record node usage

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I'm trying to record mouse movements in Houdini. I have the mouse device set up and it is controlling my object. I'm piping that into a record node, hitting play and then hitting export on the record node to playback animation but I get nothing. Anyone know how to properly record real-time input?
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You already have the mouse chop exporting to control the movement of an object?

Do you want to preserve the mouse movement? Is that your intention for the record chop?

The record chop is used to record “live” data over time and hold that in ram. You can then write out that data to a file, like a .bclip.

To record the real-time movement of the mouse, you probably want to change the “Active” parameter in the mouse chop to “While Playing”.

Then in the record chop, you have the “Record” “On” and the “Record Input” to “Current Frame”.

You'll want to use the arrow keys to control the playback, since while it is playing the record chop will record all the mouse movement, even the stuff you don't want, like moving the mouse to stop playback.
You also might want to change the playback to “Play Once” from the default “Loop”, since the record will overwrite your mouse movement recording as it loops.
Once you have your recording you RMB on the record chop and “Save Data Channels”. Or if you don't need the file, you can just lock the record chop and the data will be held in the chop. Just a reminder that the locked data is stored in ram and if you save the file the data will then be stored in the hip file.
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