about scatter sop / normals..

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i seem to have an issue with the scatter sop and normals.. the end of the hierarchy holds a copy sop with rotate to normals checked…
somewhere along that hierarchy i've piped a ray sop (trying to get the normals) and prior to that a point sop just to clean any normals left over after the scatter and fuse operations (i've read somewhere that the scatter op returns the normals but i couldn't make it work).. now everything works except that after the copy sop cooks i get my primitives roatate in all directions ( i'm wondering why??) while i only want them aligned in only one direction (or vector) …
do you have any thoughts about this ? - please ?
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Scatter SOP inherits normals from source geometry, be sure they are there, display them and if they are missing, put a facet sop before scatter with “post compute normals” checked or a point SOP with add normal checked.
This should help, if not, use a hammer, I always do it
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i was using scatter with nurbs and i was sure i wasn't getting any normals out of it…but i hadn't any facet ops or anything like so in the future i'll make sure to feed them in there…

as a temporary solution i used this : an extra point sop with add normals enabled… so to ‘disable’ orientation along an axis of choice in copy sop i used a constant normal of 0 on - that axis of choice :roll: ..

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I think the key point here is that the Scatter SOP inherits the normal _attribute_ if it exists. ie. it simply inherits the N attribute. If it didn't exist, then it can't inherit it.
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