I can't get any of my custom event fired when I bind it to Houdini Wrapper in Blueprints.
SideFx example is working.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open SideFx example "/HoudiniEngine/Examples/EUA/EUA_CurveInputExample"
2. Bind/Assign your own Custom Event on PostProcess Delegate (for example).
3. Drop "EUA_CurveInputExample" BP on level.
4. Hit "Run Curve Input Example" button in Details of this BP.
5. Move any point of Curve.
Result: You will get original Event fired, but never - your Custom one.
Also - you can see the different icons on Event.
How can I make it work?
Thank you!
Found 68 posts.
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Houdini Engine for Unreal » Binded Events won't fire.
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Houdini Engine for Unreal » Set Data Table to Houdini' Operator Path parameter in UE?
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Just in case if anybody need it, solution is to create the Geometry input and set Data Table to it. Not as parameter.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Cooking an existing asset from Editor utilities actor
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Houdini Engine for Unreal » Set Data Table to Houdini' Operator Path parameter in UE?
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I am using the Data Table to keep some values for HDA.
This data is parsed in Python node and works OK.
But now I would like to automate setup in Unreal.
One little thing stops me: how can I setup Operator Path parameter or use it as Input?
Thank you in advance!
I am using the Data Table to keep some values for HDA.
This data is parsed in Python node and works OK.
But now I would like to automate setup in Unreal.
One little thing stops me: how can I setup Operator Path parameter or use it as Input?
Thank you in advance!
Edited by vyudin - Oct. 20, 2023 08:04:53
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Get/Set exposed HDA parameters with python in Unreal
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Any updates?
I can't get/set parameters from HoudiniAssetActor.
I found that Houdini_AssetActor has a get_editor_property function but it not working.
Please refer to this doc: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/unreal/apihda.html [www.sidefx.com]
You have to use the Wrapper class instead of Houdini Asset directly.
Houdini for Realtime » Unreal: how to set Operator Path parameter?
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I am using the Data Table to keep some values for HDA.
This data is parsed in Python node and works OK.
But now I would like to automate setup in Unreal.
One little thing stops me: how I can setup Operator Path parameter or use it as Input?
Thank you in advance!
I am using the Data Table to keep some values for HDA.
This data is parsed in Python node and works OK.
But now I would like to automate setup in Unreal.
One little thing stops me: how I can setup Operator Path parameter or use it as Input?
Thank you in advance!
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Bug with different pscale value on instances?
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Update : it's a my bad - I should use @pscale as a float variable.
For the vector scale I should use @scale.
Will keep it here in case if somebody else will get the same problem.
For the vector scale I should use @scale.
Will keep it here in case if somebody else will get the same problem.
Edited by vyudin - Sept. 22, 2023 09:32:52
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Bug with different pscale value on instances?
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Can you tell me please, is it a bug or I am doing something wrong?
I have a simple ISM. Each point have different scale in HDA. But in Unreal the ISM component have a proper scale on first instance only. All another have wrong scale values.
Can you advise me please?
I have a simple ISM. Each point have different scale in HDA. But in Unreal the ISM component have a proper scale on first instance only. All another have wrong scale values.
Can you advise me please?
Edited by vyudin - Sept. 22, 2023 08:00:20
Houdini for Realtime » Crowd to Unreal Engine and VAT 3 problems
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What is the best way to export a crowd of 2000plus to Unreal Engine
You don't need to export 2000 characters if you're planning to control them in realtime. You need to bake only one character with all necessary animations.
Bake all sections of character into one single static mesh in T-Pose with single material slot. This will coste only 1 render pass.
Control this animations in single VAT shader.
Generate the crowd as a Instanced Static Mesh with your 2000 instances.
Please keep in mind - if you will have only 1 material slot - then you will render entire crowd with single render pass.
This is the best example of 15,000 characters with 12 render passees overall, one per character type: https://youtu.be/thpJebPxXSo [youtu.be]
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021 » WIP - Procedural mountain road [Game Art]
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Can you have an input from the Landscape?
What if you will get a streamed landscape parts in the World Composition?
What if you will get a streamed landscape parts in the World Composition?
SideFX Labs Tech Art Challenge 2021 » WIP - Procedural Road Tools - [Game Art]
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What is can be very useful for Unreal side - if you could interact with Landscape in UE4.
Houdini for Realtime » Vertex Animation Textures ROP 2.1 Released
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Is there a way to create collision geometry?
I would really, really warn you not to force animate collisions in your engine. Very likely you'll get a problems with the force "shooting" by your characters/environmental stuff.
I only can advise to create collisions and to export into your engine without animation. Just for in-engine simulation only.
Houdini Engine for Maya » The Button is not working in Houdini Engine for Maya?
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johnmatherI will create a short version of this HDA, with one button and material parse function only.
Please send a bug report along with the HDA to support@sidefx.com and I will take a look.
Thank you, John!
PS. Email sent, with Maya file, Houdini file, otl and fbx.
Edited by vyudin - Nov. 4, 2020 16:01:03
Houdini Engine for Maya » The Button is not working in Houdini Engine for Maya?
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Maya 2019 + Houdini 18, the buttons in my parameters won't work.
Also I have a problem with recook if I have a Switch operator controlled by Ordered Menu.
Also I have a problem with recook if I have a Switch operator controlled by Ordered Menu.
Houdini Learning Materials » Gold Fish tail - cloth in liquid?
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Hello, my friends!
Can you advise me please the way to semi-animate + semi-simulate the tail like this?
I am thinking about the vellum attached to simulated wire with animated roots. But also would be nice to control the general shape.
Thank you in advance!
Can you advise me please the way to semi-animate + semi-simulate the tail like this?
I am thinking about the vellum attached to simulated wire with animated roots. But also would be nice to control the general shape.
Thank you in advance!
Technical Discussion » Weird Houdini UI since last Windows update.
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That's strange. Seems windows update involve this problem. And solved not by restart, but shut down PC.
Technical Discussion » Weird Houdini UI since last Windows update.
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Good Monday!
I've got a very… strange Houdini interface this morning. Can you advise me please how to re-build ui?
Thank you in advance!
I've got a very… strange Houdini interface this morning. Can you advise me please how to re-build ui?
Thank you in advance!
Edited by vyudin - May 18, 2020 06:54:23
Houdini for Realtime » Houdini -> UE4 as Skeletal Mesh with Collisions?
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I am trying to get my pieces in UE4 imported as Skeletal mesh with my own collisions.
It's not a problem to get them as a Static Meshes. Both methods, UCX_ and groups is working well.
But collisions in Skeletal?
I am quite tired to set them manually in Physical Asset every time…

Thank you in advance!
I am trying to get my pieces in UE4 imported as Skeletal mesh with my own collisions.
It's not a problem to get them as a Static Meshes. Both methods, UCX_ and groups is working well.
But collisions in Skeletal?
I am quite tired to set them manually in Physical Asset every time…
Thank you in advance!
Houdini Engine for Unreal » UE4 PSB Brush to Houdini Engine Asset?
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Hi there! I'd like to build a level by using Brushes and then select them from World Outliner as input for HDA.
But the problem is: I need to convert BSP to static meshes every time. But I would to have a realtime edit functionality.
What you can advise me please?
Thank you in advance!
But the problem is: I need to convert BSP to static meshes every time. But I would to have a realtime edit functionality.
What you can advise me please?
Thank you in advance!
Edited by vyudin - Jan. 23, 2020 07:44:33
Houdini for Realtime » Pivot Painter won't work?
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I've tried to export "Interactive Grass Example“ to UE4.23 but can't get this work properly.
I've tried different import options (like ”scene convert“ on/off) - no luck at all.
Can you confirm please what ”pivot_painter_demoscene.hip" is still OK for export to UE4 please?
I've tried to export "Interactive Grass Example“ to UE4.23 but can't get this work properly.
I've tried different import options (like ”scene convert“ on/off) - no luck at all.
Can you confirm please what ”pivot_painter_demoscene.hip" is still OK for export to UE4 please?

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