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Houdini Lounge » Why is Houdini so awesome?!?
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini is the best, the reason Maya owns is because a lot of ‘Artists’ use it for artist like things: Hand animation etc, Houdini is fantastic and if the industry was made up of technical/artistic kinds than it would be the be all and end all. As SESI make Houdini both easier whilst maintaining the raw power I think it will grow, the proof this kind of thing can be done? Well look at developing for iPhone or Mac, can be incredibly easy for a lot of things, yet also incredibly low level and complicated, SESI will achieve this with Houdini I hope. Simple for stuff like rigging characters and Texturing, yet low level for custom effects and procedural modelling tools. Of course the rigging and texturing will be based of the low level stuff so one can control it very much so.
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- anon_user_63541013
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1. speed.
The goal should be real-time & no lag, for everything from resizing a pane to rendering. Speed reduces costs and increases the number of refinements work can go through per day… its so important.
2. spare us the death of a thousand cuts.
Fix all the little things that are dysfunctional or never passed the prototype stage. Like the painful COPs performance, laggy and inaccurate COPs viewport handles/guides, laggy UI, the default near-degenerate triangulation on new primitives, dysfunctional polyextrude inset on concave polys, missing group output options for nodes that create new geometry, mossing local mode for transform handles, tiny function field in the channel editor, mplay not inheriting variables, etc, etc… All the small annoying things, I'm sure there's a huge list of them in the support database by now.
3. keep it clean, keep it portable.
keep the $HIP workflow, I know its hugely unpopular these-days but its one of Houdini's great advantages; you get a zero-maintenance pipeline for free. Also allow Houdini/mantra to be run from its own directory on windows.
I've never heard of a real time production renderer.
Houdini Learning Materials » Toronto Technical Evening: Bullet Simulations
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Learning Materials » Can't Find POP Net Node in Apprentice
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Nuke creeping up on Houdini?
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Nuke creeping up on Houdini?
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Nuke creeping up on Houdini?
- anon_user_63541013
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no, houdini is far more expensive than maya, and houdini's upgrade plan is not free. []
the next version of flip could definitely be better, i am not arguing that. the fact that most studios already have a maya pipeline though, one that could now include an industry proven flip fluid simulator, would make the choice to try and integrate houdini into their pipeline harder.
its not that i like this either. i absolutely love houdini. hardcore houdini fan boy in fact. i would love for more studios to use it. ive already gotten a large amount of kids at my school to use houdini for everything from personal projects to entire student films instead of maya. but i do think that autodesks purchase of exotic matter wasnt exactly beneficial to us.
I'm sorry but, 5199 for maya, 4,995 for Houdini. Unless I'm missing the licensing differences?
It does include the upgrade plan as well: []
Houdini Lounge » Nuke creeping up on Houdini?
- anon_user_63541013
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Maya is about the same price, maybe even more expensive, and Houdini comes with an upgrade plan free of charge. Liquids aren't everything, Naiad is great, but I think in the next version of Houdini FLIP could be better, the workflow is far superior in Houdini, and this shows when trying to make big effects with lots of custom things. Now as for Nuke catching up? No way, not for another 10 years, by than hopefully Houdini will rule the market.
Houdini Learning Materials » Toronto Technical Evening: Bullet Simulations
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Metaball Topology, Quads.
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Metaball Topology, Quads.
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Metaball Topology, Quads.
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Learning Materials » Actually Learning Houdini?
- anon_user_63541013
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I'll happily share some of my scene files, I've learned a lot about Houdini in the past 3 months, Thanks to good learning material, the fantastic community, and just trying things out, PM me here if you want my email address and I can share some stuff with you, Although I wont be able to for a few days.
Houdini Learning Materials » Actually Learning Houdini?
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Fractured Static.
- anon_user_63541013
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As I'm using 10,000+ objects it must be automated, I'm using the RBD sim so caching out this data is an option, How do i do this? PS. Thanks for the detailed reply.
Houdini Lounge » Fractured Static.
- anon_user_63541013
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How do you set up a Fractured static object, I want to cache my fracture sim and than add pyro and use the fractured sim as a static object, I can't use a static object however because the division for the SDF calculation would have to be set up really high.
Houdini Learning Materials » Toronto Technical Evening: Bullet Simulations
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Lounge » Pyro as Lighting.
- anon_user_63541013
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Seems like a good idea, I have no idea how to advect particles through the velocity though, any links?
Technical Discussion » how to transform the planes to xy coordinate
- anon_user_63541013
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3 Things:
Try factoring in the measure sop into the foreach solution.
Go to [] They have videos on this.
What you are asking for is a complete solution to a problem, I've done this before and it's not the way to go about it, you can ask for advice but you will never really get what you want because only you know exactly.
Try factoring in the measure sop into the foreach solution.
Go to [] They have videos on this.
What you are asking for is a complete solution to a problem, I've done this before and it's not the way to go about it, you can ask for advice but you will never really get what you want because only you know exactly.
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