Hi, I just watching the waterfall tutorial(by SideFX) and try to make one.
everything is fine exclude the spray. my spray even did not collide with surface, it will floats on air !?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyA2vygUlok&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]
I can't find any differences setting between mine and tutorial, could anyone tell me where I wronged ?
(btw, I used POPnetwork to create spray. but use dop the result are some.)
thank you a lot !
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » OpenCL problem in PyroFX
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I'm sorry for my mistake
I tried more time and notice, even use tow card the result is not always correctly. maybe the correct case just a luck.
and why the solver don't work, I guess the reason is GPU's memory insufficient
I'm so apologize for lose you time.
==== below is original text ===========================
I just tried use openCL to increase pyroFX speed and got a strange problem
I have tow card Quadro600 and GTX560ti.
if install tow card on MB at same time, openCL will increase performance very much. But if install single card pyroFX's result will be strange and got message “OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)”
here is vedio show the resoult, grid is 233*333*233
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4JFHBd8pws&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]
it seen solver can work correctly. after reinstall tow card than it be correctly again.
If decrease resolution to 100^, this time single card can work, too.
Is Q600 and GTX560ti too low level? any one has idea?
thank you!
I tried more time and notice, even use tow card the result is not always correctly. maybe the correct case just a luck.
and why the solver don't work, I guess the reason is GPU's memory insufficient
I'm so apologize for lose you time.
==== below is original text ===========================
I just tried use openCL to increase pyroFX speed and got a strange problem
I have tow card Quadro600 and GTX560ti.
if install tow card on MB at same time, openCL will increase performance very much. But if install single card pyroFX's result will be strange and got message “OpenCL Exception: clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (-4)”
here is vedio show the resoult, grid is 233*333*233
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4JFHBd8pws&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com]
it seen solver can work correctly. after reinstall tow card than it be correctly again.
If decrease resolution to 100^, this time single card can work, too.
Is Q600 and GTX560ti too low level? any one has idea?
thank you!
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