Hi everyone, I have a ‘silly’ issue with 16.5 : zooming close to an object in the viewport is pretty hard , because the zoom step size is huge. Where can I remedy that ? I didn't find anything in ‘preferences’ or maybe something in houdini.pref file ?
Hi everyone, I have a relatively simple scene (see attached file) , width a DOP sim; trying to simulate some jellyfishes using cloth and a wire solver. I also use a sop solver to control the jellyfishes movements.
The issue is with RAM management : during simulation, Houdini keeps on consuming memory until it hits the ceiling and crashes, even if I limit cache_memory to 1024 MB on the DopNetwork node.
My PC has only 16 Gigs of RAM, and maybe that's part of the problem. I find Houdini is usually great at managing it's memory during sims. I don't understand what is different in this scene.
Hi, you need to create a vector volume along side you density volume. That's the trick with volumes, you don't add attributes to them, they kind of are the attributes themselves. After setting the color values , you can visualize them with a volumevisualization sop.
Hi, I am on windows 10 with Hqueue 16.0.619 and Houdini indie 16.0.619
I am using Hqueue on one machine only, just to “batch” render jobs. I did some rendering yesterday and the day before that. Hqueue was working fine. After restarting my computer, Hqueue finds the client, but it's unavailable ( with a grey dot) all the time.
In win 10 services, I am unable to restart the HqueueClient service, even if I do it with admin privileges. I also tried to execute “hqclientd.bat” in the HQueueClient base folder, but it doesn't resolve the issue.
I have no clue about what is happening … Anybody ?
It works like a charm, very handy. I have a pure Python small issue though : if I cancel the operation, the progress dialog closes with an error: “Unknown error when generating backtrace.” I can't find any example about hou.OperationInterrupted exception being handled and I don't really know how to handle Python exceptions. Are there any examples somewhere ?
Hi, I am making an asset to export some height maps and splat maps to unity as .raw files. Maybe python is not the way to go on that one, and my code is certainly not optimal, but anyway, exports a getting pretty long time wise, and I would like some feedback. I was wondering: is there a way to display any kind of progress bar during a python script execution ?
… at the very end of the presentation, a member of the audience asks a question about a possible future version of Mantra with GPU. Kai Stavginski answers with a “ Maybe …. ” Am I seeing to much into this “maybe ..” ? Did he mean “Maybe, I really don't know” or “Maybe … wink, wink”. I realize the humongous size of such a task, so I try to not hope for it too much …
Hi everyone, I have an issue with an HDA that I started in Houdini 15 I believe. I attached a screen shot of this HDA definition, and there is a long list of asset definitions for many Houdini standard nodes. I don't even know how or when they appeared in the definition. Anyway, the real issue is the fact that saving this asset definition takes at least 1mn30s,
are all these other entries slowing down the saving process ? Does anyone have an explanation for these “unwanted” entries
Hi, maybe not “many cases” , but my goal is to model a realistic bed, with some fluffy pillows. I don't really want to have them animated. I just need some nice “draping” and folding of the beds sheets and cover. For example for the pillows I tried model it in two pieces( i.e two grid) , adding the dop soft constraint to open edges, and have the two pieces stitch together to wrap around a “filler” solid model.
and it kind of works using the hard version of the constraint, but the respective constrained points just snap together on the first frame of the sim, causing a lot of distortion ( and I guess a lot of work for cloth solver ).
And my guess is it would be easier to do this sort of thing with a soft constraint, by letting forces stitch the model together.
Hi , I have exactly the same issue with houdini 16. No matter how high the stiffness, these constraints seems to have no effect at all. It says in the docs that, contrary to the “hard” option, the “soft” option create forces “instead” of constraints, but I can't find any information about these forces in the dop network spreadsheet.
you example seem to run ok, but I get this message when I open the hip file :
“Unable to load HFS OpenCL platform.”
I am not shure it used my video card to compute at all. I have two pretty recent nvidia cards, it shouldn't be the issue. I noticed there are some houdini env variables related to opencl devices. Do I have to set their value to something corresponding to my hardware ?
Hi, like all of you I imagine, I'v been playing around with houdini 16 new tools ( what an update ! ) I am especially excited about the opencl SOP, but I must admit I haven't been able to do anything with it so far. I never coded an opencl kernel before, and it seems pretty “hairy” right now ( it always does that at first I guess ^^ ). I couldn't find any example code in the docs, and I had no success with the “generate kernel” button on the sop it self.
is there an example file, or a simple working snippet somewhere ?