Hi I have made a couple of changes to your file.
you want to use the autorig component node to generate the transform objects for you, so that the
rest positions are set up correctly.
just remember, any changes you make upstream wont update if you manually create the rig
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Technical Discussion » APEX manual rigging geometry missing in animate state
- willh
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Technical Discussion » How to implement "uvsample" in vop?
- willh
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Hi, it doesnt look like that functionality is built into vops. You can however use a Inline Code node to make your own node

Technical Discussion » Is there a way to scale the position of kinefx joints?
- willh
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You will need to set a pivot for each point, the viewport tools for kinefx in 19.5 is not all there yet.
What you can also do and is more common with a eye rig is to have the center of the eye be a root for all your lid joints, then you can simply rotate the joints. This will look better as well as it will roll over the eye.
here is a basic 5min setup where I just use a skeleton blend to drive a blink.
What you can also do and is more common with a eye rig is to have the center of the eye be a root for all your lid joints, then you can simply rotate the joints. This will look better as well as it will roll over the eye.
here is a basic 5min setup where I just use a skeleton blend to drive a blink.
Edited by willh - May 18, 2023 10:47:35
Technical Discussion » Blur or Smooth Bone Weight - KineFX Stuff
- willh
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You can use the smooth node to blur bone capture attribs, but you will need to have more than one joint in order for it to work.
What I have done is create a root and ctrl joint. I flood the whole grid with the weight of the root and then add the weight of the control joint. This will now smooth appropriately.
What I have done is create a root and ctrl joint. I flood the whole grid with the weight of the root and then add the weight of the control joint. This will now smooth appropriately.
Technical Discussion » Need help understanding how to zero out joint local rotation
- willh
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I see now... I hardly ever use the skeleton node to create my skeletons. Remember you are working with joints, and it seems like there are transform values on the tip that will make the rotations not match. First zero out the local rotations of the joint and then zero out the X and Y local transform values of its child joint (this is assuming you are aligning your joints to aim down Z). That should make them line up perfectly.
Edited by willh - May 18, 2023 08:44:49
Technical Discussion » setting up constraints for ragdoll solver with kinefx
- willh
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I have done a basic setup for you. I used a motion clip to to set the constraints, I find this a lot easier to read then setting arbitrary values in a list. The basic idea is that you give it a animation, and the configure constraints will figure out the limits based on the animation. I tweaked a couple of other settings and created collision shapes, you have to enter the viewport stare on the ragdollcollisionshapes node and then click on the joints to add the collision shapes.
hope this helps
hope this helps
Technical Discussion » rotation order kinefx.
- willh
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I find this a lot easier, setting them up by hand can be very time consuming. This is my result

Technical Discussion » rotation order kinefx.
- willh
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Technical Discussion » FBX Export Groups / Primitives as Separate Objects
- willh
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here is the setup im currently using, it works pretty well. Everything is instanced in unreal without me having to do anything except click build in unreal on the hda
Technical Discussion » FBX Export Groups / Primitives as Separate Objects
- willh
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I just came here searching for exactly this;
I'm scattering modules of cliffs to form larger cliffs around on a map. There's about 500 total.
Will either of the methods above export the mesh with the orientation/rotation and scale of the object as seen in the viewport? Meaning; the cliff objects are rotated to follow the normal of the terrain plus a little random variation in both scale and rotation.
In the game engine I make maps for I can't import a huge mesh like this but would have to export temp objects (like a plane or so) and replace them with the actual model I'm supposed to use. If the data for rotation and scale is intact, that's all I need!
If you are using unreal, you can create a HDA of your layout, then copy the path from the object in unreal and add it as a parameter to the points that you want to instance your geo onto.
So in unreal you import the static mesh pieces you want to instance, then you right click on the static mesh and copy its path. you can then paste that in houdini using the {s@unreal_instance = "paste the path from unreal"} in a point wrangle on the point cloud you want to copy the instances onto
you will also have to create a orient and scale attrib for the rotation and scale of the pieces.
Edited by willh - May 4, 2023 12:06:17
Technical Discussion » General lighting questions
- willh
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This is just some basic color corrects on the image. This can be done much better, but this is the basic principal.
A is raw and B is with the corrections applied
A is raw and B is with the corrections applied
Edited by willh - May 4, 2023 03:31:12
Technical Discussion » General lighting questions
- willh
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here you can see by just adjusting the exposure value on the dome light you get exactly what would happen with a real camera. You can then bring down the highlights by tone mapping the image
Edited by willh - May 4, 2023 03:11:50
Technical Discussion » General lighting questions
- willh
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Why dont you just increase the dome light and sun light. If you are exposing for indoor lighting the outside should be slightly blown out, that is if you are going for realism. Render the image out as a 32bit exr then you can tone map the outside like you would with a normal photograph.
Technical Discussion » How to select a point in the viewer at same position?
- willh
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You can use the rigpose node instead of edit and set it to world position. For any other situation I would still use the edit though

Edited by willh - May 4, 2023 02:45:55
Technical Discussion » Cloth emitter that wraps around rope like cling film
- willh
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Enable warp on the cloth and then used uv's as the direction of the warp. you can adjust the rest length and it will only shrink in one direction
I animated the rest length in the solver using a vellum constraint property. Oh and I didn't use the helix in the sim, I point deformed it using a tube, its a lot simpler. otherwise you will have to set up dynamic constraints in the solver.

Edited by willh - May 3, 2023 18:12:52
Technical Discussion » Cloth emitter that wraps around rope like cling film
- willh
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Technical Discussion » [KineFX] Rig Attribute VOP (Point Mode Not Working)
- willh
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If you are running over points you have to give the get point transfrom the ptnum attrib for it to work
If you are running over points you have to give the get point transfrom the ptnum attrib for it to work

Technical Discussion » Animated texture work on mantra but not in karma
- willh
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It looks like you are doing everything at obj level and then only using the karma rop to render your geo.
Its very limiting to use the karma rop, and I found it very unstable while trying to edit the contents, as in this case you have to edit the material properties for it to animate.
I would say create a LOP network rather and use a scene import node to import your geo into solaris, this is very similar to what is happening inside the karma rop.
So.... to get the texture animated. Add a parameter node to the file input string of the texture node. Then name it something like file. This will expose the parameter in karma, however you will have to add a edit material properties node to access the parameter. In the Primitives field of the edit material properties node you want to give it the path of your material in LOPs context and then you push the Create Parameters button
It will now expose all the editable parameters you have created on the material, but they will be greyed out, right click on the file parameter and change it to "set or create". You are now able to add the file string with the necessary expressions for it to animate
I have included a simple example, hope this helps
It looks like you are doing everything at obj level and then only using the karma rop to render your geo.
Its very limiting to use the karma rop, and I found it very unstable while trying to edit the contents, as in this case you have to edit the material properties for it to animate.
I would say create a LOP network rather and use a scene import node to import your geo into solaris, this is very similar to what is happening inside the karma rop.
So.... to get the texture animated. Add a parameter node to the file input string of the texture node. Then name it something like file. This will expose the parameter in karma, however you will have to add a edit material properties node to access the parameter. In the Primitives field of the edit material properties node you want to give it the path of your material in LOPs context and then you push the Create Parameters button
It will now expose all the editable parameters you have created on the material, but they will be greyed out, right click on the file parameter and change it to "set or create". You are now able to add the file string with the necessary expressions for it to animate

I have included a simple example, hope this helps

Technical Discussion » Help, @orient "360 degree" problem
- willh
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Hey, I have done something similar, but instead of just using the normals I do a cross between normals and a up vector{0,1,0}.Im not getting any weird flipping on the poles
matrix3 matrix_ = maketransform(v@N,cross(@N,{0,1,0})); @orient = quaternion(matrix_);
Technical Discussion » FBX with custom hierarchy
- willh
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No problem, I mean its not a straight forward as in other packages but has a little more control once you have the setup.
here is a example where I included the pivot and pre positioned all the geo.
here is a example where I included the pivot and pre positioned all the geo.
Edited by willh - March 13, 2023 03:51:00
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