Houdini Scientific Application and Showcase

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Dear all, I'm trying to prepare a proposal for a book about Scientific Application of Houdini. The idea is to cover both the visualization and also simulation tools and their use in a scientific environment.
If you are interested in the topic please contact me. I need feedback on the idea in order to l be able to develop a more defined draft. Also I will be glad to exchange opinions/ideas on this topic.

After talking with scientist and artist interested in this topic and also having a look at the journals of visualization that are around and the (quite few) books that reports Houdini workflow for scientific animation I think think that we should start with a thread were we can post when and how we used and use houdini for science. The topic of course is very wide and so I ask if you can contribute with images, links and references below I'm writing the topic that I will try to keep updated in this thread and if we grow up as a community we can also open a channel on the houdini slack in order to prepare some kind of “deliverable” (something like a the substance book for shaders that's the idea) or just a beautiful book about scientific visualization! and an istangram account or similar)

Topics can be
Houdini for MATHS&Physics
Houdini for plotting data
Houdini for Bioinspired simulations
Houdini for Biomedical images
Edited by giorgioluciano - Oct. 28, 2020 12:15:07
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Sounds exciting, I'm not a scientist, but I'd love to check it out.

Personally, I'm the most curious about combining Houdini with DL.

Like in this talk [www.youtube.com], Anastasia Opara talks about using DL to speed up terrain generation.

Also check out some interesting visualizations [github.com](also made by her).

Feel free to email me to raymestalez@gmail.com.
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3D Data Visualization for Science Communication > [www.coursera.org]
More stuff on the site of my research:
https://scivfx.wordpress.com/learn/visualization/ [scivfx.wordpress.com]
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The UTS Data Arena (Sydney Australia) has used Houdini for Data Viz since it opened in 2015.

Here's one example - the visualisation of bacteria. Images from a microscope (one per second)
were recorded and processed (Matlab) to locate and track bacteria, to better understand how
they travel (is it Stigmergy?) and communicate.

https://dataarena.net/projects/bacteria-life-sciences [dataarena.net]

There's more on the site. The Sydney Water pipe point-cloud was also processed in Houdini.

https://dataarena.net/projects/sydney-water-pipe [dataarena.net]

Edited by ben simons - March 25, 2020 20:00:26
''You're always doing this: reducing it to science. Why can't it be real?'' – Jackie Tyler
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This is very interesting, but I have no scientific background. I would be curios anyway to read it.

What is the target audience?

Personally, I'm the most curious about combining Houdini with DL.

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This is a very good video a saw on Entagma :
https://entagma.com/guest-tutorial-dr-jeroen-claus-rendering-the-corona-virus-spike-protein/ [entagma.com]
They are using scientific data bank and make the visualization. Amazing !
Presented by : Dr. Jeroen Claus of Phospho, a biologist and expert in visualizing molecular structures.
I'll be following this post.
This is a subject of interest to me.
I am still at the beginning of learning Houdini, but improving and I love this software and his elegant interface.
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I'm one of the instructors of the Coursera MOOC posted above. SideFX also conducted this interview with a coworker and me about our sciviz work in Houdini:

I'd be happy to be involved!
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At the Visualization Group [bsc.es] of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, we use Houdini to make data-driven videos, mostly for dissemination. This [youtu.be] is one of our latest projects using climate data and this [youtu.be] is an older one with biomedical simulation data.
We are also starting a project to develop conversion tools from Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation outputs to OpenVDB.
I would love to participate!
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Hi there. I started a VFX /Houdini discord server for this very purpose. Here is the link for it: https://discord.gg/qH5JBhCTcM [discord.gg]
Procedural Girl
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Excited to see this post!
I am a Phd student in physics, and I am very interested in using Houdini to build tools about numerical simulations(PDE, especially
solving Maxwell Equation such as FDTD, Boundary Element Method, etc).
I'd like to join and give feedbacks!
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Excited to see this post!
I am a Phd student in physics, and I am very interested in using Houdini to build tools about numerical simulations(PDE, especially
solving Maxwell Equation such as FDTD, Boundary Element Method, etc).
I'd like to join and give feedbacks!
Yeah! Feel free to click the link and join. everyone is welcome!
Procedural Girl
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