Houdini Engine for Unreal - Version 2

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I created a terrain with world composition.

I would like to pass my landscapes streaming proxy inside houdini and have as an output another terrain with landscape streaming proxy having the same transform. However the scale doesn't match input landscape proxy.

Parent input landscape transform: (Landscape streaming proxy used as input in the tool has the same transform)

Parent landscape transform generated by houdini: (Landscape streaming proxy generated by houdini is the same)

As you can see the scale (Z) and Position (Z) values are not the same. The result in the viewport is correct, the terrain is at the same position than initial terrain.

However the problem comes when I bake the terrain then set another "landscapes streaming proxy" input in the tool. The scale (Z) generated by houdini is completely different and the parent landscape has been modified. The previously generated terrain moves because it's parent has been modified.

I'm using unreal_landscape_tile_actor_type = 1 and unreal_landscape_shared_actor_name = Landscape2 inside houdini in order to get landscape streaming proxy.

Here is my tool:

Would you be aware of such a problem and how can I fix it? If you need more clarification please tell me.


UE4Editor_5A4DxTt0aX.png (27.2 KB)
UE4Editor_gUxVDHkhkz.png (429.6 KB)
UE4Editor_J9Y2nfNaF0.png (1.3 MB)
houdini_IqQJj6q8ue.png (231.1 KB)

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Hi Depernuit,

Do you guys already have an estimate to a release date for Houdini Engine for Unreal 5?

Rafael Bottari Martinez
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Hi Depernuit,

Do you guys already have an estimate to a release date for Houdini Engine for Unreal 5?

Rafael Bottari Martinez

Add to this Houdini Engine for UE5 with MacOS support and HE for UE4.26 for MacOS ....
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Hi Depernuit,

Do you guys already have an estimate to a release date for Houdini Engine for Unreal 5?

Rafael Bottari Martinez

+1 for UE5 support

would like to switch to UE5 as soon as possible
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For UE5, I'll try to publish the UE5 plugin to git before the end of this week.
We already have a UE5 compatible plugin, but it's built for an earlier version of UE5.

Once I've tested/fixed it with the current Early Access version, I'll push the source to the git repo.
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The Windows version of the Houdini Engine plugin for UE 5 is now on Github, and in my limited testing appears to work just fine!

Peter Bowmar
Houdini 20.5.262 Win 10 Py 3.11
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Hi Dpernuit, Thanks very much for the engine update to UE5! Would you be able to process both Houdini Niagara and Houdini KineFX Live Link plug-in also? Thanks very much in advance!
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The Windows version of the Houdini Engine plugin for UE 5 is now on Github, and in my limited testing appears to work just fine!
Can't find it, can you give us a direct link please ?
- David
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@dyts: Source code and binaries are available on the plugin's git repo:

Source code
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/tree/Houdini18.5-5.00 [github.com]

https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.2 [github.com]

@Aurel Godin: I'll try to have a look at porting the Niagara and Live Link plugin to UE5 during the week.
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@dyts: Source code and binaries are available on the plugin's git repo:

Source code
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/tree/Houdini18.5-5.00 [github.com]

https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.2 [github.com]

@Aurel Godin: I'll try to have a look at porting the Niagara and Live Link plugin to UE5 during the week.
- David
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I've tried "Version 2.0.2 - Houdini 18.5.563 - UE5 EA", but it doesn't work.

https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.2-ue5 [github.com]

The "Houdini Engine" item appears in the menu bar and I can load the HDA,
but the cook does not work.
Also, the "Houdini Engine Session" is "Not Started".

At first, I got the following error in my environment.

I put the material that was giving me the error into a UE4 project and updated it for UE5.
Then I used the material and the error disappeared.
However, the cook still doesn't work.
I tried Recook, but it didn't work.

Does anyone else have the same situation?

I've tried "Version 2.0.2 - Houdini 18.5.596", but it also doesn't work.
https://github.com/sideeffects/HoudiniEngineForUnreal-v2/releases/tag/v2.0.2 [github.com]
Edited by tsuno - June 3, 2021 21:38:13

image2021-6-3_14-53-11.png (101.5 KB)
キャプチャ.PNG (966.6 KB)

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just a thought but sometimes I have to go into the Houdini Engine menu in UE and select Create Session, usually its on at the start but not always for me
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Thanks for the reply!
I solved it!

I didn't know that it was mandatory to start the session.

The reason why the session did not start was that libHAPIL.dll was not found.
(I checked here: UE5 > Project Settings > Houdini Engine > PULGUIN INFORMATION > Location of libHAPIL.dll)

After setting the following items, the session was started and the HDA was cooked.

UE5 > Project Settings > Houdini Engine > HOUDINI LOCATION
・Use custom Houdini location: checked
・Custom Houdini location: folder where libHAPIL.dll is located
Edited by tsuno - June 7, 2021 01:13:49
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Does anyone know how to get the units/scene scale to correlate between Houdini an Unreal with the kinefx livelink?

Everything comes into UE super-tiny... I can see that the link is working because the tiny little bones move but I can't even get close enough to see much more than that.

I've tried transform nodes, unit settings, remiporting the fbx at a different scale, etc. but it all comes in 100x smaller than it should.
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Hi. Is there Houdini Engine for UE4.27 preview?
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The UE5 plugin doesn't seem to want to cook... and it also fails to create a session.

I tried setting the custom location but that doesn't seem to help...
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Hi, first of all I would like to thank dpernuit for your work!!

Otherwise I would have liked to have information on the spline component export, I saw that it was possible to export a curve with V2 with the unreal_output_curve attribute, do we agree that I can therefore have an editable houdini curve, modify it in unreal, and export this modification in the form of an unreal spline component at the time of the bake? if yes, I would like to know if there are subtleties for the export, I tried to do it but without success when I bake it indicates to me package 0, and this with the mode "actor", "blueprint" or "world outliner" ....
If anyone knows more about how to get a curve that would be great.
PS: I try to recover a curve which I used to create wheel tracks on the ground, to subtract this area in my scatter system
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Hi Depernuit,

how to sent worldcomposition scene from unreal to Houdini, and then sent to unreal using pdg workflow? I find sent to sublevels terrain from unreal to houdini are not same position. and set some worldcomposition prepare attribs form each terrain using pdg also not corrent in unreal.
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I don't know why the houdini engine V-2 can't work in UE5. Could any guys can help me?
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I don't know why the houdini engine V-2 can't work in UE5. Could any guys can help me?
I'm also having trouble installing the Houdini Engine plugin in UE5. Did you manage to get it working?
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