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Technical Discussion » can't render in viewport
- skadbone1
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Hi, I'm on H 20.5.445, recently I tried to render in viewport, tried with CPU, and XPU, have reset viewport several times, rendering starts for a few seconds, then stops
-in the recent past, this scene renders in VP just fine, nothing changed, please help, I don't know what else to do, thanks, Craig

Technical Discussion » how can i update viewer mode please?
- skadbone1
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sorry for long winded note here
Technical Discussion » ID numbers are reverse order
- skadbone1
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Hi, I am following a tutorial, and my marker numbers are reversed-his numbers, go from -1 to 0, left to right , black to white-I am using a different model, my numbers are opposite, 0 to -1, white to black, left to right; I then used his model in my scene, and I can not match what he has; I attached my scene file; I thought that I had the VEX in the attrwrangle correct, but I can not find my mistake, perhaps someone can enlighten me please as to what I got my results ?, thank you in advance, Craig
Technical Discussion » render to disc issue
- skadbone1
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Technical Discussion » render to disc issue
- skadbone1
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thank you for your response-I seem to find many variations in different forums; this time I used ; $HOME/desktop/skull_cloth.exr. I was able to open my image in PS,layers intact as an exr file, no cryptomatte layers though. In the arrow next to the "Out Picture" , only options are field, are mplay or sequence of options. Can you please suggest better options to set my image path please? I sometimes save to desktop, easier to find, but I can also save were my hip file lives, thank you
Technical Discussion » render to disc issue
- skadbone1
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Hi, being a newbie, trying to " render to disc", I hit , "render to disc", and my Mplay starts to render, why is this ? I have my usdrender _rop-1 set to XPU render engine, karma render settings set to XPU, and after several try's after hitting the render button I still get the Mplay window, can someone pls explain the possible reasons for this?, thank you, Craig
Technical Discussion » collide two objects?
- skadbone1
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Hello. I don't know if this is even possible; I've looked all over, and tried unsuccessfully to have a skull and chain, collide with this cloth; can someone please help? I'd appreciate a revelation or two, thank you in advance, I've attached a screenshot of my setup
3rd Party » Redshift for Houdini 20.5
- skadbone1
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Thank you for all of your efforts, and time; it is still not working, after following your directions. I will try to settle this on my own, I'd rather not waste your time, I appreciate this Best, Craig
3rd Party » Redshift for Houdini 20.5
- skadbone1
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3rd Party » Redshift for Houdini 20.5
- skadbone1
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3rd Party » Redshift for Houdini 20.5
- skadbone1
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3rd Party » Redshift for Houdini 20.5
- skadbone1
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3rd Party » Redshift for Houdini 20.5
- skadbone1
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Hi, and thank you for this valuable info!- I followed a tutorial, created 5 months ago, and I couldn't get it to work (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pknw4SpEEr4); can you please tell me, I have the two plugins on my desktop, that you offered, thanks, where shall I put "Houdini", and "Solaris" folders ?, my conf. is this: please see attached, and thank you for your time
PS-I never head of using the Solaris folder, but I'll follow your lead
PS-I never head of using the Solaris folder, but I'll follow your lead

Technical Discussion » Environment variable question please
- skadbone1
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Thank you for this!!-one more thing, please ? do I wait until my renewed subscription kicks in? or is it advised to do this now,? I appreciate your quick response, Craig
Technical Discussion » Environment variable question please
- skadbone1
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Hi, I just renewed my Indie license; I get this error message on startup, regarding the environment variable; since i am not tech savvy at all, can someone please direct me as to how/where I can do the correct thing to maintain usage of Houdini,?, please see attached, this message pops up upon opening, thank you in advance, Craig
Technical Discussion » Houdini functionality
- skadbone1
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Hi, I have a PC, about a year old, two NVIDIA RTX A4000 video cards, 64 gigs RAM; after loading a cached file, about 2Million points, it seems to load slow, after a couple of minutes, still waiting to view the geo in Solaris; -my objective is to render a 8-10 S animation with about 8M points, so I would layer this in AE. Is my wait time unusually long,? several minutes; is there any way to speed this up,?, thank you, Craig
Technical Discussion » cant see geo in Solaris ; (
- skadbone1
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I can see my cached geo, for some reason, it took some time to show up, part of my problem in the life in general, " too impatient; thank you for your responses, Craig
Technical Discussion » cant see geo in Solaris ; (
- skadbone1
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Thank you, please see attached- my Houdini also seems a bit slow, not sure where I can add more memory, I have 64 gigs, two vg video cards, I wanted to render a scene with maybe 8M points, but I guess I'll be disappointed, unless someone has a revelation, obviously Im a newbie
Technical Discussion » cant see geo in Solaris ; (
- skadbone1
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Hi, I have a cached file, when I click on the file node, info says, 680,000 points. When I go into Solaris, I'm using the sceneimport node to import my geo, but I can not find it in the scene view; I've pressed shift F, but I can not seem to find it-can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?, thank you, Craig
Technical Discussion » strange geo look in viewport
- skadbone1
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thank you again. I was having an issue, using scene merge to bring in the geo to Solaris, and I pressed shift>f to frame it, but I coouldnt see it, maybe that is why.
BTW, I have two NVIDIA cards, 64 g RAM
BTW, I have two NVIDIA cards, 64 g RAM
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