Houdini Engine Build UE 4 question

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Unreal errors when building a project package since Houdini Engine is installed in the runtime folder. I've read suggestions putting it in the plugins folder on the project level, but the project isn't recognizing it.

However I'm also curious why there would be an error

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I had this same error but the project in question doesn't use any Houdini assets. Also isn't it supposed to be able to build the engine anyway?
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We are intending to fix this soon, the issue is that the plugin installer does not include pre-built game binaries, so it only works with an editor build.

I assume you are using a C++ game project.

The workaround is to move the plugin installation to your game project. So for example if my game is located at E:\UEGames\Cpp416:

  • Create folder E:\UEGames\Cpp416\Plugins
  • move C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HoudiniEngine
    to E:\UEGames\Cpp416\Plugins
  • Right mouse menu on Cpp416.uproject -> Generate Visual Studio Project
  • Build your game project - it should detect the plugin and build it for you.
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We are intending to fix this soon, the issue is that the plugin installer does not include pre-built game binaries, so it only works with an editor build.

I assume you are using a C++ game project.

The workaround is to move the plugin installation to your game project. So for example if my game is located at E:\UEGames\Cpp416:

  • Create folder E:\UEGames\Cpp416\Plugins
  • move C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.16\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HoudiniEngine
    to E:\UEGames\Cpp416\Plugins
  • Right mouse menu on Cpp416.uproject -> Generate Visual Studio Project
  • Build your game project - it should detect the plugin and build it for you.

Thanks but tried this, minus the C++ part, and wouldn't recognized the project based plug in. Didn't even have Houdini projects in it at the time. I'll keep an eye out for updates.
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I see, a blueprint-only project can only use engine plugins.

So if you still needed to build the plugin you would have to have a source build of the engine with HoudiniEngine added to the usual spot so that the engine build process would pick it up and build it for your target. Then any Blueprint game based on that engine would be able to package successfully.
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I see, a blueprint-only project can only use engine plugins.

So if you still needed to build the plugin you would have to have a source build of the engine with HoudiniEngine added to the usual spot so that the engine build process would pick it up and build it for your target. Then any Blueprint game based on that engine would be able to package successfully.

I think I'm having a similar problem.
This is the error I'm getting:

PIE:Error: Error Blueprint Runtime Error: Attempted to access EnemyAirA_C_1 via property K2Node_DynamicCast_AsBPIenemy, but EnemyAirA_C_1 is pending kill from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_BPprojectile’ from node: Was Hit
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: c:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\UE_4.14\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HoudiniEngine\Source\HoudiniEngineEditor\HoudiniEngineEditor.Build.cs(44,14) : error CS0101: The namespace ‘<global namespace>’ already contains a definition for ‘HoudiniEngineEditor’

I am super new to all of this, and not a very technical person.
Could you please elaborate on what you said above, regarding the source build of engine with houdiniengine?
Where and how do I get this?
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Are you using UE 4.14? What version of Houdini are you using?
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thanks for the quick reply!
I'm using unreal 4.14 and houdini indie 16.0.705
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The problem is that UE 4.14 hasn't been supported by houdini versions since 16.0.624, and we didn't start shipping pre-built game binaries for the plugin until more recently. If you updated UE4 you could re-run the houdini installer to get the binaries you need. However if you can't update UE4, then you can either:

1) bake out all your houdini assets and remove the plugin so your packaging doesn't need it.
2) build the plugin game binaries for UE4.14 and your platform.

These options are covered briefly here: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/unreal/_packaging.html [www.sidefx.com]
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Thanks for taking the time to help my incompetent @$$
I did the following:
I updated unreal to 4.17.2
Copied the folder from
C:\Program Files\Side Effects Software\Houdini 16.0.705\engine\unreal\4.17\HoudiniEngine
D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Plugins\HoudiniEngine

I then created a new project and tried to package that.
It looks like I still get the same error.
I coppied the entire log below.
Edited by Gerbrand - Oct. 13, 2017 01:55:47

error.rtf (142.7 KB)

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Seems like you copied the 4.17 plugin to UE_4.17\Engine\Plugins\HoudiniEngine instead of UE_4.17\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HoudiniEngine

Also, the old plugin is still in Plugin\Runtime , and the new one is ignored (see the first lines of the error message), hence why you still have the same error as before..

You should:
- delete the old plugin that is still in UE_4.17\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HoudiniEngine,
- and then move the new one from UE_4.17\Engine\Plugins\HoudiniEngine to UE_4.17\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\HoudiniEngine

Let me know if this solved your issue.
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