discussion » Polydraw node discussion (based on sneak peek siggraph 2018)
- raistlinf
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in my opinion POLY DRAW should be such as [] or []
Technical Discussion » Custom Radial Menu for Geometry Selection Types
- raistlinf
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I mean how to make the type of radial menu dependent on the type of geometry chosen?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
Thanks in advance for any reply.
Technical Discussion » Custom Radial Menu for Geometry Selection Types
- raistlinf
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Technical Discussion » autorig problem in houdini 16.5
- raistlinf
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Houdini Lounge » Group by Filter Expression in H16
- raistlinf
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Houdini Lounge » Group by Filter Expression in H16
- raistlinf
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16
- raistlinf
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Martin Krolraistlinf
First impression - Houdini 16 works quite slowly with high quantity of polygons. Is it common? How to fix it?
I did notice that turning off textured icon improves performance a LOT, and it was the main culprit of my performance issues.
Thank you Martin, it works.
Thank you Twod. I will be wait).
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 16
- raistlinf
- 19 posts
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First impression - Houdini 16 works quite slowly with high quantity of polygons. Is it common? How to fix it?
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