Copy and Paste nonsense

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Hello everyone,

Over the past weeks I've noticed that the frequency of my ‘failed copy operations’ (CTRL+C) out of text fields in houdini has been increasing.

At first, I thought it might have been just me - but then others in the building have started to chime in as well.

Natch, I don't have steps to reproduce just yet, but I wanted to take an informal survey.

Have you noticed more copy and paste fail since H14 released?

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Yes, I also noticed this problem in H14. In H13 it was fine.

My system is Kubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit. In the Klipper tool (KDE clipboard manager), the only thing that I have changed is turn ON the ‘Ignore selection’ checkbox.
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I always get rid of Klipper, and I've “felt” this too, hard to pin down though of course.

Peter Bowmar
Houdini 20.5.262 Win 10 Py 3.11
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Lots of issues on OSX too. Not limited to text field copies, much more to nodes and their context origin. Say copying a SOP node, uppping one level to /obj and I lose the clipboard contents. Although if I have a second network view open at the SOP level the paste into that will work.
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I too have been suffering from this annoying problem

I have found it present using several builds (latest being 14.0.257) on CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 with a GTX 760 using the NVIDIA driver 340.46

I have found that sometimes using alt-c and alt-v instead for copy and paste works however at some point during my houdini session all copying and pasting of text will cease to function.

please help us SESI!

Sam Swift-Glasman
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I've had cut and paste issues since Houdini 2.x in the Irix SGI days.

But only on the Irix/Unix/Linux environments, seems to be “two” copy and paste buffers going on depending on the x-windows/interface you use. Very odd…

No issues on Windows 7 though.
Kurt Williams
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I've had cut and paste issues since Houdini 2.x in the Irix SGI days.

I remember everything IRIX related to be nearly flawless.

Funny what time does.

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I remember everything IRIX related to be nearly flawless.

You probably never had to set it up
Martin Winkler
money man at Alarmstart Germany
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I think the issue is related to the “sloppy focus” (I'll coin a term here) of OSX in general. Sometimes you think a node or field has focus so you issue a keyboard command to copy and then move on. But in reality the focus was with another field, node or even app. This leaves an unexpected result on the clipboard that may or may not be pasteable in your next operation.

I tend to use ALT-C exclusively on OSX and CTRL-C on Windows.

Just my observations.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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Say copying a SOP node, uppping one level to /obj and I lose the clipboard contents. Although if I have a second network view open at the SOP level the paste into that will work.

Are you trying to paste SOP nodes inside the OBJ context? That's not supposed to work. But if you dive down into SOPs, you should be able to paste.
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I've had cut and paste issues since Houdini 2.x in the Irix SGI days.

I remember everything IRIX related to be nearly flawless.

Funny what time does.


Indeed, other than cut and paste, everything else seemed to be rock solid, best x-windows implementation I had to use in production.

I don't missing paying $60,000 for a texture memory upgrade, no wonder Nvidia cleaned their clock. Of course back then you could charge for more stuff to off set things.
Kurt Williams
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Copy/Paste issues are happening in Nuke too on OsX. Trying to use keyboard shortcuts cause the issues; so it's RMB Copy/RMB Paste to make it work.
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What is this ‘osx’ people keep talking about!?

Is this some new distro?

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OsX: You need at least a PDP-11 to install it; Apparently the KL10 Wire-Wrap o the PDP-10 causes problems with Apple's implementation of the OpenGL libraries: []
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Under Fedora 31 with Houdini 18.0.391 I have the copy&paste issue.

I have to hit Ctrl+C at least two times to copy the text to the clipboard. I tried to get used to do it multiple times, but sometimes I forgot it and trying to remove the wrongly pasted text by undoing with Ctrl+Z in any Wrangle is super annoying.

I wonder if there is a fix for this.
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Now in Fedora 32 the problem is gone. I'm able to copy & paste without any problem. Tested both 17.5.460 and 18.0.416.
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