how can I write complex expressions

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I need to write a more complex expression for controling for example the tx of an object in this maner:

if ($FF==15) than
tx=bla, bla;

but I don't know where to put it. maybe there is a CHOPS op that let you write code inside.
another one will be:
can I use a parameter/attribute which I declared, like $BLA, with parameter/attribute in the above statement?

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You put it right in the translate X channel. Just start typing in there.

You can do logic and anything else. You can keyframe animate from frame 1 to 10, then from 21 to 30 and put your expression on the curve between frames 10 and 21 using the Graph Editor if you want.

No crazy “Expression Editor” like in some other packages. You just put it where you want it.

Quick example: Try putting sin(10*$F) in the translate X channel. Your object will move back and forth.

Does that answer your question, or did you mean something else? Also open up the Textport and type “exhelp”. It will give you a listing of all expressions available to you. For more info on a particular expression type it again with the expression name: “exhelp sin”.

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To supplement Craig's post, type this into a parameter:
if( $FF == 15, bla, bla*2 )
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No crazy “Expression Editor” like in some other packages.

actually there is a crazy expression editor.

if you go to alias/variables (alt+A), there is an expression tab. you can make your expressions in there and give them names. then in your channel/parameter, you can just refer to that global expression by giving its name..

oh and craig is right, you can just type right in there as well.. just if it's a long one, you can just refer to it doign the above method in case you like that method.

Dave Quirus
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well, I was thinging a bit further to write “do case” stuff and “while”, cascade if's and put inside some motion ecuations. I guess the expression alias will do the trick.

thx all for your help
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Some of those things are much better to do in CHOPs, depending on what you are trying to do. And it saves a lot of the expression writing and looking up syntax and allows you to play around and try different things, as well as see visually what your channels are doing.

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