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Houdini Lounge » Pyro as Lighting.
- anon_user_63541013
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How would I go about using Pyro to light my scene? What i hope to achieve is flame torches as the lighting for my scene. I would have to cache the sims to than use with the rest of my scene.
Technical Discussion » Active object delete.
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Learning Materials » Toronto Technical Evening: Bullet Simulations
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Learning Materials » Welcome to Learning Houdini forum!
- anon_user_63541013
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Technical Discussion » failing creating a box
- anon_user_63541013
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Work in Progress » Filling polygonal model with rocks asset
- anon_user_63541013
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This is faster than doing two exploded views which uses two foreachs + other nodes twice. Have a look at the attached file.
Houdini Lounge » Four round corner geometric primitive (DA)
- anon_user_63541013
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Technical Discussion » Active object delete.
- anon_user_63541013
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After reviewing your method I realized I could use the point expression in the activation value, this greatly improved on my prior method of activating objects now i can simulate 1000 in the time i could previously simulate 100, Thanks heaps! To give you an Idea of the affect I'm doing I'll explain: A ground that crumbles as a character is running away from it. It sounds simple but is pretty detailed, I'll do a WIP soon.
Technical Discussion » Active object delete.
- anon_user_63541013
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How could I delete an object after being active a certain amount of time? I use Active object node to activate the sim on my fractured objects, and want to delete them after a certain amount of time.
Technical Discussion » Fractured RBD sim.
- anon_user_63541013
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Technical Discussion » Fractured RBD sim.
- anon_user_63541013
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I wish to create a fractured RBD sim that has objects added to it over time, I tried setting this up but it only added the objects from frame 1. Any help would be great!
Houdini Lounge » walkthrough with vfx
- anon_user_63541013
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Rotational acceleration and deceleration - expression
- anon_user_63541013
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sin($F * speed) * size.
Speed being how fast, size being the size of the value, so to make something rotate back and forth i might do: sin($F) * 180, if I misunderstand what you want elaborate. If you want to make It stop and start by your command look into chops. Or key frame it (I'd avoid this).
Speed being how fast, size being the size of the value, so to make something rotate back and forth i might do: sin($F) * 180, if I misunderstand what you want elaborate. If you want to make It stop and start by your command look into chops. Or key frame it (I'd avoid this).
Technical Discussion » Omni Force.
- anon_user_63541013
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Technical Discussion » Omni Force.
- anon_user_63541013
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I haven't been using Houdini much for about 3 weeks, so I can't figure how to set up an omni force in dops, What I'm trying to achieve is a planet slowly exploding so I want force coming from the center.
Houdini Lounge » motion graphics in houdini
- anon_user_63541013
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Think of Expressions and CHOPS as the glue for SOPS, POPS, DOPS, SHOPS and VOPS, you use them to put it all together. For example you could in SOPS have a boat you've modeled, and you use a copy sop to do the sails, you might use the stamp expression to have a big sail and than a smaller sail, by using $PT in the variables, you than might use the sin expression to make it sway with a transform or better yet use CHOPS to get really natural movement, in this situation the SOPS is the center place where it's all at, and the expressions and use of CHOPS simply help put it together. Expressions are also useful for making shelf tools, command line rendering and more. CHOPS are capable of standalone stuff as well (Audio) and should never be underestimated as some very impressive stuff can be achieved (Audio driven animation, spacial audio, and more). They will however usually drive stuff in the other networks.
Houdini Lounge » BSD
- anon_user_63541013
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I read an article, and it says that Linux binaries run faster on FreeBSD, well at least this one did, it was an OpenGL bench mark. I think that's an incentive to switch, I'll be buying a Nvidia soon enough. [] << Article, [] << Forum post discussing it.
Honestly, I would not use this benchmark as the sole basis for your decision. There are simply too many differences between the systems being compared. (Ubuntu running Unity Vs. PC-BSD running KDE) Even Linux distributions themselves can vary more than this particular benchmark when it comes to 3d graphics performance.
For example. []
If you simply like BSD, and know BSD well then I don't blame you for wanting to use it though.
If you end up using Linux, I'd recommend Gentoo, Funtoo, or even Sabayon. All of them can use, or do use portage, which is very similar to the BSD style ports system for package management. Gentoo is also a very hands-on distro that you can customize until your hearts content. (including the use of clang to build a majority of the system if you want)
Good luck in whatever you decide. I'm still interested to hear if you get BSD + Nvidia combination working with Houdini as well
Although I appreciate the idea of getting a lot more control of my Distro and ultimately being free, I'm simply not willing to dedicate the time required to achieve it, My only options seem to be: CENTOS/RHEL/FEDORA or FreeBSD + Nvidia and a slightly wacky Houdini install. I'm very fond of what the FreeBSD fellows are doing with Jails, and as a server FreeBSD is just perfect, it will only get great as a desktop as it starts to be used as a desktop, PC-BSD is also good for it because it makes learning it so much easier.
Houdini Lounge » BSD
- anon_user_63541013
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lisuxDelight0092Well I don't think this is the best way to talk to somebody.
Are you listening SESI!
SESI is not blind but they can't go against the whole industry.
At some point Linux beat FreeBSD and won the popularity battle.
It is a pity because all of us suffer the lack of a centralized and coordinated development in the Linux world.
It is a real problem for any industry to depend on a system ecosystem like the linux one.
Well more or less all studios adopted RedHat as the facto standard.
I still think FreeBSD is much better crafted system then Fedora or CentOS, which what studios really use.
What I am saying is that in the same way SESI make a remarkable movement soem years ago supproting Linux as a growing platform, nowdays I think the professional UNIX should FreeBSD rather than Linux.
By professional I just mean used for production work.
Would be great if SESI make this step and try to convince other palyers in this industry to make the move.
The other UNIX used in our industry is MacOS, and definitely FreeBSD is closer to Darwin than to GNU/Linux, so I think it is much better for all software developers to mainly work for BSD platforms.
I meant the are you listening SESI! To be enthusiastic rather than demanding, And in reply to the one benchmark not being enough to switch, I meant it in the sense that if I can get graphics working nicely with all of the other things BSD has it would be an incentive, FreeBSD is secure, Uniform, very fast and most of it's features are low level, They don't focus on fancy UI's or appstores.
Houdini Lounge » BSD
- anon_user_63541013
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Wouldn't it be better to have a version crafted to FreeBSD?
*Edit* I'm getting what you mean.
*Edit* I'm getting what you mean.
Houdini Lounge » BSD
- anon_user_63541013
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Are you listening SESI! Clang and LLVM is the future also, Apple and Google have made fantastic use of it, and FreeBSD 10 will make it default, It's got fantastic features like it's modular design which allows for Apps like Xcode to debug while you work. As they said on that page, “Linux is for Windows Haters, *BSD is for UNIX lovers”. FreeBSD is everything but one thing, and that is AMD Compliant. But NVIDIA hardly have a lack of options to choose from. It wouldn't extremely hard considering BSDs handling of Linux binaries, to make a test build, Eventually optimizing for BSD if people used it.
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