Houdini 14 Glue Network changes

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I noticed (as did my students) that the glue network has radically changed from version 13 to 14. The old point wrangle nodes are gone, replaced by some constraint attributes, and the vex code is now in the DOP network. Unfortunately, I can't find the references in the help files to assist me in changing how it operates. When I glue my objects together and hit them with another object, the glue network rebuilds within a few frames, grabbing the pieces out of midair, freezing the action completely. I noticed this was changed in a point release of 14, as it was working well in one of the earlier versions (at least as my memory serves). Here is the code. Does anyone know how to get back to the original behavior, when once the network was broken, it stayed broken? Thanks.

# The default behaviour is to just import the geometry on
# the first frame. If the SOP is time dependent, import it
# on every frame.
if hou.lvar(“SF”) == 1:
return 1
node = hou.node(ch(soppath))
return node.isTimeDependent() if node else 0
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I searched for a solution here and on Odforce, but no luck. If it has been answered already, I apologize. Here is a file with the behavior.

StrangeGlueNetwork_H14.hipnc (325.3 KB)

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There was a bug in the default expression for the Overwrite with SOP parameter, which is fixed in 14.0.216.

The shelf tool also switched to putting down an Attribute Create node instead of two Attribute Wrangle nodes in order to be a bit more friendly to beginners.
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Thanks. I'll give it a test. I never found the point wrangle nodes to be too difficult myself. But I see the logic in the new setup.
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I'm putting your link on this post, as I think it solved the problem:
https://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=172&page=viewtopic&t=37344 [sidefx.com]
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Right. So I opened and saved a simulation I made in .258 with 201.13, and I can't figure out how to make it work.

The code for the default SOP is fine, I've tried copying over my nodes from an earlier save…

Anyone know what up?
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It would be helpful to attach a file (or submit a bug to support)
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