I have crashes with Copernicus, connecting a sop import with a rasterize geo cop. Where can I report this?
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I have crashes with Copernicus, connecting a sop import with a rasterize geo cop. Where can I report this?
AnsonSavageIsn't it what OpenFX and BorisFX Sapphire suite brings to Houdini, a Nuke copycat? Just wondering here!
Do you guys see a place for a Houdini version of Nuke's CopyCat?
raincoleThey've been on Vimeo for 5 days now, usually they upload on Vimeo a few days before they upload on YouTube!
Btw it seems that the HIVE videos are being uploaded!
kodraA lot of backlash on Adobe's side these days, for me Copernicus is a good thing since I use 3DCoat for 3D painting, 3D Coat has better painting tool set than Painter IMHO, I can also paint at 16K no problems with 3D Coat, so, to me at least, Copernicus is a very useful addition to the Houdini toolset!
The bad new is it is Substance Designer without Painter. The only painting tool shown is the same as H20. No layering UI etc.
kodraI am quite interested in the recipe stuff, looks very promising!
I'm really, really surprised by this APEX script thing. In a good way.
I've expressed a lot of negativity about APEX, but this thing is what I always wanted. I have already done some algorithm with APEX nodes (like swing-twist decomposition) and being able to do it in code would have saved so much time.
That being said I hope this time it comes with proper documentation. And the spider example file.
HGaalThis is not where the node's custom colours for the network editor are registered, you can open it with Notepad and see for yourself, again, the custom node's colours are registered with Default_Theme_theme.nodecolors, you can also open this file with Notepad and see for yourself!
Well, that's what I said. Deduction! Holmes approves! File found. Houdini writes the node colors to this default.nodecolors file in the build folder in the subfolder "houdini"!
["Sop/box", [0.800000011920929, 0.01600000075995922, 0.01600000075995922]], ["Sop/tube", [0.3019999861717224, 0.5249999761581421, 0.11400000005960464]], ["Sop/torus", [0.09399999678134918, 0.36899998784065247, 0.6899999976158142]]]
HGaalAnd here you are, trolling again, as you keep bitching Houdini and keep insulting the developers!
Warm greetings to highly qualified Houdini developers from an unqualified user who is forced to find and correct your mistakes without the slightest information about the structure of Houdini. I wish you a lot of health, success, career, money in the New Year, and that you are less lazy and more smart!
raincoleThere are a lot of functionalities hidden under right-click, often those are not always evident to find!
Ah, yeah, it works. Thank you very much. SideFX supports have exchange several emails with me on this issue... but no one mentioned that I needed to save as default. Not blaming them too much tho... perhaps it's so obvious to them and no one thought that I would not know it.
HGaalAgain, it works for everyone else but you, therefore you are the problem, not the software, at this point it has become a joke, this is trolling, nothing else!
raincoleOn my system they are permanent, but you need to right-click the colour palette and save as default, then the opColorPalette.def file gets saved in C:\Users\username\Documents\houdini20.0\config
I experience a similar but different issue:
I can't add colors to this palette and make them persistent. SideFX supports insists it's saved to a file called "opColorPalette.def". But it just doesn't exist on my system.
HGaalAgain, this works perfectly for other users, We told you, if we delete the files, the shapes and colours revert to the defaults, if the files were created elsewhere, a simple search would allow you to find them, if you can't find these files in other directories, it means they are not created elsewhere, did you even search for those files on your system?
Take a sedative and don't write nonsense.
I deleted the settings folder and houdini created it again with the default settings. BUT the colors of the nodes remained my custom ones! This means that the build saves the colors not in the settings folder, but inside its own folder. Or in some folder in the Windows directory, like Appdata\Local\blablabla. But why is this different from other users? This means that for some reason the module for saving custom Houdini colors cannot find the settings folder in this particular Windows and writes the colors to its own folder. This is a stupid mistake by the programmers of this module (they obviously get the path incorrectly due to regional settings or the Windows version) because all other parts of Houdini can see, write and read the settings folder perfectly.
__feisar__Nah, it's pretty clear, just a Blenderhead who keeps dissing Houdini and keeps pushing Blender on Houdini's forum, nothing new really, probably just a kid messing with Us and wasting Our time! 🤪
This thread was created over five years ago and we are getting closer to understand how to select edge loops or do bevels.