Getting the name of the current camera from a Switcher?

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I would like to know which camera is currently activated by a camera switcher, this without having to do an index check in the camera list of this switcher.

In other words, how could I get the name of the current camera of a switcher with and expression?

Thanks a lot for any help
Video Game Graphics TD
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imagine that “../switcher1” is the path to your switcher object

`opname( opinputpath(“../switcher1”, ch(“../switcher1/camswitch”)) )`

will return active camera name
Tomas Slancik
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Method Studios, NY
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Hi Tomas,

Thank you very much for the code line. It really help

I progressively acquire the Houdini philosophy and this tip seem to me to be very consistent with it.

By the way I also discovered that the backtick character ( ` ) cannot be entered in Houdini with a AZERTY keyboard (I didn't had to use it so much so far).

Video Game Graphics TD
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Well, thanks for the tip, but unless I missed something it doesn't really help because I know where the backtick is on my keyboard. :cry:

Indeed it is not a matter of where the backtick key is mapped, it is just that Houdini seems to prevent it to be entered if you are not using a QWERTY…
The backtick is taken in account if I call the external text editor, but is is not otherwise, neither in the expression fields not in the consoles. Event the Alt + 96 (ASCI shortcut) isn't taken in account…

This thread is quite old but still seem to be applicable: []

Are you able to use the backtick on your side?

Video Game Graphics TD
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It works for me. (QWERTZ german layout)

You could try to assign a back-tick to a special (combined) key on your keyboard or to an unused mouse-button. But, since I've never done that, I can't recommend you any of these config-tools.
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