Thanks for bringing this up, it seems like the 4.26 files were not updated properly on github (the other UE versions of that update were fine). Both the source files on the Houdini18.5-4.26 branch and the release zip for 4.26 weren't updated properly and used an older version of the plugin.
I just fixed that, the 4.26 release binaries available here:
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.3 [github.com]
are now the proper 633 version, and I just push the update to the source code as well.
Using that version should fix your issues.
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Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini 18.5.633 UE 4.26 parameters disapeared in all my HD
- dpernuit
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Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini 18.5.633 UE 4.26 parameters disapeared in all my HD
- dpernuit
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Yes, that is a known issue that was introduced in 18.5.633, and fixed in 634.
You can either switch to a daily build, or use the plugin binaries on github.
They are linked to H18.5.633 but have the fix.
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.3 [github.com]
Yes, that is a known issue that was introduced in 18.5.633, and fixed in 634.
You can either switch to a daily build, or use the plugin binaries on github.
They are linked to H18.5.633 but have the fix.
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.3 [github.com]
Houdini Engine for Unreal » PublicAPI: How to use existing AHouAssetActor for APIWrapper
- dpernuit
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Did you try using UHoudiniPublicAPIAssetWrapper::CreateWrapper(), this should create a wrapper using an existing AHoudiniAssetActor or UHoudiniAssetComponent.
Did you try using UHoudiniPublicAPIAssetWrapper::CreateWrapper(), this should create a wrapper using an existing AHoudiniAssetActor or UHoudiniAssetComponent.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » I cant build the project after installing Houdini Engine
- dpernuit
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You're working with Unreal 4.26 but are using either a 4.24/4.25 versions of the plugin.
That's likely because the build of Houdini you're using was released before UE4.26 was released.
The error you're getting is expected, as the binaries of the plugin you're using were not build for UE4.26.
The easiest solution would be to simply install a more recent version of Houdini 18.5, that will have the 4.26 plugin.
Also, don't install the version 1 plugin, as it's now deprecated, you'll want to use the plugin that will be in the 4.26-v2 folder.
You're working with Unreal 4.26 but are using either a 4.24/4.25 versions of the plugin.
That's likely because the build of Houdini you're using was released before UE4.26 was released.
The error you're getting is expected, as the binaries of the plugin you're using were not build for UE4.26.
The easiest solution would be to simply install a more recent version of Houdini 18.5, that will have the 4.26 plugin.
Also, don't install the version 1 plugin, as it's now deprecated, you'll want to use the plugin that will be in the 4.26-v2 folder.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2
- dpernuit
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@dyts: Source code and binaries are available on the plugin's git repo:
Source code
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/tree/Houdini18.5-5.00 [github.com]
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.2 [github.com]
@Aurel Godin: I'll try to have a look at porting the Niagara and Live Link plugin to UE5 during the week.
Source code
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/tree/Houdini18.5-5.00 [github.com]
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.2 [github.com]
@Aurel Godin: I'll try to have a look at porting the Niagara and Live Link plugin to UE5 during the week.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Instancer custom data
- dpernuit
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Support for per-instance custom data has been added to the v2 plugin in Houdini 18.5.521:
The number of custom floats per instance can be set via the "unreal_num_custom_floats" attribute.
The custom data itself can be set on the instances via the "unreal_per_instance_custom_dataX" attributes, where X is the zero-based index of the custom float data.
Support for per-instance custom data has been added to the v2 plugin in Houdini 18.5.521:
The number of custom floats per instance can be set via the "unreal_num_custom_floats" attribute.
The custom data itself can be set on the instances via the "unreal_per_instance_custom_dataX" attributes, where X is the zero-based index of the custom float data.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2
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For UE5, I'll try to publish the UE5 plugin to git before the end of this week.
We already have a UE5 compatible plugin, but it's built for an earlier version of UE5.
Once I've tested/fixed it with the current Early Access version, I'll push the source to the git repo.
We already have a UE5 compatible plugin, but it's built for an earlier version of UE5.
Once I've tested/fixed it with the current Early Access version, I'll push the source to the git repo.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Q: Houdini Engine inside (Windows) packaged runtime?
- dpernuit
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For internal application, this could be made to work, obviously, an engine license would be needed per seat.
The second step would be to modify the plugin so that the HoudinEngine module can be used at runtime without the editor.
That module is the one containing all the logic needed to instantiate/cook HDAs, and currently is editor only.
A lot of build issues would likely have to be fixed first, guarding editor only parts with #IF WITH_EDITOR.
Then it's highly possible that some other tweaks to the code would be required in order to make sure that the module can effectively run properly without the editor.
For internal application, this could be made to work, obviously, an engine license would be needed per seat.
The second step would be to modify the plugin so that the HoudinEngine module can be used at runtime without the editor.
That module is the one containing all the logic needed to instantiate/cook HDAs, and currently is editor only.
A lot of build issues would likely have to be fixed first, guarding editor only parts with #IF WITH_EDITOR.
Then it's highly possible that some other tweaks to the code would be required in order to make sure that the module can effectively run properly without the editor.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Get/Set exposed HDA parameters with python in Unreal
- dpernuit
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You can already do that via detail generic property attributes, but yes the API will give you access to most of the Houdini Asset Component's property.
If you wanted to use an attribute, you could add i@unreal_uproperty_Outputless = 1 on the HDA's details.
If you wanted to use an attribute, you could add i@unreal_uproperty_Outputless = 1 on the HDA's details.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » 4.23, 4.24 plugin versions missing from latest installer?
- dpernuit
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We only ship binaries for the latest 2 versions of Unreal, currently 4.26 / 25.
The fact that the prod build had all four versions was a mistake.
You can get the plugin source for 4.23/24 on the git repo, but will have to build the plugin from source.
The fact that the prod build had all four versions was a mistake.
You can get the plugin source for 4.23/24 on the git repo, but will have to build the plugin from source.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Get/Set exposed HDA parameters with python in Unreal
- dpernuit
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We're currently putting the finishing touches to the plugin's public API.
It will let you change parameters, inputs, instantiate HDAs, etc... either from python/BP/c++
The API will be available in a few weeks (early June).
We're currently putting the finishing touches to the plugin's public API.
It will let you change parameters, inputs, instantiate HDAs, etc... either from python/BP/c++
The API will be available in a few weeks (early June).
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Layers(soil, grass, rock) dont recognized from Unreal engine
- dpernuit
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I'm not sure what your issue is, I just tried your HDA on my side and I did get the paint layers to show fine in UE.
What do you mean by "not recognized from the layer blend", if you select the landscape, go to landscape mode, paint,
the layers should all be available in the landscape panel on the left.
You should also be able to inspect them when going into Layer Debug visualize mode.
I'm not sure what your issue is, I just tried your HDA on my side and I did get the paint layers to show fine in UE.
What do you mean by "not recognized from the layer blend", if you select the landscape, go to landscape mode, paint,
the layers should all be available in the landscape panel on the left.
You should also be able to inspect them when going into Layer Debug visualize mode.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Python callback script from button parameter not executing in UE4
- dpernuit
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Just realized you're using absolute paths, "/obj/geo1/python1" which might be the issue.
You generally want to always use relative paths when using HDAS with HEngine.
Just realized you're using absolute paths, "/obj/geo1/python1" which might be the issue.
You generally want to always use relative paths when using HDAS with HEngine.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Generate a new node with python script in unreal
- dpernuit
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To debug the issue, the easiest way would be to use session sync.
I see a few things that could cause issues:
- When using HDA and promoting button from another node, that node needs to be set as an editable node in the parent HDA.
- The HDA is locked when used via HEngine, so you won't be able to create nodes inside of it.
You could create nodes inside an editable subnet in the HDA, or outside of the HDA.
To debug the issue, the easiest way would be to use session sync.
I see a few things that could cause issues:
- When using HDA and promoting button from another node, that node needs to be set as an editable node in the parent HDA.
- The HDA is locked when used via HEngine, so you won't be able to create nodes inside of it.
You could create nodes inside an editable subnet in the HDA, or outside of the HDA.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2
- dpernuit
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@monopole: The mesh sockets issue has been fixed in H18.5.569
@choix: The issue with inputs sometimes getting mixed up has been fixed in recent builds of the plugin, if not, please submit a bug with your HDA so we can try and repro it on our side.
@choix: The issue with inputs sometimes getting mixed up has been fixed in recent builds of the plugin, if not, please submit a bug with your HDA so we can try and repro it on our side.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Instancing Decal actors (and other standard actors) in UE4
- dpernuit
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I already replied to you on github, but Ill share my answer here for others:
For Decals, IIRC there's two ways you could spawn them via the plugin:
unreal_instance set to a Material path, with the material set to Decal, this should normally spawn the appropriate DecalActor.
unreal_instance set to "DecalActor" will spawn DecalActors, and you can try to use uprop attribute to change params.
I already replied to you on github, but Ill share my answer here for others:
For Decals, IIRC there's two ways you could spawn them via the plugin:
unreal_instance set to a Material path, with the material set to Decal, this should normally spawn the appropriate DecalActor.
unreal_instance set to "DecalActor" will spawn DecalActors, and you can try to use uprop attribute to change params.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » HDA rotate points curve and add tunnel
- dpernuit
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In unreal, if you use a Curve Input, then you can control rot/scale values per points.
Since you're using the rotation for the tracks, you could use the scale values (Y/Z) of the points to decide if you want tunnels or not.
Alternatively, you could place volumes/boxes in UE, and use them to let your tool know where to place tunnel.
In unreal, if you use a Curve Input, then you can control rot/scale values per points.
Since you're using the rotation for the tracks, you could use the scale values (Y/Z) of the points to decide if you want tunnels or not.
Alternatively, you could place volumes/boxes in UE, and use them to let your tool know where to place tunnel.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Workflow scattering / modifiying existing UE4 Terrain
- dpernuit
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I'm not sure I understand your 2nd question, if you use a landscape (or world) input , then the selected landscape will be available in Houdini as a Height field...
You can open Session Sync, and you'll see that your input landscape is created on the houdini side as a HF...
I'm not sure I understand your 2nd question, if you use a landscape (or world) input , then the selected landscape will be available in Houdini as a Height field...
You can open Session Sync, and you'll see that your input landscape is created on the houdini side as a HF...
Houdini Engine for Unreal » Unit Tests generate warnings & Errors in editor
- dpernuit
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You definitely should be using V2, not V1.
V1 has a lot of bugs/issues that have been fixed in v2, lacks a lot of features, and is basically not supported anymore.
I only periodically update it for the studios that were using it, and that are unfortunately too far in development to be able to switch to v2. (and the upgrade from a v1 project to v2 is not straight forward).
V1 is basically deprecated, and will soon not be a part of the Houdini builds.
Where did you find a "new" version of V1 ? I have barely touched it for quite some time now, whereas v2 gets daily updates.
As for the v1 tests, please ignore them, they were never meant to be run or used outside of SideFX and are mostly debug.
Do not expect those tests to run/pass.
You definitely should be using V2, not V1.
V1 has a lot of bugs/issues that have been fixed in v2, lacks a lot of features, and is basically not supported anymore.
I only periodically update it for the studios that were using it, and that are unfortunately too far in development to be able to switch to v2. (and the upgrade from a v1 project to v2 is not straight forward).
V1 is basically deprecated, and will soon not be a part of the Houdini builds.
Where did you find a "new" version of V1 ? I have barely touched it for quite some time now, whereas v2 gets daily updates.
As for the v1 tests, please ignore them, they were never meant to be run or used outside of SideFX and are mostly debug.
Do not expect those tests to run/pass.
Houdini Engine for Unreal » VAT only exports _pos.exr, and an .fbx
- dpernuit
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In order to be able to click on a button in a HDA, the node that holds the button needs to be unlock.
What that means, is that generally, you want to add the node that has the exposed button to the HDA's "editable nodes".
This will ensure that when the HDA is created, those nodes are unlocked, and their buttons can be pressed.
In your case, you want to add the Labs VAT Node as an editable node in your HDA's type properties.
In order to be able to click on a button in a HDA, the node that holds the button needs to be unlock.
What that means, is that generally, you want to add the node that has the exposed button to the HDA's "editable nodes".
This will ensure that when the HDA is created, those nodes are unlocked, and their buttons can be pressed.
In your case, you want to add the Labs VAT Node as an editable node in your HDA's type properties.
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