Quixel Bridge / Houdini Live Link Integration

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@efxlab, So in all that text I also read “works fine” so does that mean it works fine ? warnings are just warnings shouldn't cause any issues and yes it's for the upcomming wind things.

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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yes it's for the upcomming wind things.

excellent ! good work
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Can anyone explain how you scatter using paint?
I know you have to type some code in the wrangle but mine isn't working.
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Did you check the post on the first page on my question?
there's a .hip file and code.

Apprentice Attribute / Houdini 17.0.381 / GTX 970 - driver 411.63
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Is it possible to add a material Live Link for Render Man in Houdini?

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Sorry for late answers but,

Can anyone explain how you scatter using paint?
I know you have to type some code in the wrangle but mine isn't working.

As Rob pointed out there is a example file at the start of the thread but a short explenation is that I just put a wrangle node after the paint generally and type in:
f@density = v@Cd.r;
Since the scattering is all based on the density attribute and white color = 1 means density = 1 etc.

Is it possible to add a material Live Link for Render Man in Houdini?
Everything is possible, currently there is no plan for it but I would suggest to perhaps report it through their help system so it gets logged in the proper databases etc. I will however also mention it

Here is that page:
https://megascans.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new? [megascans.zendesk.com]
Edited by MagnusL3D - Jan. 30, 2019 16:32:21

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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heya Magnus, you updated the plugin to 2.0, nice, can you show us a changelogs and new features … I see now a new node simple motion.
thank you
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There is a post here:
https://help.quixel.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360005354858-Houdini-Livelink-Version-2-0 [help.quixel.com]
And I belive it might be a good idea to try move the conversation over there in the future

Also here:

  • The Quixel Redshift Triplanar HDAs projection world/object channel reference was broken for most of the internal RS Triplanar nodes. This have now been addressed.

  • Addressed a spelling error in the Main Menu dropdown.

  • Improved spacing between items in the dropdown menu of the LiveLink interface.

  • Texture .RAT File converter option in settings menu added. When this option is checked and the Render Engine is set to ‘Mantra’ any textures exported will be converted to .RAT files.

  • The ‘SOURCE’ node for 3d geo exports is now colored green just as it is for atlas exports, for better visibility.

  • Added ‘Height’ controls for density scattering on the ‘Quixel Simple Scatter’ node.

The ‘Quixel Simple Scatter’ scatter node has been updated with a new ‘tab’ called Motion, enabling the ‘Enable Animated Motion’ will add motion to the instanced geometry, and expose new settings to control the motion.

A new HDA has been created called ‘Quixel Simple Motion’ and is automatically created when exporting objects to Houdini.
This node is created within the ‘SOURCE’ objects and will deform the geometry by twisting, bending and noise offsets. There are several settings on the ‘Quixel Simple Motion’ node to customize the attributes driving this.
The ‘Quixel Simple Motion’ node is by default ‘bypassed’ by a custom ‘bypass’ toggle on the node. This toggle is in turn linked to a ‘bypass motion node’ channel on the ‘SOURCE’ node (in a new Quixel tab) to easily turn on and off the motion node if the exported object has several source objects.
Edited by MagnusL3D - March 21, 2019 19:48:43

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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did you tested on Arnold htoa 4.0, quixel export is totally fucked, it happen from texture node, I have not yet identified the issue. In houdini > 17.x the instancing seem work differently, my old project doesn't work, remember me instance should look at source node or aset ?
If I have more info I'll report it.
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Please use the linked Quixel forums for reporting, so their QA and Community managers see this and not just me.

Here is the link again:
https://help.quixel.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360005354858-Houdini-Livelink-Version-2-0 [help.quixel.com]
Edited by MagnusL3D - March 23, 2019 13:56:33

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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Thanks for the info

Please use the linked Quixel forums for reporting, so their QA and Community managers see this and not just me.
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Thanks for the info

Please use the linked Quixel forums for reporting, so their QA and Community managers see this and not just me.

It would help out a lot going there. I have however reported it internally to. But please go there too.

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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I've posted 2 workarounds to current issues with Arnold here:

https://help.quixel.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360005345877-17-5-173-HtoA-4-Error-and-current-workarounds [help.quixel.com]

Personal Houdini test videos, http://vimeo.com/magnusl3d/ [vimeo.com]
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@MagnusL3D great, thanks, it solved my issue with quixel AND arnold both.
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any luck to see the 3.1 change log on quixel ?

Please use the linked Quixel forums for reporting, so their QA and Community managers see this and not just me.

Here is the link again:
https://help.quixel.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360005354858-Houdini-Livelink-Version-2-0 [help.quixel.com]
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