I created a terrain with world composition.
I would like to pass my landscapes streaming proxy inside houdini and have as an output another terrain with landscape streaming proxy having the same transform. However the scale doesn't match input landscape proxy.
Parent input landscape transform: (Landscape streaming proxy used as input in the tool has the same transform)
Parent landscape transform generated by houdini: (Landscape streaming proxy generated by houdini is the same)
As you can see the scale (Z) and Position (Z) values are not the same. The result in the viewport is correct, the terrain is at the same position than initial terrain.
However the problem comes when I bake the terrain then set another "landscapes streaming proxy" input in the tool. The scale (Z) generated by houdini is completely different and the parent landscape has been modified. The previously generated terrain moves because it's parent has been modified.
I'm using unreal_landscape_tile_actor_type = 1 and unreal_landscape_shared_actor_name = Landscape2 inside houdini in order to get landscape streaming proxy.
Here is my tool:
Would you be aware of such a problem and how can I fix it? If you need more clarification please tell me.