Constant crashes on OSX 10.10.1. Unable to use Houdini :(

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what do you mean by minimizing/maximizing? To the Dock or just shrinking the window?
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Yes, to the dock.
Sometimes it happenes when switching to another app, for example Safari. Go back to Houdini and the cursor is stuck in the network view. ESC helps most of the times.
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Hey all!
Joining in the fun I'm on 10.10.2, H14.0.201.13 - crashing if I select the transform tool whilst selecting a point/poly.

I got a workaround for the moment, instead of hitting T or R after selecting a point/poly, lay down an edit sop in the viewport. For some reason, doing that works fine. Can't wait to get this crashing properly resolved.

Apart from random crashing (delete a node - crash. File -> new - crash. ), the viewport is working amazingly well, still getting to grips with the new loop selection tools. Subdivs in viewport is awesome too.

Unfortunately, can't download a newer daily build as my internet bandwidth is almost up :-/

Hope this helps someone!
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Sometimes when minimizing/maximizig houdini, it stops to take any feedback from the mouse. In most of the cases the cursor is stuck inside node view area and behaves like I'm holding Space.

For mouse lock, can you please try this: Submitted as

1. Launch Houdini and create a node ie. torus
2. LMB onto another application window i.e. Safari or the Terminal window
3. MMB click on Houdini node graph, then LMB click on Houdini node graph to bring Houdini application to the foreground
4. You should be stuck now, where even with the mouse button not pressed you will always panning. To get out of this MMB click again.

OsX 10.10.2, H14.0.243, Tablet or mouse
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I can reproduce that with 14.0.242 and 10.10.2 on my early 2011 MBP and on my early 2010 MacPro.

-b []
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I have found a “hackish” workaround that allows using H14 on unsupported Mac Book Pro Retina (iris Graphics).
It works MOST of the times, but no guarantees :-)

This is to circumvent the “create Sphere, dive into Sphere Crash…” type of issues. For some reason, if the initial “Dive” succeeds , then you can use H14 quite reliably, although you have to switch to a non-shaded mode and textures are NOT visible in the Viewport. I prefer “Hidden line ghost”.

Anyway, here's the “hack”. Launch Houdini from terminal (no idea if that makes any difference). Create a Sphere and dive in. IMMEDIATELY after diving, press and HOLD the Esc key.
This seems to interrupt some sort of initialization process that crashed H14.
After a few seconds, if all goes well, you can continue working…
Funny enough, if it works once, then quitting and relaunching Houdini doesn't “reset” this, and you can work without “re-hacking”

Maybe I just got lucky, so if anyone tries this, please report back :-)

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Hey all!
Joining in the fun I'm on 10.10.2, H14.0.201.13 - crashing if I select the transform tool whilst selecting a point/poly.

I got a workaround for the moment, instead of hitting T or R after selecting a point/poly, lay down an edit sop in the viewport. For some reason, doing that works fine. Can't wait to get this crashing properly resolved.

Apart from random crashing (delete a node - crash. File -> new - crash. ), the viewport is working amazingly well, still getting to grips with the new loop selection tools. Subdivs in viewport is awesome too.

Unfortunately, can't download a newer daily build as my internet bandwidth is almost up :-/

Hope this helps someone!

I have the same issues as you.. Same OS X and Houdini version. I got so stressed… I just started learning and I really want to learn this software. Not fair to have it crashing all the time! But, creating the Edit Node solved that problem.

I am downloading now the latest daily build, hopefully will solve the problem. I'll check it out.

I'm running on a MacBook Pro Retina 15 early 2013. 16gb ram, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 1024 MB latest drivers installed too.
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Also constantly crash on my MBP Retina 13 with Intel GPU, 10.9.5, any action, just make a sphere, crash immediately.

tried export HOUDINI_OGL_REUSE_BUFFERS=0, but also not work.

Crash report; Houdini FX Version
Uptime 17 seconds
Sun Mar 29 12:22:22 2015
Caught signal 11

2 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010ee5f770 AP_Interface::coreDumpChaser(UTsignalHandlerArg) + 640
3 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010ee6293e AP_Interface::si_CrashHandler::chaser(UTsignalHandlerArg) + 46
4 libHoudiniUT.dylib 0x000000011586eb32 signalCallback(UTsignalHandlerArg) + 546
5 libHoudiniUT.dylib 0x0000000115a92d81 UT_Signal::processSignal(int, __siginfo*, void*) + 209
6 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff852715aa _sigtramp + 26
7 ??? 0x0000000000000006 0x0 + 6
8 AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsGLDriver 0x00001234003aca92 Gen7Context:rogramPipeline() + 5636
9 AppleIntelHD5000GraphicsGLDriver 0x000012340032f654 glrIntelBeginPrimitiveBuffer + 187
10 GLRendererFloat 0x00007fff8f0d7ffd gldLLVMFPTransformFallback + 381
11 GLRendererFloat 0x00007fff8f0eb9d9 gldLLVMVecPolyRender + 24601
12 GLRendererFloat 0x00007fff8f0d178f gldRenderTriangles + 118
13 GLEngine 0x00007fff8a9847f2 gleLLVMVecPrimMultiRender + 9122
14 GLEngine 0x00007fff8a82ffd3 gleFlushAtomicFunc + 15
15 GLEngine 0x00007fff8a8ce22c glDrawElements_ACC_GL3Exec + 718
16 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010ee85038 RE_ElementArray::drawPrivate(RE_Render*, int, RE_Geometry*, RE_PrimType) + 1512
17 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010eeac58d RE_Geometry::drawPrivate(RE_Render*, re_Connectivity*, int, RE_PrimType, UT_StringArray*, int) + 1213
18 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010eeac93e RE_Geometry::drawRange(RE_Render*, int, int, RE_PrimType, UT_StringArray*, int const*) + 446
19 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a36a1e0 GR_PolySurfaceGL3::drawAllGeometry(RE_Render*, GR_RenderFlags, int, UT_StringArray*) + 384
20 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a3692ef GR_PolySurfaceGL3::drawUtility(RE_Render*, GR_RenderMode, GR_RenderFlags, GR_DisplayOption const*, int) + 607
21 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a368666 GR_PolySurfaceGL3::draw(RE_Render*, GR_RenderMode, GR_RenderFlags, GR_DisplayOption const*, UT_Array<UT_IntrusivePtr<RE_Material> > const*) + 182
22 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a38c077 GR_PrimPolygons::render(RE_Render*, GR_RenderMode, GR_RenderFlags, GR_DisplayOption const*, UT_Array<UT_IntrusivePtr<RE_Material> > const*) + 103
23 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a3dd109 GUI_GeoRender::renderPrims(RE_Render*, GR_DisplayOption*, GR_RenderMode, GR_RenderFlags, GR_AlphaPass, bool) + 761
24 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a3df2b7 GUI_GeoRender:bjectPick(RE_Render*, GUI_DisplayOption&, GR_RenderFlags, bool) + 711
25 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a218be9 DM_VPortAgent:bjectPickRender(RE_Render*, unsigned int, GA_PrimCompat::TypeMask, UT_Array<GUI_DetailLook*> const*) + 409
26 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a21b3f4 DM_VPortAgent::renderPickBuffer(RE_Render*, bool, unsigned int, GA_PrimCompat::TypeMask, UT_Array<GUI_DetailLook*> const*) + 452
27 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a21b820 DM_VPortAgent::singlePickObject(RE_Render*, int, int, GR_PickRecord&, double*, UT_Array<GUI_DetailLook*> const*) + 96
28 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a2420c5 DM_Viewport::singlePickObjectNode(int, int, GR_PickRecord&, double*, UT_ValArray<OP_Node*> const*) + 453
29 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a1891f0 DM_Dragger::intersectWithObjects(UI_Event&, UT_ValArray<OP_Node*>&, UT_Vector3T<float>&) + 144
30 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a189741 DM_Dragger::startDragOnSelection3D(UI_Event&, OP_Node*) + 305
31 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a6176f2 MPI_Xform::handleMouseEvent(UI_Event*) + 178
32 libHoudiniAPPS2.dylib 0x000000010b5701f7 BM_SceneManager::handlePIMouseEvent(UI_Event*) + 167
33 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a68fa98 MWS_SingleOpState::handleMouseEvent(UI_Event*) + 184
34 libHoudiniAPPS2.dylib 0x000000010b57a747 BM_Viewport::handleMouseEvent(UI_Event*) + 263
35 libHoudiniAPPS3.dylib 0x000000010a23d2b3 DM_Viewport::handleMouseEvent(UI_Event*) + 211
36 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010f113a3b UI_Queue::processNextEvent() + 763
37 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010f113692 UI_Queue::drain() + 210
38 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010f113f70 UI_Queue::eventLoop() + 304
39 libHoudiniUI.dylib 0x000000010ee64024 main + 4276
40 libdyld.dylib 0x00007fff841865fd start + 1

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If you read the thread you will see everyone has upgraded to a new daily build is an ancient build now …………
Gone fishing
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16 posts
Joined: Feb. 2009
If you read the thread you will see everyone has upgraded to a new daily build is an ancient build now …………

Sorry, to me it's still keeping crashing, maybe I have to switch to the 10.10.
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345 posts
Joined: June 2008
Also constantly crash on my MBP Retina 13 with Intel GPU, 10.9.5, any action, just make a sphere, crash immediately.

unfortunately, your Mac Book is not supported to run H14
I have the same Mac Book Pro and can't run without crashing.
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16 posts
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Also constantly crash on my MBP Retina 13 with Intel GPU, 10.9.5, any action, just make a sphere, crash immediately.

unfortunately, your Mac Book is not supported to run H14
I have the same Mac Book Pro and can't run without crashing.

Just back from vacation and downloading the latest 14.0.335.

BTW, from the stack dump, the intel driver actually uses LLVM to transform the vertices in GL pipeline, maybe that's the problem, it reminds me the Geforce 6200 it only has the only hardware fragment units the vertex shader is done by software. If that's a bug in driver I must upgrade the OS to solve this problem but I still prefer to stick on 10.9.5 the last stable version of 10.9 .
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I have tons of crashes as well, I hope Side FX sees it as an urgent issue as it is occuring perpetually. I have merged geometry and have been spending more than an hour removing nodes to see if I can select them.

After the crash, Houdini many times fails to give me a crash report.

To no avail it continues to crash.
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crashInfo_dreamagery.txt (93.3 KB)

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Ah….looks like you have an intel graphics card on your mac. Most unfortunate…. []
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Yeah. I'm having a machine get here that is NOT a mac with some goodies in it. I'm done with Mac for doing 3D graphics. Non mas.

I think the biggest problem is that Apple doesn't offer updated drivers for it's graphics card. Unfortunately. Houdini was working before. I'm not sure where it went wrong.
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I'm on Intel HD4000 which seeems to be supported.

Constant crashes, various situation. The latest repeatable one: create torus > in side view, primitive mode, select top half > delete > crash
Sometimes crashes just when selecting.

No error report comes up, and my /tmp files look a bit strange:

HouNC1033600ba6057294a9102ae5c869file1.inittype = file
matchesdef = 0
HouNC1033600ba0057294a9106d828799file1.nodeidnode_id 17
HouNC1033600ba7057294a910eddf4d4cfile1.defsopflags sopflags =
comment “”
position 0 0
cachesize 1
connectornextid 0
flags = lock off model off template off footprint off xray off bypass off display on render on highlight off unload off savedata off compress off exposed on
create 1462323857
modify 1462323863
author solidox@okre.local
access 0777
color UT_Color RGB 0.8 0.8 0.8
delscript “”
exprlanguage hscript
version 0.8
filemode ( “read” )
file ( default.bgeo )
reload ( 0 )
objpattern ( * )
geodatapath ( “” )
missingframe ( “error” )
loadtype ( “full” )
packedviewedit ( “unchanged” )
viewportlod ( “box” )
packexpanded ( “on” )
delayload ( “off” )
mkpath ( “on” )
cachesize ( 0 )
prefetch ( “off” )
___Version___15.0.393___toolcount___2 ___toolid___ geometry_boxHouNC1033600bba057294a9108919230fNON_COMMERCIAL_FILE!!!

Any idea if booting up in windows helps in any way?
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5223 posts
Joined: July 2005
If you're still using 15.0.393, try using an updated 15.0 build. There may have been bug fixes made since then that fix whatever's causing the crash.
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