How to turn on full screen mode for all program's window

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How to turn on full screen mode for all program's window like when you tap f11 in web browser? Without start(on Windows) and space on the top (where name of project, version and close\max\min buttons). I just starter in CG and Houdini of course, sorry if my question is simple. I didn't find it in google) Thank you!
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In my opinion what is closer is “CTRL+B” and close the shelfs.
In order to acess the tools use “TAB” menu.
Edited by harryabreu - Dec. 27, 2017 06:25:45
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This is still a missing feature in Houdini, but there are workarounds. Especially with bright OS colors, I always wonder how people can work hours and hours with the disturbing UI elements in front of them. Those are also not good friends of our eyes in terms of health…
I'm working on tutorials which will include advices about how to set up your advanced Houdini “cockpit”.

On Linux (KDE interface, but I guess others also support this) it is quite easy, you can bind any shortcut to the native window fullscreen mode, which does exactly the same as you requested. On Windows it is a bit tricky, you should use WinExplorer, a small program to get back some “forgotten” functionality of the older versions, like fully hide the taskbar, and additionally hide the title bar, so put the application in fullscreen mode. Regarding to my experiences, this mode also makes some applications more responsive/higher frame rates, as there is nothing else, just the actual window. I had issues with Houdini using this, because simply ticking the WS_DLGFRAME/WS_BORDER on the Style tab - which is the recommended “force fullscreen” action - resulted a broken UI. Finally I get it to work, but needs some additional tweaks on the Size & Position Tab. Later I'll tell you the workaround, just I should check it on Windows to remember.

For me it's quite strange that 2 of the 3 supported OS have no native fullscreen mode for any window. This was one of te main reasons to switch to Linux(which is also not close to perfectness, but you can feel the system more in your hands…). Doing serious work, like look-dev in front of an interrogation lamp (Mac taskbar) seems ridiculous for me…

Additionally Houdini's MPlay has this F11 fullscreen mode you wanted. I already planned to send a feature request to SESI, to get it for Houdini itself, so it's time
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Create shelf tool with this code:

mw = hou.qt.mainWindow()
if mw.isFullScreen():
    mw.showFullScreen() []
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Mr Vux thank you.
I'll try this solution
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Yepp, thank you Vux, works well. I'll include this/mention you in the tut. In the meantime I sent an RFE, so hopefully this feature will be natively accessible through the UI/shortcut/radial menu. But now anybody can bind this script to a shortcut/radial menu on any platform.
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I just tried this but the gl and renderview does not show in this mode.. Any updated way to do this?

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Your solution works very well @vux thanks!
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This does not work on macos, or rather when you toggle back to normal window you lose the window titlebar, however this does work. You can uncomment status update if you want that for whatever reason.

Adapted @vux code:
mw = hou.qt.mainWindow()
#msg = hou.severityType.Message

def restore():
    #hou.ui.setStatusMessage("Fullscreen - Disabled", msg)
def fullscreen():
    #hou.ui.setStatusMessage("Fullscreen - Enabled", msg)
if not mw.isFullScreen():

The only issue I'm having is that you have to double click the icon to return to normal window, and for some reason shortcut toggle does not work. Might be a bug… H170383

Side question: Is there a way to hide statusbar when going fullscreen, since setting statusbar to 0 in .desk does nothing on macos.
Edited by hMonkey - Nov. 13, 2018 12:29:30
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Side question: Is there a way to hide statusbar when going fullscreen, since setting statusbar to 0 in .desk does nothing on macos.

Youcan create a dummy pane somewhere and use the top right corner menu of it (the button)
Pane Interface > Move …
Houdini Help > Desktops and panes []
Two additional menu items are there to stow the pane tabs and the “address bar” of the panel.
So you can move all four non-pane based UI elements here (main menu, shelf, playbar, status bar), then simply stow this pane.

I usually use this layout and stow the bottom pane with the main menu for most of the time:

Other UI tricks:
UI/UX: Share your screenshots & tips & tricks & ideas []
Edited by xilofoton - Nov. 14, 2018 05:43:29

HoudiniUImod_max_realestate_sciVfx.png (259.7 KB)
HoudiniUImod_menubottom_sciVfx.png (276.3 KB)
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This script is giving some very weird issue when the screen is focused it makes most panels grey and I'm unable to place nodes.

alsa all the drop down menus become invisible.

Side Fx should really should have proper fullschreen support.
The title bar is cancer.
Edited by NicTanghe - June 2, 2020 09:28:59
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Try this, it should work:

mw = hou.qt.mainWindow()
msg = hou.severityType.Message

def restore():
    hou.ui.setStatusMessage("Fullscreen - Disabled", msg)
def fullscreen():
    hou.ui.setStatusMessage("Fullscreen - Enabled", msg)
if not mw.isFullScreen():
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This last script don't resolve the problem here.
Even with it it remains some unusable panels, like viewport, or timeline here.

Thanks for your help anyway. I hope this issue will be adressed soon
Edited by Chokmah - April 9, 2021 13:36:30
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same issue here @Chokmah

please add this as a native feature, would be really neat
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Hello there

Main months later I realize that the bug occurs only when I am working at 4K resolution.
When downgrading to 2K the script works fine.

There probably be a reason for this ...
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+1 For this feature, because on my Ubuntu I have 10% of my vertical screen that is completely wasted. Blender has fullscreen mode and after trying the apprentice version, I already feel that I am returning back to UI of old ages. This is enough for me to stop here and return to Blender.

First impression of Houdini, it is an old UI. Fullscreen is not luxury, it is essential in Q4 2022.
Edited by MarquisDeSang - Aug. 25, 2022 18:24:40
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+1 For this feature, because on my Ubuntu I have 10% of my vertical screen that is completely wasted. Blender has fullscreen mode and after trying the apprentice version, I already feel that I am returning back to UI of old ages. This is enough for me to stop here and return to Blender.

First impression of Houdini, it is an old UI. Fullscreen is not luxury, it is essential in Q4 2022.

I am using the Qt fullscreen successfully. You can see it on some of videos:

Though it tends to be a hit or miss on some systems or OSes. The only issues it has is menu highlighting offset, dragging nodes on parameters due to the same offset issue, and the same offset present in reported screen coordinates in panes like the network editor. Even with these issues for me it's worth it.

FWTW SESI added an official fullscreen mode for macOS: []

"Houdini now supports native fullscreen mode on macOS."
Senior FX TD @ Industrial Light & Magic
Get to the NEXT level in Houdini & VEX with Pragmatic VEX! [] | |
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+1 For this feature, because on my Ubuntu I have 10% of my vertical screen that is completely wasted. Blender has fullscreen mode and after trying the apprentice version, I already feel that I am returning back to UI of old ages. This is enough for me to stop here and return to Blender.

First impression of Houdini, it is an old UI. Fullscreen is not luxury, it is essential in Q4 2022.
If 10% of UI space is the main differentiator for you between Houdini and Blender, then this suggestion is probably of no use to you, but try Toggle Stowbars.
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Full-Screen mode is very much needed in a top->down node based workflow.
For example, Touch Designer has the advantage of being left->right, so the network of nodes can really make use of the ultrawide-screens.

Houdini is top-down instead, which I prefer actually, but vertical resolution is a luxury here, and each pixel wasted vertically hits more on your productivity than each pixel wasted horizontally.

For now I'm experimenting with the second monitor rotated in vertical mode, so that I can have my network pane there and display more nodes.
Edited by Andr - Aug. 27, 2022 05:48:33
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