End of week 2 and I am really enjoying Mardini! Learning so much this time around!
Here's my day 13: Grass! Rendered with my COPS Pixel Renderer!
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MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 13 Image | Nature | Grass
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MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 12 Image | Nature | Valley
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Phew, finally done my day 12, a couple of small errors but here's my Day 12: Valley rendered pixel style!
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 11 Image | Nature | Wave
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My entry for Day 11: Wave. Would have liked to have spent longer on it, but the original render took too long, and as I am still having power issues at home intermittently didn't want to chance spending longer.
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 10 Image | Nature | River
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My entry for Day 10: River. Would have spent more time on it but I had a power outage earlier, so missed out on some time!
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 9 Image | Nature | Beach
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My entry for Day 9 Beach. Not too happy with it, but didn't end up with too much time to spend on it! Rendered with my COPS pixel Renderer.
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 8 Image | Nature | Mud
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My day 8: Mud.
Wasn't too happy with how this one came out, but I didn't want to get demotivated from continuing with the challenge, so leaving it as is.
Wasn't too happy with how this one came out, but I didn't want to get demotivated from continuing with the challenge, so leaving it as is.
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 7 Image | Nature | Stone
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Day 7 Stone: Thought of cool things I could make with stone (not including Golems as I have used Crag twice already!) and I ended up deciding on going with some kind of Stonehenge inspired monument! Rendered with my COPS pixel renderer.
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 6 Image | Motion | Flow
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Here's my Day 6 Flow: Scrapped some of my original (maybe more thematic) ideas, and went for a lava golem, dripping onto the stone below. Used my stylized COPS pixel renderer again!
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 5 Animation | Motion | Crash
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Here's my day 5 Crash entry: A continuation of yesterday's unfortunate events for a certain alien!
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 4 Animation | Motion | Escape
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My pixel rendered animation for Day 4 - Escape: I didn't quite end up with it looping, but at the same time didn't want to scrap the animations I spent a lot of time on. So this is how it ended up!
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 3 Image | Motion | Leap
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Here's my Day 3: Leap (rendered pixel art style with my custom render COPS network).
I learned a lot working on this one; even though this was a still image compared to the previous 2 animation entries of mine, it ended up being quite a lot of work.
The first render I made I had issues with the foreground characters standing out from the background, so I re rendered in several takes (with different objects in each) processing them individually first then comped them all together, in probably the biggest compositing node tree I have used so far.
I learned a lot working on this one; even though this was a still image compared to the previous 2 animation entries of mine, it ended up being quite a lot of work.
The first render I made I had issues with the foreground characters standing out from the background, so I re rendered in several takes (with different objects in each) processing them individually first then comped them all together, in probably the biggest compositing node tree I have used so far.
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 2 Animation | Motion | Grow
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My entry for day 2 - Grow. Continuing to learn more about creating stylized color schemes with my COPS Pixel Renderer.
MARDINI Daily Challenge 2021 » Day 1 | Motion | Bounce
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Really enjoyed working through HOULY last year (when I was brand new to Houdini), now I am back again for MARDINI!
Here's my Day 1: Bounce.
Render made with my COPS Pixel Art Renderer HDA. Also I've been learning how color correction works in COPS and will hopefully add that to my Renderer HDA after the challenge is over, for even more stylizing.
Here's my Day 1: Bounce.
Render made with my COPS Pixel Art Renderer HDA. Also I've been learning how color correction works in COPS and will hopefully add that to my Renderer HDA after the challenge is over, for even more stylizing.
HOULY Daily Challenge » Congratulations to all the Winners!
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Hi there, trying to fill out the form but it is not accepting my Irish post code, it says must be a number, not sure what to do. My post code contains letters and numbers. I was one of the people taking part in Iron Man.
HOULY Daily Challenge » Iron Man Challenge
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Thanks for the awesome experience SideFX! It was fun taking part! Hope it happens again in the future. Even though I started late, I managed to catch up!
HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 31 | Materials: Incandescent
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HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 30 | Materials: Rough
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HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 29 | Materials: Silky
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Went with a spiderweb today as IDK if my PC can handle cloth sims.
Tried to use COPS for a skybox but it was a complete nightmare and I decided to stick with a grid. I think there must be a particular incompatibility with COPS and my old PC build because it's the most surefire way of crashing Houdini outside of overbeveling/subdividing really early on, that I have encountered through the whole challenge.
Tried to use COPS for a skybox but it was a complete nightmare and I decided to stick with a grid. I think there must be a particular incompatibility with COPS and my old PC build because it's the most surefire way of crashing Houdini outside of overbeveling/subdividing really early on, that I have encountered through the whole challenge.
HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 28 | Materials: Noise
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Caught back up today, so two more down, 3 more to go.
Went with a glitchy character head.
Went with a glitchy character head.
HOULY Daily Challenge » Day 27 | Materials: Translucent
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A bit late on this one as I was unable to enter yesterday. Made a bit of a nightmare for this one!
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