"No valid Houdini Engine session"

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What's going on? Even google doesn't come up with results on this subject.

Assets just don't cook.

There's no error message, but the Houdini icon remains there. Only "Show cook logs" reveals this error. UE 4.26.2 with Houdini Indie 18.5.633. I didn't install anything apart from the Houdini installer which I ordered to install the plugin for Unreal.

Do I need to check for former Engine installs (1.0) or do anything additional? 1.0 just worked flawlessly. : (

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Found a video on this subject. Do I need to install an additional license for the engine though I got an indie license?
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It should find and use your Indie license.
Does Houdini launch without issue?

Before starting Unreal, in Houdini, you can choose ...Windows..Houdini Engine SessionSync
Then choose Named Pipe and click Start.

Then launch Unreal.

This will start the session ahead of time that Unreal should connect to.
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Did you copy the engine binaries into Unreal? if you go into your Houdini install directory and look in engine/unreal you will see the HoudiniEngine folder, you need to manually copy that into your UE4.26?Engine/Plugins/Runtime folder
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