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Houdini Lounge » Truncated Tetrahedron
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Truncated Tetrahedron
- anon_user_63541013
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Someone create one of these, and well I'll be impressed, can't see a ‘houdini way’ to do it. []
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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Have you something against the HOT? And any better suggestions are appreciated. Don't get me wrong, I don't want it numbed down, but in the end you'll create your own presets, so having some in place is a good idea, since orbolt though, maybe add preset options there, like liquid presets, or whatever. This came from someone up late with nothing to do, who's used Houdini for 2-3 months, just thought the community might have some ideas.
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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I find this interesting, SideFX, have produced a group of fuss pots, who care about every little detail, there's no going back for them now, no Autodesk styled moves (Buying there market share), they've shown us what they can give(In my opinion the best), so now we're going to be hassling them to produce the best in everything. Yes other packages win on certain things, but there is not other all round package that achieves near perfection with just about everything.
Edited by - Aug. 16, 2012 08:22:10
Technical Discussion » DOP Trigger.
- anon_user_63541013
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How do you trigger the grouping of an object based on collision. When the ball in my scene hit's the other objects, i want gravity to be applied.
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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I'm pretty excited about the icon, pity I'm like 3 continents away. I doubt these things will come with a .5 update, but it might be good to give them some time before requesting things again.
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » xTools has been released.
- anon_user_63541013
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Looking for some assets today, haven't checked this out but it's got me really really excited, I'll post my thoughts after trialing these!
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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I've got some wishes for Houdini 13, although I've seen this on Odforce i think it's better suited for Houdini forum, feel free to add your own, stomp on my ideas or elaborate on them!
New materials, I read and interview with the head of advertising of frame-store in which he encouraged SESI to rip off every Render-man material and every mental ray material, it wouldn't be too hard, pay one artist for a year and they'd get it done, 3-4 would speed things up surely, although you can make every material from scratch within Houdini, it would be nice to get some production ready things set up instantly, like how they've done Pyro, I'm talking: Ocean shaders (Dark - Tropical), Plastic shaders (Glossy and Matte), Metal Shaders (Possibly one with lot's of configurations) And so on, Not to mention A good skin shader.
Some Predefined Presets (Possibly a check box to enable them), this would allow you to get access to cleverly planned out node configurations, from putting a box on top off the ground to having some good Mantra configs for a place to start, this could really help newbies get into how stuff is done, and save everyone else time.
*For personal use* If like me you don't have access to a render farm you'll find H-Queue to much of a hassle, it would be really nice to have a simple jobs scheduler built inside of Houdini, that remember which frame you'd cancelled on and resume when you click resume, you could this way schedule 5 jobs, and every night at bed time have your computer eat away at them.
Speed Improvements.
Make more SOPS Multi-threaded, like the Iso-Offset.
Multi-thread everything pretty much.
Add OpenCL support for FLIP, POPs and even stuff like rigid bodies, anything that could take advantage of it.
*I'm aware it's near impossible for all of this to happen in one version change, but it sure would be nice to have as much of it as possible, also I don't know much about opencl so excuse me if it doesn't work for the things mentioned*
Some more starting objects, (this is a really simple request).
A corkscrew shaped thing, Cone (Yes I'm too lazy to drop down a tube, change it to poly, change the scale of the top, than fuse it), and any other basic objects people can think of.
*Maybe* Add some getting started tutorials with Houdini, just a thought.
Better way to have RBD and Wires interact, it should be easier to have an RBD affect a Wire object, this includes other dynamic interactions.
Compile the HOT to come with Houdini, Maya has an ocean, and the HOT is better than that (You can deform anything, and it looks rather realistic ), so why not put it in there?
Add the poke command from Maya (So you can turn the top of a tube into triangles cleanly) The other way I know of doing this is by poly extruding the face, adding a fuse which snaps them to the average position then finally adding another fuse to clean it up.
This is really for speed and convenience because thanks to the low level abilities of Houdini you can do anything anyway.
Add your thoughts!
New materials, I read and interview with the head of advertising of frame-store in which he encouraged SESI to rip off every Render-man material and every mental ray material, it wouldn't be too hard, pay one artist for a year and they'd get it done, 3-4 would speed things up surely, although you can make every material from scratch within Houdini, it would be nice to get some production ready things set up instantly, like how they've done Pyro, I'm talking: Ocean shaders (Dark - Tropical), Plastic shaders (Glossy and Matte), Metal Shaders (Possibly one with lot's of configurations) And so on, Not to mention A good skin shader.
Some Predefined Presets (Possibly a check box to enable them), this would allow you to get access to cleverly planned out node configurations, from putting a box on top off the ground to having some good Mantra configs for a place to start, this could really help newbies get into how stuff is done, and save everyone else time.
*For personal use* If like me you don't have access to a render farm you'll find H-Queue to much of a hassle, it would be really nice to have a simple jobs scheduler built inside of Houdini, that remember which frame you'd cancelled on and resume when you click resume, you could this way schedule 5 jobs, and every night at bed time have your computer eat away at them.
Speed Improvements.
Make more SOPS Multi-threaded, like the Iso-Offset.
Multi-thread everything pretty much.
Add OpenCL support for FLIP, POPs and even stuff like rigid bodies, anything that could take advantage of it.
*I'm aware it's near impossible for all of this to happen in one version change, but it sure would be nice to have as much of it as possible, also I don't know much about opencl so excuse me if it doesn't work for the things mentioned*
Some more starting objects, (this is a really simple request).
A corkscrew shaped thing, Cone (Yes I'm too lazy to drop down a tube, change it to poly, change the scale of the top, than fuse it), and any other basic objects people can think of.
*Maybe* Add some getting started tutorials with Houdini, just a thought.
Better way to have RBD and Wires interact, it should be easier to have an RBD affect a Wire object, this includes other dynamic interactions.
Compile the HOT to come with Houdini, Maya has an ocean, and the HOT is better than that (You can deform anything, and it looks rather realistic ), so why not put it in there?
Add the poke command from Maya (So you can turn the top of a tube into triangles cleanly) The other way I know of doing this is by poly extruding the face, adding a fuse which snaps them to the average position then finally adding another fuse to clean it up.
This is really for speed and convenience because thanks to the low level abilities of Houdini you can do anything anyway.
Add your thoughts!
Edited by - Aug. 16, 2012 08:20:16
Technical Discussion » Starting DOP simulation when objecs inside sphere.
- anon_user_63541013
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Technical Discussion » Starting DOP simulation when objecs inside sphere.
- anon_user_63541013
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Thanks heaps, loading the file now, really cool to know that people in the industry will help out the little guys!
Technical Discussion » Starting DOP simulation when objecs inside sphere.
- anon_user_63541013
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I've got some prefractured geometry, which i than use the RBD fracture shelf tool to bring it into a DOP network, i want the simulation of each individual piece to start when in the vicinity of a sphere, but have no clue how to.
I'll post the file if someone requests it, I'm not new to Houdini, only DOPs, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.
I'll post the file if someone requests it, I'm not new to Houdini, only DOPs, so forgive me if this is a stupid question.
Technical Discussion » Generating Geo With Polywire/L-SYSTEMS
- anon_user_63541013
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How do you generate height based L-SYSTEM Geo with the Poly-wire SOP?
Any replies will be greatly appreciated, don't be afraid to send scene file or get technical.
Any replies will be greatly appreciated, don't be afraid to send scene file or get technical.
Technical Discussion » How do I install the Houdini Ocean Toolkit to my Mac?
- anon_user_63541013
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Any version of Xcode is fine, open it and go to preferences than downloads tab, and install the command line tools.
Technical Discussion » Render status window doesn't come up anymore [MAC]
- anon_user_63541013
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Turns out It only shows when rendering a sequence, pain because i can't see the status on a single given image, I'm still having some preference issues though, how do you reset them on a mac?
Technical Discussion » Render status window doesn't come up anymore [MAC]
- anon_user_63541013
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Usually when I create a mantra render node a status comes up showing how many renders left and how much time has elapsed, but now it doesn't happen, I've deleted Houdini and reinstalled it but it loads the same preferences as before , where are the preferences kept on a mac? Or is this something else?
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