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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Trying to simulate sand
- robsdesign
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Hi, you could try surface collisions instead, I've attached a hip file. I've also added a switch to remove some intersecting geometry.
Technical Discussion » New to Houdini
- robsdesign
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Hi, I would recommend any of Ari Danesh's terrain tutorials to get a good understanding of heightfields.
Regarding your specific questions;
Heightfield Mask Clear is the node you want to clear the “tint”. (which I assume is a mask)
For iterations, you could use Takes or delve into the new TOPS but a simple way is just to duplicate a node with current setting and then change the settings on the node still connected. If you prefer the old one, just reconnect it and delete the other. Or, you could copy a group of nodes (making a separate stream), add a switch at the bottom, connect the new and old streams and switch between the two.
To add water, there are a few methods, to name a few;
- use a plain with water shader and texture displacement
- use the Heightfield tools. (you can create masks/maps etc for creating terrain features, like water)
- create a flip sim
- use the ocean tools
To add trees/rocks etc, use heightfield scatter.
To add a tunnel you'd need to either convert to polygons or vdb and use boolean. (heightfields can't do tunnels/caves etc.)
To add pathways, you could try a ray sop with a curve and use the Heightfield mask tools.
For the last question, I'd go with my first recommendation. Ari Danesh has made some good tutorials that cover heightfields in general.
Regarding your specific questions;
Heightfield Mask Clear is the node you want to clear the “tint”. (which I assume is a mask)
For iterations, you could use Takes or delve into the new TOPS but a simple way is just to duplicate a node with current setting and then change the settings on the node still connected. If you prefer the old one, just reconnect it and delete the other. Or, you could copy a group of nodes (making a separate stream), add a switch at the bottom, connect the new and old streams and switch between the two.
To add water, there are a few methods, to name a few;
- use a plain with water shader and texture displacement
- use the Heightfield tools. (you can create masks/maps etc for creating terrain features, like water)
- create a flip sim
- use the ocean tools
To add trees/rocks etc, use heightfield scatter.
To add a tunnel you'd need to either convert to polygons or vdb and use boolean. (heightfields can't do tunnels/caves etc.)
To add pathways, you could try a ray sop with a curve and use the Heightfield mask tools.
For the last question, I'd go with my first recommendation. Ari Danesh has made some good tutorials that cover heightfields in general.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Polybevel not working as expected
- robsdesign
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Hi, I've attached a quick-fix with three options;
1) create a new group based on angle
2) manually add some edges to the group
3) Allow Vertex Splits and enable Split over all incident edges.
The first two alter your bevel group, the third doesn't.
1) create a new group based on angle
2) manually add some edges to the group
3) Allow Vertex Splits and enable Split over all incident edges.
The first two alter your bevel group, the third doesn't.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » flow along curve like in Rhino 3D in Houdini?
- robsdesign
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Hi, I know this probably isn't what you're looking for but if you just need to deform a bar or whatever into a circle, you could use the bend sop.
I've done quite a few projects based on this concept like braided straps and stents etc. ie. Create a segment of the pattern flat, copy & transform into a line and bend it into a circle.
I've done quite a few projects based on this concept like braided straps and stents etc. ie. Create a segment of the pattern flat, copy & transform into a line and bend it into a circle.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » extrudeFrontSeam group to another extrude
- robsdesign
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Hi, I had a quick look at this the other day but didn't come to a conclusion as to what is happening. What I did find out was confusing so I didn't post but here it is, in case someone else can understand;
By adding a sort sop between the two extrudes and changing the point order, everything works. This is contrary to what I understand of edge groups though. As in, edge groups are made of points so if I change the point order, the group shouldn't work. (so I'm misunderstanding something)
By adding a sort sop between the two extrudes and changing the point order, everything works. This is contrary to what I understand of edge groups though. As in, edge groups are made of points so if I change the point order, the group shouldn't work. (so I'm misunderstanding something)
Technical Discussion » Houdini freezes whole pc and then Blue screen !
- robsdesign
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Hi, looking at your video, at around 3m30 your Nvidia GPU goes idle and your onboard Intel GPU is still going. (It looks like this happens when you stop playback in Houdini) As a guess, it could be a problem with your Nvidia GPU (some sort of playback bug, driver crash or overheating) or the Intel overheating because the Nvidia GPU stops working.
I don't have onboard GPU but maybe someone who has can help further.
I don't have onboard GPU but maybe someone who has can help further.
Houdini Lounge » Is there any tutorial about the new building generator tool in Gamedev Toolset?
- robsdesign
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In your Documents folder there will be the different versions of Houdini. (ie. Houdini 17.0 & Houdini 17.5) Inside those is a presets folder which you can copy/paste.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Mantra Rendering shadow bug?
- robsdesign
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The only time I've seen these type of artefacts is when using the Preview render. Can you confirm that you are using buckets and not Preview? It's on the Render View pane, small icon with coloured boxes. Another way to tell is that Preview ON = Renders progressively, Preview OFF = Renders as buckets.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » edge group breaks procedural workflow
- robsdesign
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It should work procedurally if you use the group name borderpt or am I misunderstanding the question?
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » polyexpand2D + boolean = bad result!
- robsdesign
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I'm not sure why it happens but if you compare the Y size of the circle, transform and polyexpand you'll see it's off zero on all except the circle. You can add a transform sop after the polyexpand and scale Y to 0 or use a match size sop but neither return it to zero. (But close enough that the Boolean works again)
Technical Discussion » Shortest path growth isnt showing up on redshift
- robsdesign
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In your screenshot, you have Render Flags set to display “smooth2”(blue) and render “end” (purple). You need to either swap the flags around or just set the Render Flags to render “smooth2” (light blue).
Edited by robsdesign - Jan. 29, 2019 06:39:08
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Concave result of polybevel
- robsdesign
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Hi, Regarding your 2nd post,
Polybevel doesn't like overlaps and some of the incoming points are too close to each other for the bevel size. (if you decrease the bevel size, you'll see less broken areas)
You could use that fuse in a for-each loop instead and increase the fuse distance. This will keep the stones from fusing to each other and fix some of the very close points but the bevel will still only work up to where it overlaps.
A 3rd PolyExtrude with an inset might be an option too.
Or just ditch the Polybevel completely and use a subdivide instead. This would also allow you to use creases for the “roundness” of the stones.
If you are going to add displacement etc, it might be best to use subdivide anyway so you can avoid the ngons from polybevel.
Polybevel doesn't like overlaps and some of the incoming points are too close to each other for the bevel size. (if you decrease the bevel size, you'll see less broken areas)
You could use that fuse in a for-each loop instead and increase the fuse distance. This will keep the stones from fusing to each other and fix some of the very close points but the bevel will still only work up to where it overlaps.
A 3rd PolyExtrude with an inset might be an option too.
Or just ditch the Polybevel completely and use a subdivide instead. This would also allow you to use creases for the “roundness” of the stones.
If you are going to add displacement etc, it might be best to use subdivide anyway so you can avoid the ngons from polybevel.
Technical Discussion » Terrain - Heightfield Noise Generation By A Mask Image
- robsdesign
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Interpolate between poses with slider
- robsdesign
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Technical Discussion » guidegroom and animation
- robsdesign
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Hi, I've attached screenshots and a hip file. The screenshots show the initial position in red and the animation at frame 10 in green.
I've shown two methods.
1. For obj level animation. Use the non-animated geometry to generate the guides and add the animated geometry to the Guide Deform.
2. For sop level animation. Add a Rest sop to the sphere before animation and connect it to both inputs of the Guide Deform.
I've shown two methods.
1. For obj level animation. Use the non-animated geometry to generate the guides and add the animated geometry to the Guide Deform.
2. For sop level animation. Add a Rest sop to the sphere before animation and connect it to both inputs of the Guide Deform.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » how do I export a greyscale image from heightfield output? I get colour images, and incomplete
- robsdesign
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Hi, you are outputting the terrain layers to different colour channels. ie. height = Red, sediment = Green, debris = blue, water = alpha
If you want to output height as a black/white image, use it in each channel. However, the result will be the same as the Red channel in your Photoshop screenshot. (so you could just copy the Red channel and paste it as a layer)
Also, I suggest you remap the range. ie. using Output Range: Auto Remap and 0 to 1 will detect the min/max terrain height and remap it from 0 to 1. If you don't, you'll get the clamped results seen in your screenshots.
If you want to output height as a black/white image, use it in each channel. However, the result will be the same as the Red channel in your Photoshop screenshot. (so you could just copy the Red channel and paste it as a layer)
Also, I suggest you remap the range. ie. using Output Range: Auto Remap and 0 to 1 will detect the min/max terrain height and remap it from 0 to 1. If you don't, you'll get the clamped results seen in your screenshots.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Scaling geometry in CopyToPoints operation
- robsdesign
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I expect there are other methods but you could use an Attribute Wrangle to set pscale from age or an Attribute Rename. (Wrangle keeps age attribute, Rename changes it into pscale)
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Attribute Transfer SOP question
- robsdesign
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Hi, not sure if this is what you're looking for but you could use an Attribute Promote before the fuse. See attached.
Edited by robsdesign - Dec. 3, 2018 05:32:50
Technical Discussion » How to create Window Mullion from Base Grid
- robsdesign
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Hi, I've attached another screenshot and hip file.
For the first question, I've shown a couple of methods but I expect there are better ways to do it.
1st is more procedural;
- Sort Points by X
- Use Add to connect Points referencing number of rows
- Use Assemble to create multiple groups
- Promote those groups to points
- Copy group back to grid.
2nd is less procedural;
- Sort Points by X
- Group by range referencing rows, points and previous offset.
1st will handle rows with the Add sop and columns with Assemble.
2nd will handle rows with the range but the columns needs to match number of groups. (by adding more groups to the range manually)
For the second question, this is essentially what I'm doing with the Sort sop in both examples. It's changing the point order using X. There are quite a few options for Sort (like shift, proximity, reverse etc) so it might be worth looking into it.
For the first question, I've shown a couple of methods but I expect there are better ways to do it.
1st is more procedural;
- Sort Points by X
- Use Add to connect Points referencing number of rows
- Use Assemble to create multiple groups
- Promote those groups to points
- Copy group back to grid.
2nd is less procedural;
- Sort Points by X
- Group by range referencing rows, points and previous offset.
1st will handle rows with the Add sop and columns with Assemble.
2nd will handle rows with the range but the columns needs to match number of groups. (by adding more groups to the range manually)
For the second question, this is essentially what I'm doing with the Sort sop in both examples. It's changing the point order using X. There are quite a few options for Sort (like shift, proximity, reverse etc) so it might be worth looking into it.
Technical Discussion » How to create Window Mullion from Base Grid
- robsdesign
- 236 posts
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Hi, you could try the following;
- Add a Sort sop before copy. (example is sorted by X)
- Use a Skin sop after copy. referencing the number of grid rows for Groups of N.
- Add polycap at the end (optional)
If you can't directly use the Grid Rows as a reference, you'll need to figure out a way of calculating it.
Another option would be to use a sweep sop instead of copy to points.
- Add a Sort sop before copy. (example is sorted by X)
- Use a Skin sop after copy. referencing the number of grid rows for Groups of N.
- Add polycap at the end (optional)
If you can't directly use the Grid Rows as a reference, you'll need to figure out a way of calculating it.
Another option would be to use a sweep sop instead of copy to points.
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