HDA parameter interface not shown in UE

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I have an HDA with a multi-tab interface which works perfectly in Houdini Indie. However, when I import the HDA to Unreal 4.25, the interface isn't shown. There are no error messages.

Does anybody know what could cause this?

I have asked Support several weeks ago, but they do not come back with any info.

Grateful for any pointers.
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Sorry if this is obvious, but you need to rebuild the HDA once for the plugin to pick up the parameters.

I wish there were a "Refresh Parameter Interface" that would just pick up the interface without actually cooking, this can be a pain with very heavy assets. (or assets that error out with bad parameter values..)
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I'm aware of this. However, trying to rebuild them causes an immediate crash.

I'm beginning to think this has to do with the version of Houdini, as I've seen indications in other threads that the 18.5.633 version has problems. Also, I'm on a Mac which clearly seems to be a second citizen in some respects.

Thanks anyway for your suggestion, it's much appreciated.
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I just heard from Support who have tried out one of my HDAs on Windows. It works perfectly, so the issue indeed seems to be platform related.
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The devs have now confirmed that the Mac version of Houdini Engine has platform-specific problems.
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